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Bizarre transfer rumors thread



  • thought we would of made some signings already as under a month until the start of the season ....usually GA likes to do his business early so the can settle in, maybe we are playing a waiting game so we can save a bob or 2

  • @Wanderers82 said:
    thought we would of made some signings already as under a month until the start of the season ....usually GA likes to do his business early so the can settle in, maybe we are playing a waiting game so we can save a bob or 2

    It seems the Carabao cup 1st round will be the week before the big start, so that leaves just over 3 weeks until the first game.

    I suspect we've made a couple of signings, but are just prioritising the shirt and merchandise angles first.
    Reveal a couple next week probably.

  • @Wanderers82 said:
    thought we would of made some signings already as under a month until the start of the season ....usually GA likes to do his business early so the can settle in, maybe we are playing a waiting game so we can save a bob or 2

    Whaaaa? Gareth does business early? Then it must be another forum where every year I read: 'it's twenty minutes until kick off and no sign of any new faces. What is Gareth doing?' followed by thirty pages of 'He knows what he is doing...players are on holidays...waiting until last minute...give him a break he's just finished the season...players will be waiting to see what clubs are about...clubs will be deciding on loans...Club making announcement soon...XXXX is definately coming...XXX is on 3k a week...why would XXX come to us...blah blah blah...'

  • Got a feeling we will sign Rhodes.....

  • @bigred87 said:
    Got a feeling we will sign Rhodes.....

    Where we're going who needs Rhodes

  • Will Rhodes finally solve the AP access issues?

  • @bigred87 said:
    Got a feeling we will sign Rhodes.....

    Looking at the below article, the Rise and fall header suggests the "fall" part might be a way we'd get him.

    But the wording " season is the final year of his bumper Owls contract" suggests we have no chance

  • @StrongestTeam said:

    Where we're going who needs Rhodes

    Undervalued. This has been the best post on here in months

  • @bookertease said:

    Undervalued. This has been the best post on here in months

    If it were the right quote

  • @Wanderers82 said:
    thought we would of made some signings already as under a month until the start of the season ....usually GA likes to do his business early so the can settle in, maybe we are playing a waiting game so we can save a bob or 2

    No he doesn't!??? Every season people are bemoaning other clubs reeling off their new players list and we are all sat round wondering when an announcement will be made!!!

  • edited August 2020

    The only season I can recall Ainsworth getting the players in early was after survival at Torquay. Remember being on holiday in early July and seeing the news of Hayes and others signing. Admittedly one of the key components of the proceeding season (Mawson) was only announced on the opening day!

    Edit: Hayes, Pierre, Jombati, Murphy and Jacobson had all joined by 1st of July. Very early business

  • I don't mind waiting. We have to get them in, we will get them in, and GA is going to mould them all into a Championship-level version of the Tenacious Titans we know and love. It is going to be superb!!!

  • I'd anticipate that we're going to have potentially a few big days ahead, where they announce a glut of new signings to populate the B team and supplement the first team.

  • @Alexo said:

    No he doesn't!??? Every season people are bemoaning other clubs reeling off their new players list and we are all sat round wondering when an announcement will be made!!!

    Surely if my post saying exactly the same thing gets three thumbs down this deserves at least one?

  • 30 seconds after being tagged Nnamdi tweets "..."

  • @NorsQuarters said:
    30 seconds after being tagged Nnamdi tweets "..."

    What does that mean?

  • Christ on a bike

  • Jesus in a Jaguar!

  • Start the car

  • Good target man to have on the books, Uganda are looking to recruit him for their international team too, so could have a few Ugandan Wycombe fans if he does well!

  • He's a big lad. Terrifying if he and Bayo ever played up front together, but I'd imagine he'd be Bayo's rotation.

  • I remember him impressing at Cambridge and a Watford loanee (Randell maybe?) enthusing about him.

  • Another solid big guy is a great idea. If he's still reasonably young he'll learn from Bayo too.

  • Clearly a big unit but hardly a goal scorer which I would have thought we need. Scored 5 in 40 games for Hearts.. Not exactly prolific. Surely better free agents out there.

  • Not exactly the best comments on there though, like "who's the Wycombe scout, Stevie Wonder ?"

  • and so it begins...

  • SO many factors in how a player performs/whether or not it works out for them at a certain club/why we might be signing and what role we might have intended for them. How was he being used? Did the change of manager affect him (Levein signed him then Stendel came in)? Would he come in as our main striker (doubt it, I expect there'll be a load share as we've become used to). But the main thing to remember IF it happens is that it's an Ainsworth signing. How many have been exciting, per se, at the time of arrival? Not that many. But how many have exceeded expectations? Probably most of them.

    But this is the age of judging a player in 30 seconds and 240 characters.

  • He has a 17min YouTube video looking a right handful and scoring what looks like plenty.
    So that doesn't match against his goals record. But then Bayo didn't score that many this year and we know his huge benefit.

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