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Derby County FFP and the EFL



  • A club can only be expelled from EFL at an extraordinary General Meeting where all clubs vote on the expulsion. Perhaps the EFL scheduling such a meeting, say Friday this week, would concentrate minds. If proof of funding is provided before the meeting it could then be cancelled.

  • I'll repeat what I said in this thread a month or so ago.

    There is no genuine bidder. The club are going under.

    The writing (previously in pencil) is now on the wall in sharpie permanent pen.

    Get Derby out of the EFL now, or we will have to deal with this nonsense next season with Reading & Bristol City, then the following season again with other clubs. EFL have to make a proper statement now. Get Derby out of the EFL.

  • @arnos_grove said:
    Not returning calls to your regulator. The hallmark of a professional outfit.

    They’re either useless or incredibly arrogant.

    Don't rule out it being both.

  • @arnos_grove said:
    Not returning calls to your regulator. The hallmark of a professional outfit.

    They’re either useless or incredibly arrogant.

    But happy as Larry picking up their extortionate weekly fees and expenses.

  • The EFL should issue a statement tomorrow that is very clear:

    Provide proof of funds or proof of preferred bidder by close of play Friday 4th March otherwise we will temporarily suspend you from the league for 7 days with immediate effect.

    If by Friday 11th March you have not provided this proof, you will be expelled from the league permanently.

  • @arnos_grove said:
    Not returning calls to your regulator. The hallmark of a professional outfit.

    They’re either useless or incredibly arrogant.

    Perhaps they've also gone bust!

  • I quit twitter to save my sanity but, are we still being blamed ? Or now Morris has done a deal with Gibson has all that blown over ?

  • @HolmerBlue said:
    I quit twitter to save my sanity but, are we still being blamed ? Or now Morris has done a deal with Gibson has all that blown over ?

    Mainly blown over - still a few DCFC fans who can’t bring themselves to blame their club/management and look for anyone else to blame though

    Toys and pram scenario

    Derby v Barnsley on Saturday!

  • Is the end of the season only a month away? How time flies.

  • 'Sorry, folks we didn't get back to you because that Rob Couhig has been tying up all of our phones and email. He will not give over. We have enough money to get to the end of the month as long as that Rob Couhig does force us to pay him compensation. Can we send you some free signed DVD copies of Wayne's really great documentary?'

  • Surely they will have to offer some proof to the EFL that they have sufficient funding. Or are the EFL naive enough to take their word.... Oh wait.

  • Only enough for one month, not until the end of the season? Should have sold some actual first team players in January then shouldn't you? They're taking the absolute piss out of everyone here.

  • Did anyone else imagine the part where Derby were required to provide proof of funding for the rest of the season?

  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    Did anyone else imagine the part where Derby were required to provide proof of funding for the rest of the season?

    Treated with as much urgency as their tax bill

  • It all makes perfect sense. They have simply depreciated the season using a little known amortization method.

  • Ed_Ed_
    edited March 2022

    I think the plan in January was to be out of the relegation zone by now, having HMRC accepted a pittance and having Middlesborough and WWFC dropping their claims, thereby becoming a juicy morsel of a going concern for investors eager to pick up a club without a stadium. Only the baffling antipathy of everyone involved in football from the officials to the administrators to the creditors has prevented this from happening.

  • @micra - trying to decode your cryptic Derek Payne reference. Help me out old bean.

  • @Ed_ said:
    @micra - trying to decode your cryptic Derek Payne reference. Help me out old bean.

    Bit of silliness really. Someone on here yesterday talked about a commentator on three counties saying ‘them’ for ‘those’ and I guessed it was the former Watford stalwart, Derek Payne, who strangles the English language with total impunity. I was well aware of course that your reference to ‘them woods’ was for tone and not a linguistic lapse! In fact, I wondered if you might have said ‘them there woods’!

  • Thanks Micra, I am with you now. I was close to them there, but I can bear to stretch the mother tongue only so far.

  • @Ed_ said:
    Thanks Micra, I am with you now. I was close to them there, but I can bear to stretch the mother tongue only so far.

    Nice one!

  • edited March 2022


  • Just how much longer can the EFL ignore the complete incompetence of the administrators?

  • 'Soon'.....'shortly'.....'imminently'. How many more ways can these administrators find for saying 'sometime in the future - maybe!'
    I also noticed that having been asked for proof of funding for the rest of the season, they have produced a 'projection', when only days ago they had funds for a month. A projection could mean nothing more than the money fairy might turn up and throw some cash our way. Do they actually have the funds for the rest of the season, or don't they?

  • You are all talking like you can't wait for Derby's downfall. Who cares?!?!?!

    They will wait until the moment it looks like Derby are going down anyway, so they are "less to blame" for their imminent demise.

    Then Posh will have to eat a slice of humble pie, as they sue DCFC because they cheated.

  • @thecatwwfc said:
    You are all talking like you can't wait for Derby's downfall. Who cares?!?!?!

    They will wait until the moment it looks like Derby are going down anyway, so they are "less to blame" for their imminent demise.

    Then Posh will have to eat a slice of humble pie, as they sue DCFC because they cheated.

    If you don't want to read what is inevitable scorn towards Derby, you probably should stay away from the thread about Derby.

    And certainly avoid it next season, as barring a miracle for them, or incredible run of form for us, it's very likely we'll have it all again in the same division :)

  • @thecatwwfc said:
    You are all talking like you can't wait for Derby's downfall. Who cares?!?!?!

    They will wait until the moment it looks like Derby are going down anyway, so they are "less to blame" for their imminent demise.

    Then Posh will have to eat a slice of humble pie, as they sue DCFC because they cheated.

    At one time I said I did not want to see any club go out of business. Now I feel that DCFC have done so little to help their own cause, put their house in order, cut expenses, and run in a sustainable manner that I really don't care whether they survive or not.

  • I don't want to see any club fold. It's not the supporters' fault. Punish the club, punish the owners and do what is "fair". But for them to not exist would be sad. They fell into the wrong shouldn't have their club taken away from them.

    Not denying that they should be punished. But why are we all counting down to it? I couldn't care less. I care about Wycombe and the present. We can't change last season so let's get on with it. RC will sort it, and Derby will exist. I just want it to end because its all a bit embarrassing what people think of us (right or wrong).

  • I agree with you @thecatwwfc. I don’t want to see any club go out of business and those that do are not thinking what that would mean to the supporters and community. It is easy to just say they cheated so get them out of the EFL but that is not the solution. The solution is stricter spending rules and financial transparency.
    We (Wycombe Wanderers), may well have gone the same way if Hayes had got his plans approved for a new stadium development. God knows where that would have taken us.
    All I know is I cannot imagine High Wycombe without the Wanderers, it would be devastating for the supporters and community in general.

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