Could be that Ewan, or could be that he was still hobbling from his foot injury, inexplicably missed when the club did his medical, and as a result failed to escape a rabid dog that bit him on the dick. More likely though that a sportsman has just randomly picked up a groin strain.
If the mood is to find fault in everything, see every negative thing as entirely predictable and avoidable and see every positive as luck, then you will always find evidence to support your preconception. I dare say I will not persuade you otherwise, not sure I can be bothered any more to try.
If Weston had indeed "failed to escape a rabid dog that bit him on the dick" at Crawley, instead of simply pulling up injured, it would have made it a far more entertaining and memorable game.
I always thought groin strains were symptomatic of fibres in the adductor muscle group tearing. Still, Dr. Dev has revolutionised physiotherapy at a stroke with the 'dog bites penis' hypothesis.
I may be wrong but as far as I am aware Weston's injury has only been confirmed as a groin injury not a groin strain. You get bitten on the dick by a rabid dog, you've got a groin injury. Gosh I only meant it as a mild joke, but maybe I have hit on the truth..........
Not wishing to get involved/take sides here but there is an almost Douglas Adamsesque response to some of DevC's posts that require some quite major lateral mind shifts to understand.
Keep it up people please. Those of us who are easily amused by such whimsical matters appreciate the 'banter' (with apologies to the estimatable @banterking )
As far as I am aware there are no dogs with rabies in this country so unless Weston has been playing overseas his dick could not have been infected. However bats do carry the virus.
@DevC I guess it was a lazy assumption from me that 'groin injury' meant a strain, when of course it was always more likely to be due to a deranged but peckish dog with a taste for errr.. raw sausages.
You are probably right it was lazy but it seems Mooney has raised another possibility for Mr Weston's penile rabid condition, which we must examine.
It is possible of course, Weston is from Caribbean ancestry and as such must be keen on cricket and summer has only just finished. But unlikely I would have thought. Weston is a sportsman for Wycombe Wanderers who are not doing well, so we must immediately leap to the conclusion that Weston is a conference south level cricketer at best, who therefore spends little time in contact with his bat.
No I think we must conclude that the dog theory is the correct one. But where did his contact with a rabid dog take place? After all as Mooneyman says rabid dogs are a rare event in this country.
We could speculate that the close proximity of the Gatwick Dog Pound to the Crawley ground has again come into play after other distressing incidents involving Dave Bassett in the 60s and Keith Scottie in the 90s. But I am told security has been stepped up these days and this cannot be the reason.
I have wondered if I take some responsibility. Could it be that either of my two favourite bands are somehow involved but on checking I see that the Crawley live music scene is as moribund as that of High Wycombe and neither Mad Dog Mccrea (Oxford Dec 3rd) nor Ferocious Dog (London April) were in the area at the time.
So I have done some detective work and found the solution. As is the Gasroom way, I have created a fact to fit the agenda and concluded that the incubation period for rabies in dogs is 21 days. And who was it 21 days before the Crawley game skulking back into the country after gallivanting around the Vannes area of Brittany, deep into rabies infested country – yes none other than Gareth Ainsworth and his dog Spot.
So I think the evidence is clear. Not only is Gareth Ainsworth now a useless football manager, responsible for all ills that has ever befallen WWFC, tactically inept, lost the dressing room, conference south at best standard manager, responsible for Noel Ashford’s leaving for Barnet, for the arrival of Steve Hayes and I understand best mates with Alan Smith but it is now clear that his chronic lack of basic canine control has directly resulted in a serious injury to a star player. Useless twat.
I do however want to make absolutely clear that despite holding the rabid dog-owning incompetent manager personally responsible for our inevitable relegation, likely club extinction, the dangerous rise in nationalism that aided by Faraj and our Foreign Secretary, the fat Faraj, threatens to destroy the values of our society, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga and Premier League B teams, I am not calling for Mr Ainsworth to be sacked. Instead I intend to whine and moan incessantly, whip up negativity, undermine him at every opportunity in the hope that he “comes under pressure”. So there.
@DevC When the new Gasroom opened and you first starting posting I often agreed with you, and even defended you when I felt you were being targeted unfairly for merely stating opinions or making a joke here and there.
However, you've been getting more and more verbose, more and more boring, more and more far removed from reality in recent times.
This latest post is the most bizarre, winding load of watery shite I think I've ever read on here.
Please, this is merely a request, but could you?
Proofread what you post.
Ask yourself - is it even remotely on topic?
Could I cut out half of the sentences?
Have I actually considered the point I am making?
Have I made the point a million times before?
I should have also pointed out that having read that GA is "a friend of Alan Smith" I withdraw any support I have previously given him. Or is Alan Smith the rabid dog/bat? I get easily confused
@Right_in_the_Middle said:
Wow. If ever a moderator deletion is required that is it.
It's very difficult to moderate DevC's posts because that would mean one of us would have to read the bloody thing. I could write a background process that simply deletes one in 4 of his posts. This I reckon would be a pretty high accuracy rate, and the collateral damage I could live with.
An attempt to illustrate through absurdism (with a touch of humour attached) the way football forums work has failed. OK take that on the chin. Lets just say it straight.
All too often a collective mood takes hold. That mood takes random inaccuracies that get repeated until they are accepted as fact. Then a victim is chosen and a heap of often inaccurate and unfair abuse is heaped upon his head with the herd competing with themselves to find yet another angle to kick him. It is almost invariably black or white with no shade of grey.
And we are there now with Gareth Ainsworth. Endless abuse by a herd, blaming him for anything and everything. To me it is grossly unfair treatment of a decent man plainly doing his best, with no account taken of the good things he has brought to the club and the circumstances and luck he is having to cope with.
To me it is at best collective kicking a good man when he is down and at worst bullying.
Frankly that makes me rather angry, its just not a proper way to behave to my morals, as does for that matter what I perceive as the significant damage to the club that may result.
To be fair those behaviours are not unique to WWFC, indeed other clubs may be worse, it doesn't make them right IMHO.
You may not agree with this analysis. You may feel the collective has done nothing wrong. You are entitled to that opinion.
Lots of words but I think from your distant perch you've just got the whole mood wrong. I'm not sure any of what you say is actually true for the majority (or collective in your weird scifi term) of Wycombe fans.
I don't see any of what you are assuming is happening at matches.
Most of the posts I've read on the Gasroom (as opposed to the Facebook page) have been relatively supportive of Gaz so far, despite very understandable frustrations with myriad aspects of how the team are playing and performing. Pretty much everyone has expressed a wish for him to turn things round and succeed. Hardly the pack mentality tearing a good man apart picture that you paint.
Could be that Ewan, or could be that he was still hobbling from his foot injury, inexplicably missed when the club did his medical, and as a result failed to escape a rabid dog that bit him on the dick. More likely though that a sportsman has just randomly picked up a groin strain.
If the mood is to find fault in everything, see every negative thing as entirely predictable and avoidable and see every positive as luck, then you will always find evidence to support your preconception. I dare say I will not persuade you otherwise, not sure I can be bothered any more to try.
Best news I've heard all day
If Weston had indeed "failed to escape a rabid dog that bit him on the dick" at Crawley, instead of simply pulling up injured, it would have made it a far more entertaining and memorable game.
I always thought groin strains were symptomatic of fibres in the adductor muscle group tearing. Still, Dr. Dev has revolutionised physiotherapy at a stroke with the 'dog bites penis' hypothesis.
I may be wrong but as far as I am aware Weston's injury has only been confirmed as a groin injury not a groin strain. You get bitten on the dick by a rabid dog, you've got a groin injury. Gosh I only meant it as a mild joke, but maybe I have hit on the truth..........
Not wishing to get involved/take sides here but there is an almost Douglas Adamsesque response to some of DevC's posts that require some quite major lateral mind shifts to understand.
Keep it up people please. Those of us who are easily amused by such whimsical matters appreciate the 'banter' (with apologies to the estimatable @banterking )
As far as I am aware there are no dogs with rabies in this country so unless Weston has been playing overseas his dick could not have been infected. However bats do carry the virus.
@DevC I guess it was a lazy assumption from me that 'groin injury' meant a strain, when of course it was always more likely to be due to a deranged but peckish dog with a taste for errr.. raw sausages.
You are probably right it was lazy but it seems Mooney has raised another possibility for Mr Weston's penile rabid condition, which we must examine.
It is possible of course, Weston is from Caribbean ancestry and as such must be keen on cricket and summer has only just finished. But unlikely I would have thought. Weston is a sportsman for Wycombe Wanderers who are not doing well, so we must immediately leap to the conclusion that Weston is a conference south level cricketer at best, who therefore spends little time in contact with his bat.
No I think we must conclude that the dog theory is the correct one. But where did his contact with a rabid dog take place? After all as Mooneyman says rabid dogs are a rare event in this country.
We could speculate that the close proximity of the Gatwick Dog Pound to the Crawley ground has again come into play after other distressing incidents involving Dave Bassett in the 60s and Keith Scottie in the 90s. But I am told security has been stepped up these days and this cannot be the reason.
I have wondered if I take some responsibility. Could it be that either of my two favourite bands are somehow involved but on checking I see that the Crawley live music scene is as moribund as that of High Wycombe and neither Mad Dog Mccrea (Oxford Dec 3rd)
nor Ferocious Dog (London April)
were in the area at the time.
So I have done some detective work and found the solution. As is the Gasroom way, I have created a fact to fit the agenda and concluded that the incubation period for rabies in dogs is 21 days. And who was it 21 days before the Crawley game skulking back into the country after gallivanting around the Vannes area of Brittany, deep into rabies infested country – yes none other than Gareth Ainsworth and his dog Spot.
So I think the evidence is clear. Not only is Gareth Ainsworth now a useless football manager, responsible for all ills that has ever befallen WWFC, tactically inept, lost the dressing room, conference south at best standard manager, responsible for Noel Ashford’s leaving for Barnet, for the arrival of Steve Hayes and I understand best mates with Alan Smith but it is now clear that his chronic lack of basic canine control has directly resulted in a serious injury to a star player. Useless twat.
I do however want to make absolutely clear that despite holding the rabid dog-owning incompetent manager personally responsible for our inevitable relegation, likely club extinction, the dangerous rise in nationalism that aided by Faraj and our Foreign Secretary, the fat Faraj, threatens to destroy the values of our society, Donald Trump, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga and Premier League B teams, I am not calling for Mr Ainsworth to be sacked. Instead I intend to whine and moan incessantly, whip up negativity, undermine him at every opportunity in the hope that he “comes under pressure”. So there.
(p.s. my Malaysian friend insists Faraj is the correct spelling –
A new low
Did anyone actually bother to read all of that?
Wow. If ever a moderator deletion is required that is it.
I got as far as the unbelievable comment about "Caribbean ancestry" and stopped
There are 20 known species of bat in the Caribbean, including the northern ghost bat.
@DevC When the new Gasroom opened and you first starting posting I often agreed with you, and even defended you when I felt you were being targeted unfairly for merely stating opinions or making a joke here and there.
However, you've been getting more and more verbose, more and more boring, more and more far removed from reality in recent times.
This latest post is the most bizarre, winding load of watery shite I think I've ever read on here.
Please, this is merely a request, but could you?
Proofread what you post.
Ask yourself - is it even remotely on topic?
Could I cut out half of the sentences?
Have I actually considered the point I am making?
Have I made the point a million times before?
It would appear that south-western humour doesn't translate too well with the more urbane Home Counties brethren.
I should have also pointed out that having read that GA is "a friend of Alan Smith" I withdraw any support I have previously given him. Or is Alan Smith the rabid dog/bat? I get easily confused
It's very difficult to moderate DevC's posts because that would mean one of us would have to read the bloody thing. I could write a background process that simply deletes one in 4 of his posts. This I reckon would be a pretty high accuracy rate, and the collateral damage I could live with.
Re the Caribbean ancestry thing - Weston has played for Antigua so I'm assuming that it wasn't an "old-fashioned" way of saying he is black.
You know assumptions are a DevC staple. With his Ego this high at the moment I'm not discounting him thinking he can get away with anything.
What about the assumption that he must like cricket?
Stop defending him
@eric_plant thought you'd only read as far as 'Caribbean Ancestry'?
Yeah, same sentence
Don't get smart with me sunshine
No need to be so aggressive.
Just noticed the swap from commas to ands in that sentence too.
Well that went well!
An attempt to illustrate through absurdism (with a touch of humour attached) the way football forums work has failed. OK take that on the chin. Lets just say it straight.
All too often a collective mood takes hold. That mood takes random inaccuracies that get repeated until they are accepted as fact. Then a victim is chosen and a heap of often inaccurate and unfair abuse is heaped upon his head with the herd competing with themselves to find yet another angle to kick him. It is almost invariably black or white with no shade of grey.
And we are there now with Gareth Ainsworth. Endless abuse by a herd, blaming him for anything and everything. To me it is grossly unfair treatment of a decent man plainly doing his best, with no account taken of the good things he has brought to the club and the circumstances and luck he is having to cope with.
To me it is at best collective kicking a good man when he is down and at worst bullying.
Frankly that makes me rather angry, its just not a proper way to behave to my morals, as does for that matter what I perceive as the significant damage to the club that may result.
To be fair those behaviours are not unique to WWFC, indeed other clubs may be worse, it doesn't make them right IMHO.
You may not agree with this analysis. You may feel the collective has done nothing wrong. You are entitled to that opinion.
I agree that managers, and players too, are over praised when things seem to be going well; and over criticised when they aren't.
I don't think it's bullying though, and I'm sure Ainsworth was well aware of what to expect when he signed up.
It's an especially tough job being the manager of a team with less than average resources, as you are likely to lose more than you win.
"Endless abuse"?
What on earth are you talking about?
Lots of words but I think from your distant perch you've just got the whole mood wrong. I'm not sure any of what you say is actually true for the majority (or collective in your weird scifi term) of Wycombe fans.
I don't see any of what you are assuming is happening at matches.
Most of the posts I've read on the Gasroom (as opposed to the Facebook page) have been relatively supportive of Gaz so far, despite very understandable frustrations with myriad aspects of how the team are playing and performing. Pretty much everyone has expressed a wish for him to turn things round and succeed. Hardly the pack mentality tearing a good man apart picture that you paint.
@drcongo , can dev have his own thread?
Not in a "star poster" sort of way, but more a "limited" only to posting there sort of way.
pretty please.