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Derby County FFP and the EFL



  • @Raminpeace said:
    I'd be far happier if part of any rescue plan involved paying everyone, except Mel, what they are owed, in full somewhere down the line. Give them 25% down and the rest over time. In any company insolvency that doesn't happen. The administrators take the deal which offers creditors the most. It looks like Kirchner's offer is a) the largest they've had and b) offers creditors more than they would get if the club was liquidated. It's not nice but it's what happens with insolvency cases whether it be a shoe shop, a chicken farm, a distillery.... or a football club. Maybe the way out is to stop allowing FCs to be Limited Companies. If the sounds emanating from Westminster are correct then the new regulations which will soon become Law following the "fan led review", Mel Morris 2.0 wouldn't be allowed to do what Mel has done to many creditors and to the fans. That we were in trouble financially hit home when Mel bought the ground for £80M and we ended up making a £14M profit that season. That meant we'd have made a £66M loss without the sale. Huge red flag. Mel deserves nothing from the whole business and I hope he gives the club the ground back for nowt, but he won't. He'll hold out for £20M so he can pay back MSD what he borrowed from them.

    I'm not sure what you can do to fix it once it gets to this level but the EFL need license to get involved much earlier. You can't be allowed to spend money you know you don't really have on the basis that a lucky promotion or the next idiot owner will sort it out later. If anything a condition of the always dodgy ground sale should have been evidence of how it made the club more sustainable.

  • My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

  • @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

  • @Raminpeace said:

    @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

    All League One teams are limited to 22 players this season with goalkeepers and U21’s excluded.

  • @Raminpeace said:

    @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

    I will still bet (even with the above) Derby have a playing pay-roll next season higher than most other teams in the division, and THAT is what Wycombe fans keep bringing up with you.
    It may mean you are mid-table for a couple of years but it will mean you end up growing slowly and sustainably. Which in the long term is what needs to happen to stop a repeat of the 'Mel Morris Years'

  • @wwfcblue said:

    @Raminpeace said:

    @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

    All League One teams are limited to 22 players this season with goalkeepers and U21’s excluded.

    Wayne won't be happy with that. Derby will probably register 6 keepers and play them as outfield players!

  • @mooneyman said:

    @wwfcblue said:

    @Raminpeace said:

    @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

    All League One teams are limited to 22 players this season with goalkeepers and U21’s excluded.

    Wayne won't be happy with that. Derby will probably register 6 keepers and play them as outfield players!

    They’ll register 30, only count 22, and the EFL will punish them in 2027.

  • Find it really disconcerting that @Raminpeace always calls Morris 'Mel' like some lovable uncle.

    I'm also not sure how the Football League are going to be able to keep giving Wayne Rooney's Derby County more chances. What odds on them finding a way to keep them up with a points deduction for Reading.

  • That won't happen @Right_in_the_Middle. The EFL exists solely to punish plucky DCFC and to instruct referees to be mean to Mr Wayne Rooney, despite the heroic loyalty he's shown to his employers, 32Red.

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Find it really disconcerting that @Raminpeace always calls Morris 'Mel' like some lovable uncle.

    I'm also not sure how the Football League are going to be able to keep giving Wayne Rooney's Derby County more chances. What odds on them finding a way to keep them up with a points deduction for Reading.

    That would be ideal.

  • @Raminpeace said:

    @bluenotes said:
    My concern is that having paid the creditors a fraction of what they are owed, the club will then start signing the 40 players that Rooney thinks they need, start paying transfer fees, and inflate the wage bill to carry on as normal.

    Until their debts are cleared their wage bill should be kept to the minimum.

    As I understand it, next season will still see us under an embargo. Exactly what it will entail, I don't know, but fully expect it to have limits on transfer/loan fees (if we can even pay any), a wages cap and a 1st team squad limited to around 25 players.

    Not carrying on as normal IMO. Kirchner is talking about loans and frees rather than transfers. Loans with no loan fee payable won't see quality coming through the door. Not many free agents of the quality one would like either. However, beggars can't be choosers and at the moment we are beggars, not choosers.

    Another part of Kirchner's plan is to rely largely on Academy products alongside experienced players to help them along. I'd he happy with that.

    I'd suggest you have a good word with yourself about the quality of player "one would like" . Two legs is a start , anything is a bonus from there, there are some excellent players that will be out of contract at the end of the season as clubs cut their cloth accordingly or just because a manager doesn't like, appreciate or need them.

  • Ron Benson and Tony Hedges are available

  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    Ron Benson and Tony Hedges are available

    Get em in the England team!

  • @TwinBrother said:

    @ReturnToSenda said:
    Ron Benson and Tony Hedges are available

    Get em in the England team!

    Show me where I wrote their names down ?

  • Loan players and free transfers is exactly the the territory that Wycombe lived in for a number of years, and still achieved some success. I doubt that any loan fees were involved at that time either. At that time it wasn't about talking about the first team squad, that was the squad.

    As for relying on the Academy, that was a luxury that Wycombe couldn't afford even without a Derby County sized debt.

    I still think that Derby County and their fans have some way to go before they understand what it takes to try and stay solvent and survive in the lower leagues without a fat wallet.

  • I think you may have won the award @bluenotes for making the 2,000th comment on this thread. And views have now topped 200,000 - probably a Gasroom 2.0 record by a very substantial margin.

  • Mea culpa in gloria hortensis! I meant 3,000th comment of course.

  • @micra said:
    I think you may have won the award @bluenotes for making the 2,000th comment on this thread. And views have now topped 200,000 - probably a Gasroom 2.0 record by a very substantial margin.

    The ex player thread is much bigger.

  • @micra said:
    I think you may have won the award @bluenotes for making the 2,000th comment on this thread. And views have now topped 200,000 - probably a Gasroom 2.0 record by a very substantial margin.

    I originated this thread to raise awareness and support at what I felt was a crucial time and I certainly never thought it would develop as it has. Goes to show that we still do have substantial awareness and support almost a year on!

  • @wwfcblue said:

    @micra said:
    I think you may have won the award @bluenotes for making the 2,000th comment on this thread. And views have now topped 200,000 - probably a Gasroom 2.0 record by a very substantial margin.

    The ex player thread is much bigger.

    It is indeed but this thread has been going for less than a year. The Ex-players thread has been going for six years.
    On a posts per year basis this thread wins hands down. Don’t mention that to Mr Swann.

  • looks like I can't post in other threads so I'll comment here.... Great result against Plymouth, You should beat Wimbledon and Burton. That leaves Wendy as the hard one. Win that and get the right results elsewhere and the playoffs are there. Hope you do well.

  • @Raminpeace said:
    looks like I can't post in other threads so I'll comment here.... Great result against Plymouth, You should beat Wimbledon and Burton. That leaves Wendy as the hard one. Win that and get the right results elsewhere and the playoffs are there. Hope you do well.

    How you feeling? Full of hope the miracle might happen? Realistic that miracles don’t happen? Optimistic for a massive turnaround of fortunes next season in L1 and looking forward to great things? Just happy to have a club? Not convinced the current bid will happen?

  • I am very impressed with Wayne Rooney’s post match interviews. I think he was paying attention when Sir Alex was managing him.

  • I think Burnley would be a good fit for Rooney, but doubt he will leave Derby this season.

  • @mooneyman said:
    I think Burnley would be a good fit for Rooney, but doubt he will leave Derby this season.

    Would they let him buy 40 new players after he takes them down?

  • Derby are relegated ???

  • Some semblance of justice I suppose

  • Rooney can go to Burnley now.

  • Only if 32Red says so

  • Poor rocky

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