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Derby County FFP and the EFL



  • Surely the EFL have run out of road in which to kick the can down?

  • Come next week the line will be ‘we have only got a couple of months left in the season, surely there’s nothing to lose by letting us finish the season off’.

  • @LordMandeville said:
    Surely the EFL have run out of road in which to kick the can down?

    It's a ring road

  • The EFL seem to be damned if they do and damned if they don't. They really do seem to be trying to impose the correct sanctions on Derby whilst also trying to give them a chance to survive.
    The problem here, is that if they throw them out after missing the deadline but a deal was imminent they'd get huge criticism. Equally, if they extend the deadline again they get huge criticism. I think the administrators are relying on this to get extra time.
    I'm not sure what's in the rules but I think they should give them another points deduction for failing to keep to the deadline.
    Just keep adding to it.
    Then, over the close season they need to bring in clearer rules that allow them to act. Turkeys voting for Xmas etc, etc but this cannot continue.
    Reading will be next and possibly Bristol City.
    We may not even need to finish in the top 6 if they all go tits up this season!

  • @drcongo said:
    “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.” - Douglas Adams

    All hail Douglas Adams

  • Deadlines seem to be totally alien to the EFL and then to Derby. Why bother? Derby hold the football family as they so dearly preach in such contempt it’s a joke. I had sympathy for a good while but they are just mocking everyone who obeys the laws of the game.

  • Under EFL rule D, subsection C, clause F, paragraph C "Deadline aka just another day of the week".

  • Derby fans blaming Steve Gibson for taking 4 months to agree to a settlement is the most Derby thing I can think of.

  • @Commoner Well I for one am damning them when they don't, which seems fair since they supposedly have a duty to apply their own bylaws for the good of the members as a whole. 'When they do' has not come about yet, we can only really discuss the reaction to that should it ever come to pass.

  • Every day past the deadline results in a single point being deducted.

    Wayne Rooneys Derby County know they can do what they want with ineffective regulators. Much like so much of life these days to be honest.

  • They were saying on TalkSport the other day that it would be a "fairytale if Derby stay up", and that "every neutral would be routing for them due to what they are going through"...... they realise what they are promoting?

    Adrian Durham before you ask. Who I thought had more intelligence than that.

  • When has Adrian Durham ever given off an intelligent vibe?

  • If I had been allowed to kick the can down the road for this long, the can would no longer be in any state to continue being kicked, and my mum would be going mental over the state of my shoes...

  • The only fairytale I see is the one Derby fans have created for themselves justifying the disgraceful actions of the people who ran their club. It’s a pity @Raminpeace hasn’t responded to some of the excellent posts here since his last visit although having his arguments dissected and rebutted one by one probably put paid to him returning.

  • @LeedsBlue said:
    If I had been allowed to kick the can down the road for this long, the can would no longer be in any state to continue being kicked, and my mum would be going mental over the state of my shoes...

    One word …. Bury

    The EFL cut their throat at the first slipped deadline. This lot have been given so many chances it’s like Wayne’s relationship with his wife. Disgraceful and yet another example of big club favouritism.

  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    When has Adrian Durham ever given off an intelligent vibe?

    I put Adrian Durham in the same category as Alan Swann when it comes to dislike of WWFC. I once challenged him when he had some pretty unpleasant things to say about our club, our manager and even Akinfenwa. He didn’t even have the courtesy to reply.
    To be fair to the bloke he’s a talented broadcaster, but I disagree with so much of what he says on a whole range of football topics.

  • In fairness, he might well be intelligent, but working for talkSPORT requires that you don't show it.

  • A notable exception being Simon Jordan who is so knowledgeable, forthright and articulate.

  • @glasshalffull said:

    @ReturnToSenda said:
    When has Adrian Durham ever given off an intelligent vibe?

    I put Adrian Durham in the same category as Alan Swann when it comes to dislike of WWFC. I once challenged him when he had some pretty unpleasant things to say about our club, our manager and even Akinfenwa. He didn’t even have the courtesy to reply.
    To be fair to the bloke he’s a talented broadcaster, but I disagree with so much of what he says on a whole range of football topics.

    Adrian Durham is just a troll with a title. You have the gutter press and then you have gutter broadcasters. He's the only reason I stopped listening to Talksport on my way home. His broadcasting style is so aggressive, troll like and uninformative.

  • Well, anyone got a clue now the extended deadline of the original deadline has expired? It would appear that the administrator has been blowing hot air for the past few months.?

  • Adrian Durham is a click bait broadcaster. Say anything for a reaction whilst giving no-one any idea his actual opinion on anything. Van drivers and taxi drivers take the bait though

  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    In fairness, he might well be intelligent, but working for talkSPORT requires that you don't show it.

    Simon Jordan might be my favourite pundit. He certainly is an intelligent guy.

  • Simon Jordan manages to come from angle that is often overlooked. Add that to his experience in the often murky world of football ownership, he is refreshing to listen to.

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Adrian Durham is a click bait broadcaster. Say anything for a reaction whilst giving no-one any idea his actual opinion on anything. Van drivers and taxi drivers take the bait though

    Well he certainly expressed his opinion about WWFC. I will try and find my text to him and post it on here.

  • Here you go… Adrian, your rant about Wycombe on TalkSport today has been pointed out to me. I would respectfully like to correct you on certain factual errors:
    1) We didn't finish 8th, we finished 3rd in the final league table, irrespective of whether or not you agree with the way it was arrived at.
    2) We were not on a 'terrible run'. In the 5 games before lockdown, we won 9 points, one fewer than your own team Peterborough.
    3) Your statement that we 'would have finished mid table' is opinion, not fact. We were just 3pts behind 2nd place with a game in hand when the season was suspended and Gareth Ainsworth felt that we had a good chance of automatic promotion. Only his opinion, of course, but arguably just as valid as yours.
    4) We spent more time in the top 3 than any other club and dropped out of the play off places only because we were due to play Bury on the final Saturday before lockdown and therefore had no game.
    5) The chairman said that playing potentially 13 games with no income would seriously damage the club's finances. It was obviously far less damaging to play only 2/3 games.
    An overwhelming majority of clubs felt the same way.

    I won't comment on your remarks about Ainsworth and Akinfenwa and how you think Wycombe will fare in the Championship because you are entitled to your views, but as a broadcast journalist you have a duty not to confuse facts with opinions. Yours, Alan Parry.

  • Have you had many spats with other broadcasters @glasshalffull? Would make a great semi-regular new feature on Ringing the Blues.

  • @drcongo said:
    Have you had many spats with other broadcasters @glasshalffull? Would make a great semi-regular new feature on Ringing the Blues.

    'Alan's Dis-parry-ties'


  • Ed_Ed_
    edited March 2022

    @drcongo "Parry Put-Downs: one man's crusade to trawl through the gutter press and take out the trash"

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