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  • edited October 2023

    GA and MB now up to 57th and 58th longest tenure out of the 92, after just 239 days on the job apiece.

  • Gaz to Lincoln?

  • It would be a great fit for him, but it looks like QPR will persist with him for now, seeing as he survived the home thrashing by Blackburn. Timing is everything, and while I am glad the MK job came up while GA could not take it, it may end up being a shame for him if he misses Lincoln by a couple of weeks!

  • Al Hilal just posted this after Neymar did his ACL. Bloody hell 😂

  • There is a joke to be made about Neymar holding the wrong body part even when he is actually injured, but of course I won't make it.

  • Perfect PR.

    Everyone is talking about it and they have a go at Brazil for not looking after him.


    Kane in shock Manchester switch

  • Looks like the planned new stadium for Maidenhead United at Braywick Park and subsequent move from York Rd has gone belly up. Seems the new LibDem led council weren't impressed with the deal agree by the previous Tory council.

  • Maybe the new lot don't take bribes.

  • This was decided back in July just before the season started.

    It will have severe implications for Maidenhead FC and will probably see the folding of Maidenhead Athletic Club which is 140 years old. They were reliant on the project to provide facilities and much needed income.

    Contracts were signed four years ago and the new Council has torn those up. Maidenhead FC as of yesterday are now suing the council for breach of contract.

  • Actually quite believable. This is the sort of thing that happens when you elect a Lib Dem council, a party which is no longer Liberal or Democratic. I'm sure the beard-wearing muesli eaters will be proud of themselves.

  • Muesli eaters? Tofu munchers more like.

  • edited October 2023

    Why would it see Maidenhead AC fold out of interest? They've got a cinder track and a clubhouse haven't they? Which has served them well for many a year?

    Yes they won't get any new facilities thrown in as part of the overall project, but wouldn't mean they in any way need to fold surely?

  • A relatively new clubhouse too.

    Id heard on the grapevine that they were reliant on this project and the cancellation could lead to the folding of the club.

  • edited October 2023

    I know someone connected to the club and he doesn't think there's a chance this will happen.

    The cinder track does need work, and a plush new 300m track (albeit 400m is the standard, but not enough room apparently!) would go down well, but there's no threat to a long standing club who have survived comfortably until now.

    But I suppose it helps the pro cause to throw a few lines in to this effect to build their case.

    (Not saying you obviously, you've posted that in good faith).

  • That's indeed good news, many moons ago I ran on the track at school or county level, can't remember which.

    I think it would be a mistake to dig up the 400m track (I'm sure its 400m but it could have been made smaller in the last 30 years) and replace it with a 300m synthetic track.

    It's a great shame for Maidenhead as a whole that this project has been axed, especially after contracts were signed four years ago and clubs have made plans associated with those contracts. Braywick Park is huge and could have sustained the green spaces, as well as the football club and improved sporting facilities paid for by the scheme.

  • Far better to elect a conservative council and get rid of those costly social services that help people in need.

  • Utter rubbish. Buckinghamshire Council, with a majority of Conservative Councillors, has a budget of £185m for adult social care in 2023/24: The Adult Social Care precept | Buckinghamshire Council

    Another example of prejudices which are not supported by facts.

  • Whereas this “a Lib Dem council, a party which is no longer Liberal or Democratic. I'm sure the beard-wearing muesli eaters will be proud of themselves” is a rational, objective and evidence-based claim.

  • The fact that they have torn up the contracts, adversely affecting Maidenhead United FC and other sports clubs at that location, demonstrates an illiberal attitude,

    They also have a stated policy of getting the UK to rejoin the EU, despite the fact we voted to leave. That shows that they are undemocratic.

    How much more evidence do you need?

  • Come on, we both know that isn't how democracy works. If remain had won, would anyone now supporting leave be undemocratic?

    I would need a lot more evidence.

  • That'll be the Muesli then, I'm often impressed with how some posters explain complex subjects, adding either humour or relevant information. Often but not always.

  • Yep, 400m currently, and it'd be an interesting poll for their runners. Would you prefer the much more standard 400m track, but in cindre track slightly dilapidated format, or a plush new one, but the much less desirable 300m version!

    Apparently it's the rugby lot causing the main commotion as they'd "lose training pitches they've been allowede to use for free anyway" according to my totally unbiased Maidenhead AC and Maidenhead FC supporter pal!

  • Great result for the Tories last night wasn't it

  • I was a long distance runner but found my calling late in my school years at 3000m steeplechase.

    A 300m track could not run this event but a 400m track could. I do realise that Maidenhead have no water jump at present so it’s irrelevant to the current structure. I am presuming you would have issues with 400m hurdles as well.

    For the vast majority a 300m synthetic track would be more useable all year around than a cinder track.

  • Always wondered about the steeplechase as it looks so odd, is there some specific skill or training to be able to do the jumps and the distance like that, must be the last thing you want to see towards the end of a long run. In these weird times of cricket and all manner of American sports being added to the Olympics is it still there and under any pressure?

  • I think it's terrible when people are called Nazis by Sparts and bearded muesli eaters...when they are trying to raise the level of political discussion.

  • I've done a bit of running in my time, and I'll always remember how upsetting to everything one cross country race was where we had to keep leaping fallen trees in the wood. Typically then realising there was a massive splodgy mud pile the other side.

    All those events like hurdles and steeplechase where you're specifically training to run very fast and leap just look a nightmare.

    Not as bad as the pole vault though. That just fills me with utter dread.

  • Late to the party as usual but the comments on here piqued my interest. (I’m late to that expression too but mrs micra says I’ll be late to my funeral so nothing new there.)

    I’m with @eric_plant (yet again) on this and stopped the recording after 1 minute 20 seconds. I’ve heard a few thousand post match interviews over the years but none of the interviewees has found it necessary to resort to that kind of language or attitude towards their own players. Whatever fires them up perhaps.

    I was going to comment as well on the constant looking from side to side rather than at the interviewer but that could be the result of a neurological or autistic condition, I suppose.

    It will be interesting to see how the team respond.

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