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The definitive ex-player news thread



  • suggestion is that he signed briefly for hemel hempstead and although players can move from league to non-league outside of transfer window, they cant go the other way - even if their nonleague contract has expired

  • The Hemel move was more than just a suggestion, it was broken news. The surprise was that he would sign for Hemel, and then manage to get a move straight back into the league almost immediately.

    Some might say it was a way to get a payoff, which might not have been as readily agreed to if we'd known he'd pop up in the same division!

  • Would "some" have even a smidgen of evidence to support their theory?

  • I thought I saw on one media platform somewhere that he had signed for Hemel?

  • @EwanHoosaami said:
    I thought I saw on one media platform somewhere that he had signed for Hemel?

    I read he played one game for them,i'm starting to think Hayes is taking the piss after we paid him off,be honest who would want him playing for us as he was completely shot and taking the place of players who were a damn site better than him? Ainsworth needs to justify giving him a 2 year contract which was a joke.

  • There is no reason to believe that Hayes deliberately ripped us off.

  • Or that we paid him off for that matter

  • @robin what are you talking about?

  • edited November 2017

    Would we have paid him anything if he'd made the straight forward move direct to Newport is the question.
    I'd suggest no chance.

  • Surely the main point is that no-one really knows the details of the financial arrangements when Hayes left us and the second point I'd make is that if we made a pay off to him he deserved it. Lots of rumour being taken as fact on this but it does look like he's got himself in to a little bit of a mess over it.

  • @Malone said:
    Would we have paid him anything if he'd made the straight forward move direct to Newport is the question.
    I'd suggest no chance.

    We probably would have paid something to get him off the wage bill. He was reputedly our highest earner and I doubt Newport would have matched his salary.

  • He was, but surely the point of that 2 year deal was to get his wages down, while he kept security with the extra year.

    There's no way we would have given him 2 years on the same money when he was clearly on the wane, and could be relied on less and less.

    In hindsight, it's pretty clear he was the weak half of the Hayes-Thommo combo, when most of us thought the opposite at the start

  • A the end of the day all parties went into his 2-year deal happy and all parties left the deal happy with compliments all round and much love from fans, staff and colleagues alike. I don't resent a penny he has from us as he was a total pro for all the time he was with us. There have been plenty of players we have paid off that I have resented every penny they got from us even when they were playing - Hayes will never be one of them.

  • I couldn’t agree more.

  • moi aussi @TheAndyGrahamFanClub but where would we be if, as we are not struggling yet, someone did not think someone had made a terrible error that we have not been told about that makes them VERY ANGRY!!!!!!

  • @Wendoverman Maybe its cos every time I read the news I realise I have no more capacity to be angry. Once the world has got back on its axis again I will revisit this post and respond with a disproportionate rant.

  • Well said.

  • @TheAndyGrahamFanClub I hear you and I'm old enough to have seen all the news there is. Good luck to Paul Hayes I am sure the club and he came to an arrangement that suits all parties and for that Spurs goal alone, I salute him.

  • I heard Paul Hayes touched a mascot on the knee once when he missed with a high five.

  • Interesting article on former Chairboy Graham Potter (3 loan appearances no less!)

  • Anthony Grant battling away in the Peterborough midfield against Wimbledon on Sky this afternoon. Junior Morias out for a few months with torn thigh muscle.

  • Just noticed Steve Taylor as well in the Peterborough back four. It’s only taken me 70 minuets. Sorry, minutes. Well past Strictly.

  • A comeback for another ex Wanderer

  • @micra, A shame with Taylor, as he was one of those players tipped for massive accolades (at the time - not these days where any old iron can do it) to captain England, let alone be a top player.
    Had a long Premier league run, but definitely had the talent for more.

  • So I believe @Malone. He was so mature for his age when he played those half a dozen games for us. Did he go off the rails at some stage?

  • Not sure. Probably.
    It's amazing any players don't, when they're thrust into fame, ridiculous money and worshipped by fans.

    Unfortunately, the thing most people will remember Taylor for was one of the most outrageous attempts to con a ref ever seen

  • I thought he signed for Ipswich in the summer? That didn't last long.

  • I think injuries affected Taylor's career and I'm fairly sure the circus in Newcastle couldn't have helped. Made an amazing impact at Wycombe and really deserved even more due to his commitment and attitude.

  • Over 100 Premier League appearances is pretty good going.

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