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The definitive ex-player news thread



  • I don't look back at Scott McGleish with any affection despite his great goalscoring record for us. Think it is for the same reason as @eric_plant mentions above. Good to see him still playing though.

  • I have a degree (a smidgen) of sympathy for McGleish. Just as he was getting to the age when he needed to conserve his energy for action in the box, he was being asked to chase all over the pitch and consequently couldn't perform when he actually got into goal scoring positions. Didn't wholly excuse his behaviour, but perhaps puts it into a bit of context.

  • You could equally say that just as he was getting to the age that his employers should expect better from him, he acted like a child.

  • What context explains a senior pro encouraging young players to look for new clubs whilst still contacted to Wycombe?

    Absolute arsehole of a man

  • aaah yes..I have a vague recollection of that controversy @eric_plant can you fill me in with the details?

  • Paul Lambert got in a huff because his transfer budget wasn't to his liking, so walked out

    Scott McGleish took umbrage at this, saying the club hadn't backed the manager and basically said in that week's BFP that he was advising players to find new clubs

  • Did Paul Hayes turn up anywhere out of interest? Apart from another of Richie's false stories about Orient, didn't hear anything else.

  • According to his Twitter bio he's academy coach at Charlton

  • Yep. Don't mention that while DevC's around though

  • @eric_plant hadn't heard that about Scott McGleish before and if that's the case, then absolutely inexcusable. Are well, so many heroes with feet of clay.

  • In fairness, he was talking about players whose contracts were coming to an end, not as I suggested above

  • It was the closest Matt Bloomfield came to leaving the club

  • @eric_plant Yes it's all coming back to me now. I think richie predicted McGleish would go and we would be promoted by one goal...last week.

  • Blooms was close to leaving under Taylor when I believe a promise to offer him a two year deal was reneged on and he was given one year on reduced terms instead. I seem to remember him saying he nearly didn't sign it. It was a shoddy way to treat him and took advantage of his loyalty to the club.

    Never really warmed to McGleish, even when he was banging the goals in for us. Certainly don't temember him as fondly as the likes of Rammell, Devine, Tyson #1 for example, even though they scored fewer goals. Seem to recall McGleish once threw his shinpads at the bench after being substituted and also made a thinly-veiled swipe at the club after he scored against us for Orient, a result that confirmed our relegation in 2010. Respect to him for still going at his age though. Odd that he's still happy to turn out for Scotty's Wycombe 'Legends' team. He doesn't deserve to be on the same pitch as Keith Ryan, Glyn Creaser and, er, Mo Harkin.

    If I had been manager when Holt made those comments, I would have immediately sacked him for referring to himself in the third person.

  • edited September 2017

    Agree with you @Jonny_King , on pretty much all of that.
    McGleish had one big goal scoring season, but like you I never think of him as anywhere near a Legend for his behaviour.

    I'd forgotten that Holt situation. Had to check that he did actually find it in himself to manage to stick around another year!
    Before...disappearing to Col U to re-join Lambert.

    Where he left after about 4 games without playing! Marvellous stuff.

    Holt's rant is right up there with Craig's "the only thing that matters is us getting our bonuses", as we sat rock bottom of the league with our whole future up in the air! Oaf of a bloke.

    The temerity of referring to the money, presumably appearance money etc, as "Bonuses" when they'd been performing so shockingly was really incredible and badly placed.

    He showed the fickle nature of the Wycombe crowd though. Awful for most of his time here, a few good games come the end of the second season had many hoping he'd sign on again!

  • Actually I had sympathy for Craig's position. Essentially, he was making a reasonable request that players were paid for doing their job when they've got families to support etc

    Pretty certain we'd all do the same

  • Agreed Eric. Craig wasn't throwing his toys out the pram, he was just trying to get what was contractually owed to him.

  • Craig was at the end of his career and had probably never had a very high basic salary. He was fully entitled to expect the club to honour their side of the contract.

  • The troll here seems to be the Bucks Free Press...Wasp story? No? Wycombe? I's not really what we are interest...What's that? A player who wants to **** on the Wanderers? I'll get me pencil...

  • Ah yes, the old Alan(?) Feldburg glory days. He used to seem to write controversial Wanderers stories for the fun of it. Were the rumours he was a Franchise FC supporter ever actually confirmed?

  • So you chaps believe he was correct with his "the ONLY thing that matters is us getting our bonuses" comment?

  • Here's a thought Malone, use quotation marks for, you know, actual quotations

    You're getting yourself all worked up about something that was never said.

    I'm 100% fine with what he actually said. Good on him, I say

  • "the main thing is". I'd still say the main thing was our plight at the time, but perhaps it's not quite as strongly worded as I remember it. I wonder if time is playing tricks on me, or that isn't the full article. Could easily be the former at my age!

  • I think you've slightly misunderstood the context of that particular quotation. He's making the point that their wages have been paid, ie that's the main thing, ie he's downplaying the seriousness of the situation

    All that said, I still think that if we had bills to pay and families to support then being able to do that would indeed be our number 1 priority. I honestly can't blame him for that.

    I imagine he spoke for many if not all of the players as well when he said what he said.

    Finally, whatever was happening behind the scenes, and regardless of what you think of his ability as a footballer, I don't think any of us could say he ever gave less than 100%/in a Wycombe shirt

  • Well said Eric. The club was in severe financial problems at that time and it must have been worrying for the players to find their bonuses were not being paid. It must have been in their minds as to whether they would even get their basic wages in the coming weeks. Remember Malone we are not talking about pampered Premier League players here.

  • Agreed, despite being in his twilight of his career. Stevie Craig was brave as a lion, and used to run himself into the ground. You can see why he was well respected by team mates, due to always putting the team first. If Holloway had half of Craig's unselfish nous, he would have squared the ball to Stevie the Warrior and we would have been victorious at Wembley.

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