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Derby County FFP and the EFL



  • Comparing gamesmanship on the field - a tactic employed by every team to a greater or lesser extent - to blatantly breaking financial rules that affect the future of the club and many unrelated organisations (HMRC, local companies etc) is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read.

  • @glasshalffull said:
    Comparing gamesmanship on the field - a tactic employed by every team to a greater or lesser extent - to blatantly breaking financial rules that affect the future of the club and many unrelated organisations (HMRC, local companies etc) is one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read.

    Beat me to it

  • @aloysius said:

    They're rule-exploiting bastards and they know what they are. But it's the EFL that set the rules. We exploit them on the pitch every week.

    We DO NOT exploit the completion rules as set by the EFL. Whilst WWFC, along with every other football club at every level, may push the FIFA Laws of the Game to its limits and beyond, we do not contravene the completion rules. That is what Derby have done, and done to avoid a points deduction last season

  • The one aspect I have never seen explained is why the EFL published alternative fixture list at, as I recall, exactly the same time as they allowed Derby until after the start of the season to submit the revised accounts. It made absolutely no sense to me. Can anyone explain the circumstances in which the WWFC in the.Championship might have applied?

  • @Thicketblue said:
    The one aspect I have never seen explained is why the EFL published alternative fixture list at, as I recall, exactly the same time as they allowed Derby until after the start of the season to submit the revised accounts. It made absolutely no sense to me. Can anyone explain the circumstances in which the WWFC in the.Championship might have applied?

    Because - as I understand it - the Independent Appeals Panel either didn't set a deadline or set a deadline of August 15th (depends on which article I read) for Derby to resubmit the accounts.
    Dispute what we, as fans of WWFC think, I don't believe Derby cheated in not resubmitting the accounts until after season 2021/22 started.
    Nor, I have to say, did they directly cheat WWFC during the accounting period in question - we were in different leagues at the time.

    However, what Mel Morris as owner of Derby County did was to deliberately and systematically manipulate the accounts to obfuscate the massive unsustainable over spending. For that Derby deserve to be punished and I'm in favour of RC pursuing a claim against them.

  • @Thicketblue said:
    The one aspect I have never seen explained is why the EFL published alternative fixture list at, as I recall, exactly the same time as they allowed Derby until after the start of the season to submit the revised accounts. It made absolutely no sense to me. Can anyone explain the circumstances in which the WWFC in the.Championship might have applied?

    I suppose if Derby had submitted their accounts before the deadline, which of course they didn't do

  • @aloysius I know there's some stark competition on the gasroom but that really is some unbelievable trolling action from you today.

  • If a Gasroomer is in a forest being being thick, ill-informed, petty and pathetic or just @glasshalffull and @eric_plant and @aloysius were not there to sneer...would we know?

  • Me no comprende @Wendoverman?

  • edited March 2022

    Yes, I'm not sure glasstotallyfull (relentlessly positive in any situation) should be in that company :D

  • I’ve never quite understood the attraction of trolling. Someone pretends to be an idiot in order to get a bunch of people to think that they’re a complete idiot to get some kind of satisfaction from the all the comments saying what an idiot that was.
    I guess it’s the easier option

  • As a kid vimto was like some kind of elixhir that our northern uncle supplied us with as a kid in the 80s. Nearly as treasured as the lollipops you got an exiting a Little Chef

  • @MorrisItal_ said:
    I’ve never quite understood the attraction of trolling. Someone pretends to be an idiot in order to get a bunch of people to think that they’re a complete idiot to get some kind of satisfaction from the all the comments saying what an idiot that was.
    I guess it’s the easier option

    There's a few variants on the gasroom, some more subtle than others.

  • This thread has become bizarrely confusing!

  • @eric_plant said:
    I've just checked, the deadline was 24th August, by which point we'd already played four games in League 1 (after a one week extension from the original deadline of 17th, on which date we were playing our 3rd.

    That was the other deadline, after they’d deliberately submitted accounts after the first deadline and still not in line with what the EFL had asked them to do.

  • @glasshalffull said:
    This thread has become bizarrely confusing!

    Nick Freeman

  • @Thicketblue said:
    The one aspect I have never seen explained is why the EFL published alternative fixture list at, as I recall, exactly the same time as they allowed Derby until after the start of the season to submit the revised accounts. It made absolutely no sense to me. Can anyone explain the circumstances in which the WWFC in the.Championship might have applied?

    I wonder where we would be in the Championship had we had that fixture list!
    Above Peterborough I expect?

  • I think we'd have been mid-table comfortably

  • According to The Sun George Clooney is considering buying Derby,coming from that joke of a paper i'd take it with a big pinch of salt.

  • Clooney and Rooney?

    No idea how they managed to make up that one.

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Clooney and Rooney?

    No idea how they managed to make up that one.

    It's the Perfect Storm.

  • Boom boom!

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Clooney and Rooney?

    No idea how they managed to make up that one.

    Clooney, Rooney first signing Tommy Mooney

  • DJ Spoony to take over pre-match playlist duties

  • Gerry Cooney on security

  • I also just saw this on The Mail online as well,April 1st has come earl;y this year.

  • @YorkshireBlue said:

    @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Clooney and Rooney?

    No idea how they managed to make up that one.

    It's the Perfect Storm.

    Bound to lead to at least One Fine Day though.

  • You'd need to be looney to believe any of it.

  • Think the whole thing was scripted by Ray Cooney. Niche.

  • Derby's final game of the season is at home to Cardiff. Anyone else daydreaming an injury time winner from Uche that seals their relegation?

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