EFL to allow crowds into games with immediate effect
How? Quite simple. All you do is call the crowd a protest and you can do what you want regardless of wether you are spreading the virus and ending not only black lives but thousands of other lives after your day out. The phase "I can't breathe " is one that those poor souls the protesters give Covid 19 to will become familiar. Totally selfish. It's right to mass protest against racism but totally the wrong time.
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Fuck off.
Oh @Chris . Listen.
This is what I like about the gas room, you always get such intelligent,intellectual arguments
I disagree with @Mr67 on this but he makes a reasonable point, one worthy of debate. Telling him to fuck off is simply oafish and makes a mockery of your position as a board moderator.
It's not the Gasroom way.
Is Chris really Dominic Cummings?
@Chris out!!!
What a curious response from a poster who usually doesn't say boo to a goose.
You can’t have a moderator telling posters to **** off.
I totally understand why players wish to protest and have their voices heard. Will this stop them being able to train with the squad though??
I agree with Chris.
Mr67 knows what he's saying, who to, and what for, there's pages of reasonably thought out debate on the subject in its own thread. This isn't it.
If you don't want to catch covid off a protestor don't go to the protests. If you think it's the wrong time you might be asked when is a good time.
Cuntiest post in months that
That's totally unnecessary. His opinion is absolutely valid.
My general rule of thumb is that when someone gets angrier about people protesting against racism than they do about racism itself then they're on the wrong side
His opinion is his opinion and while he's entitled to it that doesn't make it any less "cunty" . Chris is also entitled to his opinion and I'd say it's just as valid despite its bluntness.
I’d like to see a debate on this between @Mr67 and Bayo, or any of the other of our ‘totally selfish’ players out yesterday. I’d like to see how this faux outrage stands up against a lifetime of the their experiences as black men.
I’m really conflicted about the protests and am somewhat embarrassed I’ve put my own immediate needs first by staying in shielding when the world around us is at last saying no to oppression. There is a completely reasonable point in there somewhere @Mr67 but starting a thread in such a provocative way is really disappointing given how well mannered and respectful argument in the other thread on the subject is being conducted.
Maybe dismissing someone's opinion with the basest abuse is a factor in why we are where we are?
No-one has ever changed someone's view with simple abuse. That's why the many powerful and articulate interviews and speeches I've heard from people protesting against racism are far important than a mass rally.
There's a separate debate about how bad "naughty" language is in relation to a whole range of things. I won't post further swearing as it can take away from the debate but I would argue that the original post is more outrageous than the response.
No, I don't think his language and tone is acceptable here. If he's a moderator, even more so.
Many people will be thinking today that there's no point continuing any sort of lockdown, when they see large crowds gathering in British cities with no regard to social distancing and the like.
Just for the avoidance of doubt, I'm totally in favour of all the sentiments expressed by the protestors, as I'm sure a massive majority of people in this country are. I just don't think that now is the right time for gatherings of this nature.
If those are your thoughts @Mr67 then I'd like to see you pass them on to almost a third of our squad who were present at yesterday's protests. I desperately hope you were saying exactly the same about anyone taking part in VE Day celebrations or flocking to beaches in recent weekends. Seems to me that a lot of people are a lot more angry at the image of thousands of people protesting for racial equality than they were at the sight of thousands lapping up the Bank Holiday sun.
I'd say the number of people angry about the mass protests this week are on a smaler level to the outrage over Durdle Door but much less than Mr Cummings one family journey to Durham.
It's actually a harder thing to argue against these protests as the cause is much more just than a day at the beach or a trip for your wife's birthday.
I do think you can argue against the protest on safety grounds and agree with the cause though.
I'd give these views to anyone who attended any of the protests. I wouldn't just swear at them.
Many of the same people who are expressing outrage over the Black Lives Matter protests are the same ones who supported Cummings. An interesting coincidence.
There are a million ways to say “fuck off.” The problem with the printed word is that it lacks the nuances of speech so in many ways we are left to interpret the tone behind it ourselves.
Personally I gave a wry smile when I read it as a (slightly OTT) response to a somewhat, in my opinion, sanctimonious original post. A ‘day out’ somehow seems a little bit off the mark to describe the depth of feeling some (how I wish it was all) people feel on the matter.
Calling people who probably (if my own household is anything to judge) balanced all sorts of issues before deciding to attend a protest or not, “selfish” is, again in my opinion, ill-judged, insulting and ignorant.
Worded it quite well here.
We've just spent months in a world health emergency with social distancing social distancing social distancing rammed down our throats.
Seeing mass gatherings of any type right now does seem a bit alarming with us teetering on an "R rate" knife edge
Maybe also worth a quick thought that maybe all the people protesting (or a good proportion) have made the equation and decided that showing support for the cause is worth the personal risk , or see what failure to support the cause and challenge authority might lead too as potentially worse.
Wether you agree or not with the choice people made to attend just consider what it would take you to not only do so but to see it as necessary.
Or we could just go back to calling everyone, including our own players stupid.
Perhaps the simple fact that people are protesting in their thousands at a time where social distancing and face masks are required for any form of safety shows what a disgraceful scourge racism is on our current society? People aren't being selfish, that is, as @bookertease puts it, an insulting claim. I would hasten to suggest it's more that images and videos of American police murdering black citizens and tear gassing peaceful protestors have probably highlighted how shocking racism is right now, and are the "straw that broke the camel's back" - so to speak.
You can bet that the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Times, Sun etc will have a feeding frenzy if infection rates do increase, blaming BLM protestors rather than VE Day celebrators, incompetent Cabinet Ministers and a criminally negligent PM.
Do I agree that the protests are probably unsafe? Yes.
Do I think it is anyone's right to tell black people, and allies of the BAME community that now is not the time to protest? No.
Superb debating skill you have there Chris...

Yes, but it's not just 'personal risk', though, is it?
It's risk to any family members, friends or other people that they may come into contact with afterwards.
On a lighter note, i must admit i initially read the thread title and thought "have they?", before realising it was a sarky one.
The problem is it's not just personal risk. I'm sure most people would self isolate after attending, but you can't rely on everyone to and that's when the people they come into contact with in the coming weeks are put at risk. People are right to express concern.
What a depressing thread. Whether or not you disagree with someone else’s views, resorting to insults and bad language is surely not the way to express yourself.