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Match day thread: Derby



  • @Raminpeace - absolute respect to you coming on an opposition forum after a match. I believe that you have absolutely lived up to the 'in peace' part of your moniker. Your thoughts have made interesting reading and you have been judicious in what you say, which I know we almost always appreciated on here.

    I can't believe that you post at this level on every opposition clubs message boards. I think we will take it as a big credit to the Gasroom unless you do.

    I think our manager was correct to say that Derby have a very good team. The running off the ball into space, and the vision to make passes was quality - I remember in particular the back heel to set up the ball that ran two feet in front of our goal line in the first half.

    I thought we were certain to win during the 15 minute period @bookertease talks about before Derby's equaliser. I thought we played relentless football that was as good as anything Derby did all game. After your equaliser I wasn't sure.

    The game was an absolute cracker which is a credit to both sides.

    I think you have been a really fine ambassador for your club. Thank you. I understand more and feel less antagonism towards Derby because of the dialogue you initiated. I guess you sort of volunteered for the role of ambassador and with the role comes necessity to hear general criticism of what you stand for.

    This is our message board and I cannot resist an opportunity to make two points which you might ponder as you contemplate the rest of the season and how the rest of the footballing world view your club. I read the comments section after the BBC report of the game and it appears that the 'The World has it in for Derby County' conspiracy theory does not gain much traction there. I think the 'poor Derby' narrative has now run its course. My other point maybe a bit more interesting - I agree with you that the referee didn't have an impact on the game. There were some poor decisions but on the whole they evened out. I did think Collins was very lucky to escape a red card. If he had gone it wouldn't have changed the result. A suspension for him might have affected the immediate future for Derby. I reckon his one man campaign against timewasting would amuse most referees and irritate some. I watched the aftermath of your second goal and I don't think there is an excuse for his level of out of control aggression. I don't think Ainsworth would sign him. Derby fans will have better judgement on how useful he is to the side. I guess if you are promoted he will be gone anyway.

  • It's hard to think of too many more satisfying recent regular season wins. Considering the opponent, the stakes, and the juncture of the season where a loss damaged either side's ambitions significantly. For the game itself to be high quality, passionate and dramatic was perfect for the occasion.

  • Looking at the highlights is there a foul throw by Derby just before one of the goals that wasn’t picked up on?

    The goal in question was our third….

  • Looking at their forum, it appears inevitable that the clubs will always hate each other now, though from different divisions in the long run. From their comments, you can tell that more than anything they are deeply sympathetic to:

    The local businesses who were screwed over.

    St John's Ambulance.

    Other clubs who were victims of their cheating (if it's not us, it's someone from a previous season, no getting around that)


  • To be honest, I think we've been quite understanding and reasonable to @Raminpeace when compared to how a Wycombe fan was treated on their forum. Just shows a mob mentality on their forum when our fan was being quite open and honest and all they wanted to do was create a situation to argue with them.

  • Collins was a weird one. Pretty much from the start he looked wound up and frustrated. Difficult to imagine he’s usually like that (or he’d get sent off every other week).

    Does he have ‘history’ with us?

  • He played for the Rev's Luton

  • I get the impression its the chip on his shoulder that he hasn't been able to remove.

    He's played for Luton and Cardiff in the Championship then comes down to Derby and thinks the league & players are beneath him

  • Welcome back @Wendoverman, I hope everything is ok and I'm here if you ever need an ear to vent to

  • @Wendoverman - good to have you back posting, even if it is briefly. Missed your posts.

  • @Wendoverman being back is the cherry on top of a great footballing weekend. All the best mate!

  • The ball boy in front of the Frank Adams stand (big stand) was actually sprinting to get the ball irrespective of whose throw it was.

    He'd often hand the ball to the player, but that seemed more politeness than time wasting.

  • The idea of Derby foaming at the mouth over a wee ball boy is pretty funny, though.

  • Interesting. He clearly had pre-conceived ideas about the way we play (time wasting from 11 minutes’, ‘head tennis’ etc) but when we didn’t conform to his expectations he still accuses us of adopting those tactics. Incidentally,

  • edited February 2023

    Apologies if my comments were a bit curt, they were in reference to a post from you that reduced yesterday's game down to head tennis and time-wasting. Which was incredibly unfair on players from both teams who contributed to an overwhelmingly positive, open and attacking game of football. If you had shown that game to a neutral who had no prior knowledge of either side, I'm sure they would have come away with a positive impression of both teams.

    I'll admit that in the past when Ainsworth had a shoestring budget and the club was a burst water pipe away from not being able to meet the month's payroll and debt repayments, some games could charitably be summarised as early-onset dementia inducing heading contests, though yesterday was light years from that. I, and pretty much all of the posters on here are justifiably proud of the manner of play and skill on display from the Wanderers XI yesterday, and would have been if we hadn't have won.

    Maybe your approach to appraising our performance and tactics comes from a different perspective to ours - the current Division 3/League 1 is unique in the clash of playing styles and the likes of UEFA Cup winners and 1st Division champions in the modern era finally realising their no doubt long-held dream of pitting their wits against the record winners of the Berks and Bucks Senior Cup.

    With regards to timewasting, I don't see how Wycombe's restarting of play yesterday was any different to any other side in League 1 who have found themselves a goal up. I've seen far worse earlier in the game from Warne's Rotherham sides when up against more illustrious opposition, and even the righteous anti-timewasting activists Plymouth Argyle were running down the clock with laboured goal kicks from the 2nd minute onwards in their visit here last season (before they went a goal down of course). By far the worst display of timewasting I can remember from recent memory was from Wigan last season, but they were playing pretty football so I guess they get a free pass from the fans of teams who always attempt to break the world record for quickest restart of play every time the ball goes out of play. I think we're all in agreement that refs should get straight in with the yellow cards when players take the piss (I might be alone in wishing refs would do that to us when it gets OTT) though having a standardised measure of what constitutes timewasting/taking the piss and consistently applying that in games would be difficult.

    Despite the tone of my last post I've appreciated the time you've taken to make an enjoyable contribution to our messageboard, I hope you have an enjoyable rest of your season!

  • edited February 2023

    You will be complaining next season if you go up then, because it’s exactly how Warne plays when winning takes a bit more grind in the Championship than League 1. You see, much of the irony to us Chairboys fans is that we’ve seen plenty of Warne over the past few years, more than your fans I’d say.

    But fair play to you for being a good egg on this message board, I do respect that.

    You have a very good team there but I don’t think your a patch on some of the teams I’ve seen get out of this league over the past 25 years. Nowhere near the levels of Barry Fry’s Birmingham, Taylor’s Watford, Neil’s Sunderland (over the final 2 months of last season), Mark Robins’ Coventry, Lambert’s Norwich, Sturrock’s Plymouth, Wednesday a few years back or even Calderwood’s Forest just to name a few.

    Those teams also knew how to mix things up a bit too, maybe that’s what Derby are missing.

  • The phrase ‘time wasting’ always puzzles me because if the referee believes that players are deliberately doing it he can just add on time at the end. The game will still last for 90 minutes.

  • Do I miss the board being put up for ‘injury’ time yesterday?

    I didn’t notice it at the end of either half or hear an announcement. But I may have been too engrossed in the game to notice

  • Why are you still here?

  • Nice to have you back @Wendoverman

  • I had the misfortune to get the football special bus back to the station after the game. There lots of Derby fans on it and I tired of their foul language, tales of past exploits at various grounds around the country, and how much they could drink. Men and women, sadly.

  • A wonderful read and I thoroughly agree with everything you have written. Welcome back, the gasroom needs you.

  • Well said. @Wendoverman rerurns. It’s like Christmas with all these presents.

  • War and Peace!

  • Best thing to happen this weekend (apart from the three points, of course).

    Has made my evening seeing @Wendoverman back in print. You’ve been sorely missed.

  • Aww good to have you back @Wendoverman. I was worried I'd lost you!

  • Thanks for comments all. Still on a mainly watching brief but not sitting in a darkened room or anything. War and Peace for @raminpeace @blue_since_1990 but it seemed a bit pointless to visit and just write 'That was quite good. 😉

  • I’m glad that you - as a ref (don’t think you’ve mentioned that enough) have finally picked up on our tactics and urging bookings to be dished out

    It’s pretty sure it’s not something that’s been mentioned by every team we’ve come up against in the last 10 years. Nor do players and managers repeatedly comment “you know what you’re going to get from Wycombe” every other week - usually after a loss to us - but few have figured out what they can do to stop it effectively.

    maybe, just maybe, GA has the tactical knowledge and ability to find the Achilles heal of the “right” way to play football to win matches.

    terrible trait that, finding a way to win football matches, eh?

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