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Nathan Bishop set to sign



  • edited July 2022

    Well we need a goalkeeper by Thursday (Friday morning at a push?) so we're sorted there for Bolton

  • Australia wasn't it?

    But the point is, they've seemingly released him to be with us on Saturday, and potentially trained with us too (rumours), but not letting him play for us. Very strange.

  • The club currently has the most competent leadership it's ever had - don't worry, the GK situation will be sorted.

  • We’re Wycombe Wanderers

    we’re top of the league….

    Relax, enjoy the ride and trust the process. We are in good hands

  • Harsh on Tyla

  • Will be interesting to see what happens this week in terms of a goalkeeper. It is very obvious that Ainsworth was not intending to start with Dickinson in goal for the first league game , with his pursuit of Bishop since the start of the window. Bishop wasn’t going to sit on the bench. What appears obvious is that Ainsworth thought it was going happen early last week. Clearly issues have occurred during the process and we will never what has currently stopped the move. Our incompetence or Man Utd moving the goal posts?

    Hopefully we can resurrect the deal or move onto Plan B( not sure we have one) quickly.

  • You see it in the gossip columns of the papers all the time, Player A is fed up with playing for X and wants a move to Y and it goes on for a while like that and people start to wonder whether it was all just a rumour or whether there is some wrangling going on behind the scenes. I wonder whether this is a new thing for us as a club. Have we now got sufficient pull as a club consistently vying at the top of tier three, who allows players to move on at the right time, who treats players like Freeman (welcome back to the pitch Nick) with such regard, who keeps a settled, happy and progressive atmosphere that we are now regarded as a team to fight to move to when you are looking to kickstart your career? Aside from the specifics of the Bishop situation, is this a symptom of years of doing the right thing at the right time? Is it bearing a new type of fruit?

  • (But we do need a new number 1 in place for Bolton)

  • We don’t actually NEED a new number 1 in place for Bolton (but would probably but would probably BENEFIT from having one)

  • I personally think if Bishop does sign it will be today or tomorrow. I would imagine if we haven’t found a way to sort out the remaining issue by then it is likely to be an irresolvable issue and we shall look elsewhere.

    i think GA has enough faith in Dickinson to allow 2 or 3 weeks to find the best/right fit

  • It’s certainly an odd situation.

    To a degree, there’s some plausibility to Manchester United wanting to keep Bishop for this weekend’s matches, given they slightly bizarrely had arranged to play two sides from La Liga in the space of 24 hours with one match in Oslo and one in Manchester.

    It looks like they basically played two completely different sides which would be at least some justification for keeping their 4 main goalkeepers (De Gea, Heaton, Kovar & Bishop - with Henderson out on loan at Forest).

    However, Heaton and Kovar flew back from Oslo and we’re in the side for the game at Old Trafford, so Bishop was one of two goalkeepers on the bench.

    Maybe there is something to the suggestion that Heaton had a knock and Bishop was there just in case they needed another keeper, which in the end they didn’t really.

    Hopefully the fog will clear as the week goes on.

  • Is De Gea no longer first choice at Man Utd? Why do they need 4 keepers?

  • All Premier teams have at least 4 pro keepers. If I remember correctly, when we signed Blackman on loan from Chelsea he was their fifth choice and on £15k per week.

  • This has always worried me about having a "Loanee" in as a Goalkeeper. As it's such a specialised position and it's prob the only position that isn't changed when rotating the squad, all it takes is for the parent club to recall the player and we could be in this situation again during the season and with less notice!

    While I get that Bishop is out of contract and that we would be in prime position to sign him, we often don't. I look at GK's that we've had, like Frank Fielding, who attracted other offers from higher clubs and we were still keeper-less the next summer.

  • I don’t think recalls are allowed these days outside of a transfer window.

  • We've got a pretty good record of players coming back after loans or a bit down the track. Also I'm not sure if season long loans can be recalled anymore. Oddly if you could we might have announced him weeks ago and he still wouldn't have played on Saturday.

  • I never realised Bishop is a local lad ! Apparently, according to a couple of lads at work the same age, he grew up in Bourne End and went to school in Beaconsfield. Sorry if that's old news, but I never knew.

  • I think the rule for getting an emergency keeper on loan is that no other keeper has player 5 or more matches. So assuming Bishop came in before the 5th match then we'd be able to replace him even if he did get recalled

  • Well, I guess the parent club could put a clause in that let them do that - but the receiving club would never agree to it.

  • That does create an odd incentive with Dickinson - while it’s great for him to get experience, once he’s reached 5 games we wouldn’t then be able to keep him and rely on emergency loans.

    Some might say that by only having one (currently none) senior keeper who meets the five game threshold we are gaming the system in the first place.

  • No need to be sorry @HolmerBlue. I knew (but had forgotten) that he was a local lad and that is an important factor, especially as someone on here was suggesting earlier today that he might have chosen to go to a club nearer home !

  • Would staying at his Mum's (food and washing done) save him enough money to cover the pay cut?

  • Just popped by to see if he was here. Ah well, in Gaz, Dobbo and Tyler D we trust.

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