@TheAndyGrahamFanClub I was thinking the same. Though this may change as the light of truth and righteous justice is gradually shone into the dark corners of deception, financial mismanagement, harassment and shop staff with flapping lips, at present I'm looking forward to League One and the running of the club is not a pressing concern for me. When someone seriously believes the promotion we were seeking under the five year plan is the worst thing that could have happened - you know the shark has been jumped.
As you know, @Wendoverman, I love your irony-rich, highly creative flights of fantasy but I also have this obsessive need to understand everything and I’m struggling with “....you know the shark’s been jumped.” Perhaps the shark refers to a previous owner but I don’t understand the jumping bit.
Yes, I really do have better things to do. The privet hedge has had an untimely growth spurt and mrs micra’s little dodgem car has acquired a mysterious sandy coating and a barely transparent windscreen. 6 monthly valetting doesn’t seem quite adequate.
Ahhhh @micra .... allow me to elaborate...cast your mind back to the 1970s/1980s and the series Happy Days. After years of painful decline it is widely accepted the series finally reached it nadir when there was an episode about The Fonz jumping his motorbike over a shark tank. 'Jumping the Shark' has since become a popular phrase to describe a once popular, innovative and distinguished tv series, person, event, or an organisation that has slowly declined and in a final desperate attempt to appear vibrant and relevant take things to the most ridiculous disastrous conclusion and can no longer be taken seriously. Thus, when richie accepts my somewhat ironic conclusion that our promotion was actually a disaster...the trolls have finally 'Jumped the Shark.'
To bring the thread back to football - I wonder what percentage of Henry Winkler's fee the robbing, lying bastards running our club trousered? (We will probably never know...)
Just when you think there are some things that will never be linked, you log on to the gasroom to find Happy Days being used as a metaphor for the existential crisis at bitterly-promoted Wycombe.
I can only assume if we get promoted again there will be a protest march in Wycombe by those opposed to the destruction of the proud traditions of the club....
Cheers @StrongestTeam, same to you. I personally can't wait to have a crack at L1, though as suggested by @Wendoverman, the prospect of being too successful is definitely troubling...
@Wendoverman said:
I can only assume if we get promoted again there will be a protest march in Wycombe by those opposed to the destruction of the proud traditions of the club....
And if we get relegated, Richie and Trevor will organise an open top bus parade to mark the occasion.
@mooneyman won't be a bus parade because we all know the bus will probably break down...or have the wrong tyres on for the conditions and anyway everyone knows wycombe buses are rubbish as they have not been updated as often as they are in other towns. Richie says he can borrow one from Luton, but it will probably cost too much...but no-one from Bedfordshire council will tell them exactly how much...
@Wendoverman said:
I can only assume if we get promoted again there will be a protest march in Wycombe by those opposed to the destruction of the proud traditions of the club....
They’ll also be simultaneously protesting that other people ‘will only be happy when we’re back in non-league’.
Nadir nadir, yes it all falls into place @Wendoverman. Casting my mind back to the ‘70s and ‘80s is not in itself at all difficult - I can just about manage the early ‘40s - but my aversion to things American must have developed by the time I reached “middle age” because I never watched The Fonz. It was probably too quick and subtle for my sluggish mind.
Any road up, thanks for the explanation.
@TheAndyGrahamFanClub I was thinking the same. Though this may change as the light of truth and righteous justice is gradually shone into the dark corners of deception, financial mismanagement, harassment and shop staff with flapping lips, at present I'm looking forward to League One and the running of the club is not a pressing concern for me. When someone seriously believes the promotion we were seeking under the five year plan is the worst thing that could have happened - you know the shark has been jumped.
As you know, @Wendoverman, I love your irony-rich, highly creative flights of fantasy but I also have this obsessive need to understand everything and I’m struggling with “....you know the shark’s been jumped.” Perhaps the shark refers to a previous owner but I don’t understand the jumping bit.
Yes, I really do have better things to do. The privet hedge has had an untimely growth spurt and mrs micra’s little dodgem car has acquired a mysterious sandy coating and a barely transparent windscreen. 6 monthly valetting doesn’t seem quite adequate.
Ahhhh @micra .... allow me to elaborate...cast your mind back to the 1970s/1980s and the series Happy Days. After years of painful decline it is widely accepted the series finally reached it nadir when there was an episode about The Fonz jumping his motorbike over a shark tank. 'Jumping the Shark' has since become a popular phrase to describe a once popular, innovative and distinguished tv series, person, event, or an organisation that has slowly declined and in a final desperate attempt to appear vibrant and relevant take things to the most ridiculous disastrous conclusion and can no longer be taken seriously. Thus, when richie accepts my somewhat ironic conclusion that our promotion was actually a disaster...the trolls have finally 'Jumped the Shark.'
Any connection to previous owners is purely coincidental.
Wasn't he on water skis, not a motorbike?
He was definitely on skis. He would be jumping the shark jumping the shark if he had done it on a motorbike. Mind blown
The Fonz on Skis???? Eyyyyyyyyyy! Plus of course he was in his leather jacket.
And of course I meant insider richie....not Richie Cunningham.
I think I must have given up on Happy Days long before it got to this.
Anyway here's the clip. For a speeding boat, it takes an awfully long time to reach the ramp.

To bring the thread back to football - I wonder what percentage of Henry Winkler's fee the robbing, lying bastards running our club trousered? (We will probably never know...)
I heard they missed out on millions by only including an acting sell on fee for Ron Howard when they could have included directing too.
Just when you think there are some things that will never be linked, you log on to the gasroom to find Happy Days being used as a metaphor for the existential crisis at bitterly-promoted Wycombe.
Think I'll go back to bed.
I can only assume if we get promoted again there will be a protest march in Wycombe by those opposed to the destruction of the proud traditions of the club....
...and the Fonz will jump over it.
Cheers @StrongestTeam, same to you. I personally can't wait to have a crack at L1, though as suggested by @Wendoverman, the prospect of being too successful is definitely troubling...
And if we get relegated, Richie and Trevor will organise an open top bus parade to mark the occasion.
I doubt Trevor and Richie could work out how to run a bath together, let alone a bus parade.
@mooneyman won't be a bus parade because we all know the bus will probably break down...or have the wrong tyres on for the conditions and anyway everyone knows wycombe buses are rubbish as they have not been updated as often as they are in other towns. Richie says he can borrow one from Luton, but it will probably cost too much...but no-one from Bedfordshire council will tell them exactly how much...
It would be a single decker bus parade anyway, as no-one likes the team being too high up.
They’ll also be simultaneously protesting that other people ‘will only be happy when we’re back in non-league’.
Nadir nadir, yes it all falls into place @Wendoverman. Casting my mind back to the ‘70s and ‘80s is not in itself at all difficult - I can just about manage the early ‘40s - but my aversion to things American must have developed by the time I reached “middle age” because I never watched The Fonz. It was probably too quick and subtle for my sluggish mind.
Any road up, thanks for the explanation.
Ah I was the early evening target audience of happy days @micra so thanks for making me feel young again before the new season takes its toll.
Straight into the starting 11 for the early KO against Charlton.
And straight back down to League Two for the lad by the looks of it
Subbed off at half time.
Nice move Luke
The gasroom "write em off early" mode in good early season form
LX1. So you think Sunderland will be relegated after watching their first 45 minutes of the season?
PS they’ve just equalised.
Lukes Wycombised falls/tumbles/dives went unrewarded in the first half.