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New Manager Rumour Mill



  • Evatt surely does not fit the new outlook of the ownership team. Failure being rewarded? For years football has had a merry go round of managers who get fired for performance on Monday and linked to the next job immediately. Rooney is a classic example of this. No foundation for getting a job and yet getting linked with jobs left right and centre, and some chairman will think 'I wonder ....'.

    I would love to see a manager appointed where the first thing I have to do is Google their history. We are at the beginning of a new dawn* and I don't think an old stick in the mud is the way forward.

    *or apocalypse

  • If MB had stuck around and gotten us promotion then the honeymoon would have continued for a bit longer. But it was always going to end in tears for some (most?) people eventually. Lommy seemingly wanting us to be a Premier League team will bring enough problems for the 'family club' supporters who won't like a new stadium near a motorway and thousands of tourists and 'daytrippers' turning up. But then there's the whole 'Kazakhstan' concept and what it will actually mean. We become Astana's feeder club? Half the squad go missing for World Cup qualifiers? I have no idea but being a little club in the Chilterns and an international powerhouse is going to cause some problems.

    I'd guess that if the lads who had a kickaround in 1887 could somehow visit Adams Park they'd shit their breeches at seeing how things have developed. But that's change lads. Do you want to be like Wycombe Nose Club? DO YOU?

    I've been sitting here for ten minutes thinking how to end this post but I have no idea what the future is going to be. Emotional, I suppose.

  • Let's all get behind SG and the team tomorrow night, and hope for some news of a new Head Coach before the end of the week.

  • There are so few clubs or circumstances that allow longevity for managers that the odd sacking shouldn't rule someone out for life. Evatt seems like a bit of a chump but it's difficult to suggest he has been a failure over the period of time he's been there and he's left the club in a better spot than he found it. Not sure a manager with zero relevant experience is as exciting or likely to succeed as you make it sound.

  • @Kim_il_Swan don’t ever change…

  • I for one would be quite happy to pay £5 per month to ensure the continued existence of the Gasroom, as a contribution towards the running costs. As others have said, this is 100x better than any other EFL club's forum.

    If we got, say 100 regulars paying that figure, the £500 monthly should easily more than cover the cost, and any surplus could then be used to perhaps fund an annual summer meet up at a bar in West London, where members could chat face to face.

    Although the discussions have gone off the rails in recent weeks, I'm sure that when the team get back to winning ways under a quality Manager / Head Coach, normal service will be resumed. Meanwhile, @drcongo , please don't go, we need you.

  • Clearly not zero experience. But stepping up from behind a senior manager can work ok. And Evatt seemed like an alienating character to me. I must admit I only took interest in him during the last months of his tenure but blaming just about everyone but himself was his normal response.

    The other factor of course is the style the owners want for the club. At the two public meetings Dan Rice has said they would look for a consistent playing style to allow young players to make the transition through to the senior team. That style would probably be what we are playing now of course. In which case we need to recruit a manager who believes in that as opposed to a John Beck type. All of this narrows down the field in the UK. You are not likely to get an old school manager who is willing to do away with their lifelong belief in doing things the way they always have. That is why I am leaning towards a fresh unblemished talent which most certainly can work even at the highest of levels.

    Cue Ian Holloway being announced

  • Holloway would be one hell of a way to sort out the way-ward personalities that we've just signed!

  • So we still don’t have a manager, but at least we still have a Gasroom. Not sure which one I woke up more concerned about.

  • I don’t sense that Evatt is a compliant character. He’s a taskmaster and his persona is one of ‘the boss’ as opposed to the loveable coach.

    Rice is the top dog now whether folk like that or not. I sense the next ‘head coach’ will be just that. Someone passionate about coaching, improving and getting the best out of the players at his disposal.

    Rice or ‘Danuard’ will make all the plays outside of that. So these old school management names are just for bookies to win a few quid.

  • Where we have to adjust our thinking to is that Rice is the manager of the club. We have been a single team club for a generation pretty much. We are now looking at a manager of teams from first team to 9 year olds. Hence why we will have coaches. And all will have to align. All coaches are going to have to understand they are part of a wider team now. The wonderful era of Gareth buying nets from Amazon are behind us. We now have 'Professional Development Phase Operations Lead' and I have precisely no idea what that is.

  • "Football and everything to do with it is an emotional game and sometimes that spills over, just remember that none of us (except for a few) know each other's personal situation and some comments can cut deeper than you are aware of. Mental health has been spoken about a few times and I myself took a month out because some comments got to me and I needed that break. I just want us to take things easy because if this forum was to disappear, I think it would be a very sad day for us all."

    Well put Otter. Everybody can and should be able to voice their opinion and we can all agree and disagree but there is almost never a need to start insulting somebody else for having a different view point or perspective.

    I think multiple people have mentioned keeping a thread named "new manager rumour mill" to rumours about a new manager and venting about the MB and Dan Rice piece elsewhere on a relevant thread for it.... which seems like a common sense/adult approach to me.

  • Genuine question as I don't know much about him. Why is Evatt not seen as a possible candidate by some. Was there an incident I have forgotten?

  • edited January 27

    That genuinely made me laugh out loud on the train.

    Thanks I needed that.

    (And apologies to @TheAndyGrahamFanClub as for some reason i originally had their post linked)

  • I get the impression that he's an individual who doesn't like getting told what to do and would want control (or partial control) over incomings and outgoings which he ain't going to get here. I might well be wrong.

  • Evatt comes across as a prize prat. Certainly not someone who would help to keep the dressing room spirit high. For all his success at Bolton, I'd be extremely disappointed if we appointed him based on his appalling character alone.

  • I had no idea he played every game of Blackpool's PL season

  • Excellent post @Otter87.

    ”Gents” is an interesting opening and it always feels like the vast majority on here are of that gender. I’m only aware of one lady subscriber. But we don’t know.

    I occasionally have a gander at the Wanderers Friends Facebook page (not to be confused with the Fans page) mainly because Dave Gardner, who runs it (together with Lisa Bowker?) is a good friend and moderates it very well - often bringing common sense and sound knowledge to bear when in his judgment people appear to be ill-informed or are offending the code of civility and of course friendship in some way. Interestingly, there are plenty of ladies on that forum.

  • From the interviews I've seen over the last few months plus a foray into the Bolton forums, he does not appear to take ownership of issues and has looked to point the finger elsewhere. He appears to hold grudges.

    He comes across that it's either his way or not at all. Adding to that, my gut is, lots of people would present ideas - he would ignore them - then come back two weeks later saying I've had this great idea, let's do this and present it as his own. As the original suggestor rolls their eyes and hits head against brick wall.

    There is a time and place to publicly criticise your key stakeholders and where possible it should be as infrequently as possible. Evatt seems to do it most weeks, particularly with players and fans.

  • edited January 27
  • edited January 27

    Whatever was known or felt about the departure, we know the result, the sudden pivot by some to then attacking the character, skills or motivations of the manager who took us to second in the League and delighting in his travails at Lu,on, I found depressing. When a previously mainly sidelined hater is getting likes for his spleen you know the world has turned upside down.

    You can want the club to grow, develop and succeed as well as hoping the things you like about the place aren't entirely destroyed in that effort. I doubt I'll live to see a new stadium, chairlift, special club crisp brand, promotion to the Premier League, but I hope the owners do it with the fans and not despite them.

    We can all take a break from the gasroom when we get the bumhole, @drcongo is possibly not so I say again...all hail the doc.

    Oh and Evatt? NO!

  • Would love to think it’s “all of” (and if it’s only three, that would be a step in the right direction).

    I know someone who could give us a rough idea but he’s got a lot in his mind currently!

  • A no from me for Evatt also. Does not came across as a very nice person.

    Not quite as bad as Steve Evans or Joey Barton, if one of those was our new coach, I'd seriously consider my attendance at Adams Park.

    As an aside, it feels strange that I am so apprehensive about the future. We are on course for our best finish ever but we seem to be losing the culture and ethos that made our club special. The way Blooms departed was not great to say the least.

    Watching Gaz's interview for Shrewsbury on Saturday, it was joyous to see the infectious enthusiasm. I only hope our new coach evokes similar feelings.

  • For all those concerned about Evatt a few thoughts from our side. For two and a half years Evatt was incredible. In January 24 we were a point behind Pompey at the top of L1 with two games in hand, above Derby and with 3 games in hand. What could possibly go wrong? It did, we stopped playing the free flowing one touch stuff that was a joy to watch and instead commenced a slow and sideways system. We completely blew it wasting the games in hand but hey we still had Wembley!! I don’t think Evatt ever got over that defeat and it’s haunted him since and he got into the habit of blaming everyone else and wouldn’t see his system was a car crash and everybody had worked him out. To be honest he should have gone after Wembley and keeping him was a mistake, this seasons been a disaster. All that said the majority of fans wanted him to succeed, even up to the end because he’s a worker not just on the field but behind the scenes as well. I am certain that after a little reflection and the pressure off Evatt will have learned from it so would he be good form Wycombe? In my opinion yes but as domevsay, he does like his own way! 😀

  • I’m not sure our current vacancy would suit someone who likes to do it their own way. Quite the opposite really.

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