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  • The UK government have placed sanctions on 3 oligarchs, all of whom were already heavily sanctioned by the US for some time and basically unable to operate in London's financial system before any of this happened. They've sanctioned 6 Russian banks, but failed to mention in all their press releases about this that they've given customers of those banks 30 days to move their assets.

    Remaining entirely unsanctioned are any of the Russian oligarchs who have donated money to the tory party for the last few years. It's all smoke and mirrors.

  • I'm sure like a lot of prominent Germans in 1945...they never really agreed with Putin. To be fair Mandelson's address book is probably having a lot of pages ripped out as well!

  • Rarely feel sorry for Chelsea fans but losing a cup final and your bankroller in a matter of days and then having to go to Luton is a lot to process.

  • Says something about my feelings towards Chelsea that I shouted “yeah” when Cornick scored Lu’on’s second goal.
    The underdog phenomenon, I suppose.

  • Luton 2-1 Chelsea at half time! Well done to them.

  • edited March 2022

    @micra what did you shout when Hylton came on...? :-)

  • @micra went for a dive so missed his arrival!

  • I shouted something along the lines of the Cambridge United badge suggestion from @ReturnToSenda

  • edited March 2022

    I obvs don't like Hylton - I don't particularly like Nathan Jones, although I'm kind of over that and he's never done anything as heinous as Hylton - but you've got to respect what Luton have done as a club since hitting their lowest point. A model for others to follow.

  • Challenging for promotion in a league with so many big teams and Peterborough has to be admired. Hylton against Van Dyck in the Prem???

  • @Wendoverman said:
    Hylton against Van Dyck in the Prem???

    The artist who died in 1641?

  • @ReturnToSenda said:

    @Wendoverman said:
    Hylton against Van Dyck in the Prem???

    The artist who died in 1641?

    As long as he makes minimal contact with him in the penalty area who cares about his background or hobbies?

  • @LeedsBlue said:
    I shouted something along the lines of the Cambridge United badge suggestion from @ReturnToSenda

    I hear in Australia the Cambridge United Northern Territories Supporters do get a bad name for themselves

  • @LeedsBlue said:
    @micra what did you shout when Hylton came on...? :-)

    Had to chuckle at the irony when Hylton challenged the keeper and the foul was given against him. Has that ever happened before?

  • @Twizz said:

    @LeedsBlue said:
    @micra what did you shout when Hylton came on...? :-)

    Had to chuckle at the irony when Hylton challenged the keeper and the foul was given against him. Has that ever happened before?

    Did Hylton hit the deck?

    @mooneyman, as always, is nearly right. I yielded custody of the remote control to mrs micra when Chelsea’s third goal went in. But he may have sneaked on when I wasn’t looking. It took me ages to spot the Admiral to be honest. A blurry eyed day from too much time on the iPhone.

  • edited March 2022

    @micra said:

    @Twizz said:

    @LeedsBlue said:
    @micra what did you shout when Hylton came on...? :-)

    Had to chuckle at the irony when Hylton challenged the keeper and the foul was given against him. Has that ever happened before?

    A blurry eyed day from too much time on the iPhone.

    Welcome to my world

  • Your sight’s not Wayning is it @ReturnToSenda ?

  • @micra said:
    Your sight’s not Wayning is it @ReturnToSenda ?

    Perfectly fine with my specs, but writing for a living means I can overdo the old screen time!

  • ?? 21% battery and afternoon snack time!

  • Hasn't Goodwillie played for Clyde since 2017 with no previous objection from the local council and landlord?

  • @DevC said:
    Hasn't Goodwillie played for Clyde since 2017 with no previous objection from the local council and landlord?

    Things change. There used to be a canteen called Jimmy's at Stoke Mandeville hospital.

  • @micra is probably the only person who may be interested to note that that Sky Sports News presenter apologising is ex-Kent cricket opener David Fulton

  • @Wendoverman said:

    @DevC said:
    Hasn't Goodwillie played for Clyde since 2017 with no previous objection from the local council and landlord?

    Things change. There used to be a canteen called Jimmy's at Stoke Mandeville hospital.

    Isn't the difference that Goodwillie's crime was known about during his last stint at Clyde?

  • North Lanarkshire Council weren't the owners / operators of the stadium previously.

  • @MindlessDrugHoover said:

    @Wendoverman said:

    @DevC said:
    Hasn't Goodwillie played for Clyde since 2017 with no previous objection from the local council and landlord?

    Things change. There used to be a canteen called Jimmy's at Stoke Mandeville hospital.

    Isn't the difference that Goodwillie's crime was known about during his last stint at Clyde?

    Yup...though to what extent and at how high a level those particular crimes were actually known about is open to debate.
    In this case, obviously people's thoughts about it have changed, whether justified or not, or they were possibly not all aware of the case before it went so public. So if the women's team all resign and the decision now becomes a hot potato and bad for business...another, possibly different and difficult, decision has to be made. As has been mentioned before...someone has a perfect right to ply their trade and other people have a perfect right not to want to be involved with said person.

  • @DevC said:
    Hasn't Goodwillie played for Clyde since 2017 with no previous objection from the local council and landlord?

    If you read the statement the ground was managed by a third party separate from the local council. They may have expressed their disapproval of the situation but it appears they could do nothing about it.
    Reading between the lines, I assumed the council had taken management of the stadium back in house specifically so they could take action.
    But I'm only speculating.

  • Switched over to Everton v Boreham Wood on 57 minutes. Very impressed with their’keeper.

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