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Match day thread: Plymouth



  • I don't understand where Plymouth get there self confidence? they have not been a big club for donkey years even though they are one of the bigger spenders...there manager is a poor excuse of a human ....has no humility and gets out tacted all the times by GA ...I so hope they get relagated...they don't even deserve to be a league club. GA is a brilliant tactitian as well as man manager ,,,,Plymouth can learn a lot from him .

  • I was keeping an eye out for it. They shook hands before and after the game

    Still a funny photo though

  • he is an absolute arragomt moron. surely he can't be married? if so......feel so sorry for Mrs Adams #miserable

  • Good day, Argyle supporter here and first time poster.
    I wasn’t at yesterday’s game and have seldom gone to Home Park this year as I have my own problems with how DA is running things.
    My (for what it’s worth) take on yesterday is really that Argyle fans have nothing to complain about. True, your lot ran us ragged in the first half and whilst we were better in the second half it really was nothing to shout about.
    I really do not understand why (if true) you resorted to time wasting/game management tactics when if you had continued to play to your strengths you could and should have got a hatful of goals against us. Assuming that you expect to be in the playoffs minimum this year, i’d hate it if I were you and you missed out on goal difference. Yesterday’s game was an opportunity to get 3-4-5 plus on your GD and frankly, you bottled it and gave us too much respect for a team you rightly played off the park for 45 minutes.
    Lastly , for all you bragadishio you only had 9 shots yourself so you ain’t that good either. 15 shots over 97 minutes is pretty poor entertainment, you can agree on that surely.

  • That’s brilliant research Ned and very revealing. I wonder what it is about Wycombe that truly irks Mr Adams and some Plymouth fans? Time wasting? Gamesmanship?
    Feigning injuries? Or could it just be that in recent years little old tin pot, non league Wycombe usually beat them? I’ll leave others to decide.

  • @Adethegreen said:
    Good day, Argyle supporter here and first time poster.
    I wasn’t at yesterday’s game and have seldom gone to Home Park this year as I have my own problems with how DA is running things.
    My (for what it’s worth) take on yesterday is really that Argyle fans have nothing to complain about. True, your lot ran us ragged in the first half and whilst we were better in the second half it really was nothing to shout about.
    I really do not understand why (if true) you resorted to time wasting/game management tactics when if you had continued to play to your strengths you could and should have got a hatful of goals against us. Assuming that you expect to be in the playoffs minimum this year, i’d hate it if I were you and you missed out on goal difference. Yesterday’s game was an opportunity to get 3-4-5 plus on your GD and frankly, you bottled it and gave us too much respect for a team you rightly played off the park for 45 minutes.
    Lastly , for all you bragadishio you only had 9 shots yourself so you ain’t that good either. 15 shots over 97 minutes is pretty poor entertainment, you can agree on that surely.

    Ha, you think maybe one of them isnt a moron ...bragadishio? Play offs?

    Its not bragging to say we were much better than you yesterday, or over the course of the season so far, you are a poor team at the bottom of the league, exactly where we expected to be. Ainsworth has done a great job. Once your panto fans were screaming about every tackle oblivious to your own players doing the same it was only going one way. If exactly the same game had happened against someone else your panto manager would have been complaining about the weather. It was lashing it down and that probably influenced the second half more than our style. We are found at times shouting at our manager to make subs or be a bit more positive but as we went up last year and are 9th this we must be doing something right. If you'd been at the game you might have seen how much football your lot played even before it got scrappy. Sum total of one speculative lob that hit the bar and barely a pass strung together. The best bit as always with your lot though is that you clearly think you should be in the premier league and its everyone else's fault you aren't. Hope you follow your soulmates at Rovers before and Notts County next with a dip into the conference.

  • I’m guessing we’ll still be playing each other next season.

  • Derek adams c##ts syndrome has clearly been passed on to his deluded fans..... like it was pointed out earlier adams started all this a few seasons ago delaying kickoff etc and has been completely outdone at the dark arts by GA since.... you should should be more concerned with how shite you lot were in the 97mins played you never looked like scoring

  • edited January 2019

    @Adethegreen said:
    Good day, Argyle supporter here and first time poster.
    I wasn’t at yesterday’s game and have seldom gone to Home Park this year as I have my own problems with how DA is running things.
    My (for what it’s worth) take on yesterday is really that Argyle fans have nothing to complain about. True, your lot ran us ragged in the first half and whilst we were better in the second half it really was nothing to shout about.
    I really do not understand why (if true) you resorted to time wasting/game management tactics when if you had continued to play to your strengths you could and should have got a hatful of goals against us. Assuming that you expect to be in the playoffs minimum this year, i’d hate it if I were you and you missed out on goal difference. Yesterday’s game was an opportunity to get 3-4-5 plus on your GD and frankly, you bottled it and gave us too much respect for a team you rightly played off the park for 45 minutes.
    Lastly , for all you bragadishio you only had 9 shots yourself so you ain’t that good either. 15 shots over 97 minutes is pretty poor entertainment, you can agree on that surely.

    Hi @Adethegreen. Thanks for coming over and for your fair-minded observations.

    A quick scan of the stats for yesterday's matches on the BBC shows me that we had more shots on target (seven) than any other team in the league. I'll take that for starters. Wycombe fans have many failings but braggadocio tends not to be one of them - we know we're not that good and certainly don't have an exaggerated idea of our status.

    We definitely don't expect to be in the playoffs this year. Avoiding relegation is the prime goal. (See above.)

    The timewasting is an engrained thing we do when narrowly ahead. It's not unique to us, is it, but I'd concede we have become thorough exponents of it. I don't care for it either - we had a pretty good conversation about it here last week - but I recognise that it's a part of playing to win rather than simply for the joy of sport. I thus live with the reality of professional sport in the knowledge that it's a level playing field.

    I hope you resolve your misgivings about DA and are able to enjoy visiting Home Park again soon. My son and I really enjoyed our visit there in August.

    Postscript: reading the two replies that were posted as I composed mine, I should change "braggadocio tends not to be one of them" to "braggadocio tends not to be one of them except when fans of other teams attempt to assert moral superiority or question our own virtue at which point Wycombe fans are as braggadocious(?!) as the rest".

  • Precisely my point. If we didn’t look like scoring, why didn’t you take advantage? I think if we’d have been stuffed 5-0 we couldn’t possibly have had anything to complain about.

  • That reads a little bit strong @StrongestTeam to what seems the most reasonable of the Argyle posts from @Adethegreen. A little tardy in his last sentence, but on the whole a reasonable summary of the match for someone who wasn't in attendance.

  • @Adethegreen said:
    I’m guessing we’ll still be playing each other next season.

    Which is fine really because we quite enjoy the niggle and tend to win.

    Not really, hope you go down obviously.

  • @EwanHoosaami said:
    That reads a little bit strong @StrongestTeam to what seems the most reasonable of the Argyle posts from @Adethegreen. A little tardy in his last sentence, but on the whole a reasonable summary of the match for someone who wasn't in attendance.

    Maybe, we know they are sensitive souls, can say I've ever been tempted to post on an oposition forum about a game I didn't go to.

  • And I don’t really care whether you go up, down or stay as you are. We’ll still have 23 teams to play against next season wherever we are.

  • @Adethegreen I also expect we’ll be playing you next season. That side should have enough to stay out of the bottom four.

    Just out of interest, what is it that Adams has done that stops you attending?

  • Well the consensus is this morning that next time most people won’t be going, it’s just not worth it, so you can watch your amateur dramatics and cheating in your library in peace. History tells us that clubs with less than 4,000 fans don’t last at this level for long, thank god

  • I believe he has wasted the last two preseasons which is why we give everyone a 4 month start to our season. I very rarely see a game as he sees it and I think he talks a better game than he manages, I believe he can’t complain about budgets when he signs players that he never plays or worse, signs players that he knows won’t fit into his system. Wasteful. Enough to be getting on with.
    But for all that, I support the team and the club.

  • @tommytynan01 said:
    Well the consensus is this morning that next time most people won’t be going, it’s just not worth it, so you can watch your amateur dramatics and cheating in your library in peace. History tells us that clubs with less than 4,000 fans don’t last at this level for long, thank god

    Bad news for Rochdale, Burton, Fleetwood, Accrington and nearly Blackpool, all of whom average below 4,000 this season. Less worrying for us with our average of 5,200.

    History also tells us that Plymouth, with their large fanbase, have not played in the top tier for over a century. Meanwhile, geography tells us that Plymouth, with a population twice the size of Wycombe, have an average attendance of roughly twice Wycombe's. Gosh.

  • Amid the continuing bile on PASOTI, this struck me as fair comment:

    "Whatever Wycombe do clearly works. Only Luton, Charlton and Barnsley have collected more points at home then Wycombe. Everyone seems surprised by it all but we know what they're like.

    We didn't rise to the challenge and we lost. Dust ourselves off, move on."

  • >

    I’d be interested to hear the views of the Plymouth fans on here today regarding the admission by MrAdams that when protecting a lead he dismisses the ball boys/girls because he doesn’t want the ball back in play too quickly.
    Whatever anyone thinks about Gareth Ainsworth and his tactics, he always displays humility and respect in defeat. Sadly, that can’t be said of every manager.

  • @HCblue said:

    @tommytynan01 said:
    Well the consensus is this morning that next time most people won’t be going, it’s just not worth it, so you can watch your amateur dramatics and cheating in your library in peace. History tells us that clubs with less than 4,000 fans don’t last at this level for long, thank god

    Bad news for Rochdale, Burton, Fleetwood, Accrington and nearly Blackpool, all of whom average below 4,000 this season. Less worrying for us with our average of 5,200.

    History also tells us that Plymouth, with their large fanbase, have not played in the top tier for over a century. Meanwhile, geography tells us that Plymouth, with a population twice the size of Wycombe, have an average attendance of roughly twice Wycombe's. Gosh.

    All those teams stated will struggle to survive at this level for more than a few seasons, tho I’ve seen them all and none of them resort to the anti football cheating I saw yesterday. You had less than 4,000 home fans yesterday and it’s easy to see why I’ve never ever seen such a depressing spectacle . Our 1300 fans won’t be there next time and any young home fans watching that garbage won’t stay for long. In some ways ainsworth is a clever guy at achieving results but when attendances drop to less than 3,000 as they will and he runs out of resources there’s only one way it will end up , national league if you’re lucky

  • @Adethegreen I do agree with some of your comments, I would like to have seen us take the game to Plymouth more in the 2nd half. It may well be that the atrocious conditions played a part in our tactics. Also worth pointing out, that your goalkeeper made several fine saves to keep the score down.

    @tommytynan01 It's not that I don't understand and indeed share some of your frustrations, but it's the rank hypocrisy that grates me. If we did indeed 'cheat' and 'feign injuries' (I'm still waiting for examples), perhaps we learnt it during your 2-1 victory at Adams Park where your team gave a fine display of the dark arts to see out the win. Do you really see Derek Adams as a saint? He's a horrible piece of work. He is bringing down he reputation of your club, you'd be better off without him I'm sure.

    Also, would you care to back up your comment the we 'have no history'? You may find that tough!

  • Time wasting has been to some extent accepted which is why the term has been changed to game management. Whether that be players feigning injury or taking ball boys/girls off the side of the pitch clearly shouldn’t be allowed. Years ago, clubs had the choice of stating (either before each game or before the season, i don’t remember) whether multi ball would or would not be used. Effectively deciding whether to have a quicker game or not from the outset. To change mid game is clearly not acceptable.
    What are your views on players feigning injury when they aren’t?
    Can I just add and i’m sorry if this is misconstrued, however, the previous incident with your young goalkeeper is so very unfortunate and we all should have feelings for a career ended too soon but this is the danger of feigning injury. If it occurs too often in too many instances it could lead to someone having a serious injury and other players pulling at him to stand up as been seen often enough to know it happens. It also means that fans do not show the correct behaviour when this happens and booing ensues. I’m sure fans and players alike would prefer that if someone says they’re injured they can be relied on to be genuine.
    For this reason and this reason only, feigning injury should be banned and rules applied so there is punishment for those attempting it.

  • I'd love to know what the red stuff pouring from JJ's nose was, as it clearly wasn't blood...

  • @tommytynan01 What did you think of MrAdams’ admission re ball boys/girls? Did you think we cheated to lead 3-0 in the play off semi at your place a couple of years ago? Did you complain about time wasting when we let you back into the game when you scored two late goals?

  • @tommytynan01 hmmmm, seems maths is not your strong point either. Crowd was just below 5,700 yesterday with just under 1,300 supporting Plymouth. 5,700 - 1,300 = 4,400. Attendances have steadily grown under Ainsworth. From our lowest ever League crowds a few years back to now not being far off what they were in the 90's early 2000's. That comes from the success and entertainment he has delivered.

  • I also imagine Allsop just fancied a lie down, because if any of us got clattered in mid-air and landed heavily on our back, we'd just get up and get on with it

  • @tommytynan01 said:

    @HCblue said:

    @tommytynan01 said:
    Well the consensus is this morning that next time most people won’t be going, it’s just not worth it, so you can watch your amateur dramatics and cheating in your library in peace. History tells us that clubs with less than 4,000 fans don’t last at this level for long, thank god

    Bad news for Rochdale, Burton, Fleetwood, Accrington and nearly Blackpool, all of whom average below 4,000 this season. Less worrying for us with our average of 5,200.

    History also tells us that Plymouth, with their large fanbase, have not played in the top tier for over a century. Meanwhile, geography tells us that Plymouth, with a population twice the size of Wycombe, have an average attendance of roughly twice Wycombe's. Gosh.

    All those teams stated will struggle to survive at this level for more than a few seasons, tho I’ve seen them all and none of them resort to the anti football cheating I saw yesterday. You had less than 4,000 home fans yesterday and it’s easy to see why I’ve never ever seen such a depressing spectacle . Our 1300 fans won’t be there next time and any young home fans watching that garbage won’t stay for long. In some ways ainsworth is a clever guy at achieving results but when attendances drop to less than 3,000 as they will and he runs out of resources there’s only one way it will end up , national league if you’re lucky

    Thanks, Nostradamus.

  • I can't be the only one who is very thankful for the way our media team handles themselves after yesterday. As delicious as it is reading only1argyle's take on the game, i'd be embarrassed if we behaved like that, regardless of the opposition.

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