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Ainsworth leaves QPR



  • Luckily no-one on here would revel in that Ainsworth losing his job (whilst forcing Dobbo to join him at QPR) and take pleasure in suggesting he might not get another.

  • On the plus side I’ve googled QPR too often because I wanted GA to succeed. Now I can simply revel in their demise.

  • Why come back? Because he obviously loved it here and I assume wants a wage coming in.

    Option 1: stick with Gaz. Next job is probably at a struggling club and could be the other end of the country. Every chance you're out again in under 18 mths.

    Option 2: coaching role at Wycombe. Assurances from Bobby C you're the next man in the hotseat.

    Obviously I don't know his circumstances or what he'd want. But there's a pitch we can make to him and the worst he could do is turn us down.

    MB would need to be onboard of course. But as a relative managerial novice I reckon he'd see value in having another trusted, experienced member of staff around.

    We know Dobbo to be a very astute coach, tactician, judge of character and recruiter of football players who is currently out of work. It would be crackpot for us to not at least have a quiet chat and see if he'd be interested.

  • It is nuts that they let him stay through an intentional break, only to let him get beat by top of the league to sack him

  • They did just get self-sponsoring naming rights for Loftus Road in place. I wonder if they were waiting on that for the necessary FFP-compliant funds to be able to pay him off?

  • They waited until he was watching New Zealand doing the haka

  • Exactly.

    He's not going to go on the QPR video and say "well Gaz wanted to come, I didn't really, but was duty bound."

    His video leaving Wycombe was more telling, borderline tears.

  • It is possible to both want to move on to a new opportunity and to be sad about leaving your current employer.

  • I had pondered for a while how the fan base would react when the inevitable happened at QPR.

    I’m sad for Dobbo and Ainsworth - both great human beings. I’m delighted that pretty much everyone is happy to raise a glass to our previous management team whilst also recognising that the new is showing signs of being quite special.

    My only thought about Ainsworth is who would be a good fit for his style. And his style is passion. Joining a dressing room of cynics and pampered ‘stars’ is not the club for him. I hope he makes a good choice.

  • edited October 2023

    Sutton United would be right up their street, should they ever depart with Gray.

  • The best thing for gaz is not to rush into anything he deserves a break. He signed a 3.5 year contract and is only 10 months into it on a reported £600,000 a year he would have been paid over 1.5 million in compensation. I’m sure dobbo will be ok too.

  • I'd be very surprised if Ainsworth was on a figure of £600,000 a year. I imagine he was at least close to double that. He was in such a strong negotiating position when he took the job. Obviously pure speculation though.

    I've always felt that Gaz's way was an acquired taste recently and I believe that has been demonstrated by the amount of time he spent with us last time, when bigger jobs like the QPR one kept passing him by it seems.

    I'll get slated for this but whilst I predicted this would happen for him at QPR, I'd also take him back in an instance, regardless of the decent job I think Matt Bloomfield is doing. There are examples of managers and clubs only truly working in top gear when they are combined and I believe Gaz at Wycombe is one of them.

    Whilst I respect their ambition, Dobbo and Gaz were a little giddy and, to be honest native to that QPR gig. All the best for the future, because they are both outstanding and talented men. I hope it is with us.

  • I think I disagree with almost all of that, he had been overlooked for so many jobs in his decade here including that one several times, finally they offered him it albeit with them in ruins, it did give their board some cover to appoint an ex player with a track record of performing with low resources but they don't have large amounts themselves and would have quickly moved on had he not accepted. It's a bit undignified to be speculating on his wages the day after he got the sack and he had done ok before so shouldn't be in any rush.

    Also firing and paying up a manager with a decade of playing service behind him who we paid a fee for amid a succession plan and backed through early struggles (and presumably most of his staff) to bring back people who moved on isn't right, presumably if we were to do that switch people would be calling for their heads too a few months down the line if we hit a poor patch.

  • Can't believe people would be happy to instantly sack Blooms to get GA back ! How truly dreadful and disrespectful would that be, an awful look for the club as well, and if Ainsworth himself would be happy to do that then he would go down massively in my estimation as well.

    I was unsure with the appointment of Blooms at the start, but he has proved himself as far as I'm concerned with the performances and recruitment this season, we are playing nicer football, and I certainly don't miss the time wasting and gamesmanship that we used to do.

    I think Gareth has done his time here and needs to move on, I'd say Reading would be the perfect job for him if it came up soon and they could sort their finances out. As for Dobbo, I'd welcome him back here in any position that was possible. But if he wants to move around with Gareth so be it.

  • He should go to Saudi Arabia to specifically manage Al Ain in the Saudi second division. 10,000 capacity stadium in a town with a similar size population to Wycombe. A good fit for him and we could all say Al Ainsworth.

  • I feel very sorry for all the staff who went to QPR but it was always going to end this way.

    No need to bring Gaz and Dobbo back whilst Blooms is with us, I think he’s got the makings of a fine manager.

    As for Gaz, the next move is key. With football more and more in the grasp of big money and people with big egos and questionable morals (both players and owners) and him being a man of decency and humility, finding a club with matching values seems to me the way to go. With Brizzle employing the likes of Barton I’d question theirs. Reading? Not convinced it’s a good fit. Maybe Lincoln, decent fan base to build on, who don’t seem to think they are entitled to be a ‘big club’.

    But no rush. There’s time to reflect on QPR and make sense of what he learned. I’m sure we’ll see him back at AP (or our new Belarus Bowl) and I for one will be delighted.

  • Wimbledon fans seem quite keen on him. I always forget he played for them.

  • No mention if David Wates or Ainsworth’s stats man ( name escapes me ) have been sacked also. Probably find out when the new manager arrives and brings in his people.

  • Are your salary estimates based on anything other than guesswork? Asking through genuine interest.

    I'd also have GA back in a heartbeat if the stars aligned in future. We lose credibility as an employer if we sack the incumbent while they're doing a good job, however.

  • Also the small matter that Gaz recommended Blooms for the job and neither Gaz nor Dobbo would touch it with a bargepole in those circumstances

  • He could get the band back together...Bayo also a former player

  • After everything that’s happened, do you think Ainsworth regrets taking the QPR job? He strikes me as someone who doesn’t live with regrets, but his professional life has changed dramatically within a year.

  • He will have known better than anyone the level of risk going to QPR. But clearly felt it was now or never - his chance to manage a bigger team.

    Wouldn't be at all surprised to see him pop up at Bristol Rovers. League One seems to be the right level for him. But would would love to take him on were I a rough and ready League Two Club going places and battling for promotion.

  • I don't think he regrets it. A positive chap, and you don't want to shrink from a challenge and die not knowing, as it were.

  • For me...I loved the Ainsworth era but we have moved on. There were good reasons that he moved on. He will have learned his lesson and if he gets another billet with proper backing he will come roaring back.

  • I guess the shame is that GAs option will be to do what he did with us, but with another team.

    It was one thing seeing him return to QPR after taking us so far, it's another to see him head to Cheltenham for example and take them near the top of the league.

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