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New Manager Rumour Mill



  • You couldn’t have put it better @Erroll_Sims

  • I'd like to echo all of @Brownie post here, he's said everything I wanted to say but has put it much more eloquently than I couldve

  • Have to admit I've largely avoided this thread since giving my 2p worth on the MB exit at the start. However I sincerely hope the Gasroom continues running. An essential source for WWFC debate and discussion. Would be a huge shame for it to go.

  • Actually I was in Tesco’s the other day and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I think they were an item.

  • The place is a godsend for me and has helped me through some really tough times. I appreciate all the effort that goes into running the site and hope you can find a way to continue @drcongo

    These last few weeks have brought into sharp focus the big changes to our club’s identity which has been exciting for some but very worrying for others and our usual standard of discourse has suffered accordingly.

    I’m certain if we all take a deep breath and make an effort to avoid insults or goading other posters, we can get back to discussions of planning laws, Kierkegaard and crisps.

  • Commiserations @drcongo .

    Just watch the football.

  • @Lloyd2084 does chairlift fall under planning laws or should that be a separate topic?

  • Birmingham Ciry fans were right. The wheels truly have come off.

    Dunno about anyone else but on a Saturday afternoon I’m cheering on 11 players wearing a similar Tshirt to mine play other 11 players wearing a different T shirt playing the wonderful, simple yet complex game called football.

    It’s stupid, it’s tribal, it’s childish. But I fucking love it.

    I’m going back to how I felt when I was 10’going to my first games. Enjoy everything on the pitch ignore/be ignorant of the stuff off it. There was sod all I could do about ownership stuff then, there’s sod all we can do now.

    I fully understand if people walk away from that. The truth and reality hurts

  • @drcongo - I just hope you do whatever is best for you as a person, whatever that is. You have provided such a service to us, but whatever this site means, it pales into comparison to you having to keep sacrificing in so many ways to keep it up, if it is not right. If it goes down, I just want you to know you have nothing but my thanks and well wishes!

    Your posts above resonate with me, as I feel a massive sense of anger and disappointment about the direction of the club, and a perplexity about how casually the mistreatment of a club legend has been processed by many. It is going to be a completely different club in so many ways, and I don't see any (or at least many) that are particularly appealing. I think part of the weirdness lately for me comes from feeling passionate and emotional over a massive cultural and ethical sea change that seems to be met with a shrug and a "things happen" by many others.

    Whatever happens, I wish you nothing but the best!

  • Anyone for a couple of verses of what the world needs now .

    Oh and I’m more of a Morrisons man, Market Street it’s a street in a supermarket genius.

    But seriously I don’t know enough about what went on to brand anyone anything and that’s not arse licking as my internet history will tell.

  • well said i think im going to pack it in on here, sorry if im one of the people contributing to it.

  • As our most reliable ITK, I certainly hope you stick around!

  • Full respect Dr regardless of your choice, the old place was overrun by bots and I guess changing technology and the march of time meant we lost the old gasroom a decade ago and keeping this place going and easy to use and mostly better than alternatives requires thanks and respect.

    This is however a forum for different views, but also takes, angles , purposes and styles. I don't see why people want to repeat themselves over and over or what they get from being odd or rude but we all interpret things differently, and you aren't above telling someone to fk off when you feel it necessary.

    Let's not put this place or us on a pedestal, it's a great resource used by many in different ways, but neither the gasroom or Wycombe Wanderers have ever been perfect. We have employed murderers and fraudsters, and had owners and prospective owners of all types and purpose, thanks it's been mostly saints on the playing and coaching staff more recently. The ownership changes reflect modern football and modern life is rubbish as some twits from Colchester once said. You can only sell once though and we won't be going back into trust ownership unless we go bust again. Also the current ownership is an opportunity we won't see again for some time and a partially homegrown eleven or a dip in the championship where we can actually go along isn't all bad.

    The Blooms debate will rage for years , decades maybe unless anything comes to light or changes, but it's not all about slagging Blooms or Dan Rice, I doubt anyone is really pro Rice over Blooms all things being equal but they aren't and he chose to leave. I didn't sense any real animosity either way at the ground on Saturday as people got behind SG and the team

    On here things always get weird when people are desperate to change closed minds, sometimes you need to agree to disagree and move on, you also have the power to ban the truly offensive or annoying but The Blooms issue has so many aspects to it that we can't hope to 200% square off that it does probably need it's own space.

    There's always been multiple threads on here and mostly people stick to the ones they are interested in and let people rage in others, maybe we could have a bit more moderation, not sure if you are taking that mostly on yourself, and I'm sure nobody would object or go off the rails if you wanted to add some banner adverts.

    Anyway do what you feel is best, hand it over or plough on, hopefully see you for a beer at some point.

  • Fair comment. Closing it down would be solving a me problem by making it a you problem, when actually I can just restrict myself from here.

  • Mods to take some of the strain off you would be a great idea.

    Some of the more neutral calmer posters micra, wendo etc

  • Ian Evatt now in to third favourite at 6/1.

  • Come on chief, no-one needs that in their life on a miserable Monday morning!

  • I don't think this place will survive him becoming the new manager

  • @Malone Moderate? My pram and toy throwing credentials are clear for all as well as the potential for Trump level vengeance should I ever have any level of power. The ongoing sniping would have had me pulling the plug a week ago. All hail @drcongo

  • edited January 27

    Hope everyone who wasn't feeling great about things last night has had a good night's sleep and feels better this morning.

    We've got a big game to win tomorrow. This place is always a happier place to hang out after a win

  • Here, here. I am not sure you appreciate what an essential service you have provided for the people of the Gasroom and the impact it has made on our lives.

    I don’t always agree with some of your points but that is life and I do know you put an awful lot into this platform and I appreciate all you do for us.

    Please stick with us we are a Gasroom family and families sometimes go through some bumpy waters but together we can get past this point.

  • Since "thumbgate" things seem to have become less civilised. Hopefully this will be a wake up call for all of us to calm down and respect each others views. For some like the venerable micra this is an essential service we can't afford to lose.

    As others have said I am quite happy to contribute towards the good Doctor's expenses.

  • Let us know how we can help, I cant help on the computer side of things myy skills are pretty limited, but more than happy to help financially.

  • Ha, sorry about that Malone, I really wasn’t trying to wind you up about Evatt because although the majority wanted him gone we were equally sorry it came to that. We really wanted him to succeed. Naturally all managers are judged solely on what we see on the field but actually Evatt has done an incredible job behind the scenes too. The training ground the back room staff, the fan zone and many other improvements have actually been led by Evatt from the crumbling mess we were after administration when Sharon came in with her investors. I’m sure he’d do the same for another club and I genuinely hope he does because we owe him a lot. Why we use Sharon’s first name I don’t know, it just stuck and possibly because nobody knew the correct spelling of her surname Brittan? Anyway, I just hope whoever you get as manager he does you proud because like most Bolton fans we’d genuinely love you to do well. I can’t see us challenging you for the automatics but hopefully with our new man in place we can at least make the top six and ±with a bit of luck see both of us in the Championship next year.

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