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New Manager Rumour Mill



  • We gave a huge shit, the trust and its members fought like hell to keep the club alive but the choices were limited by the time of the vote.

  • edited January 26

    Oh fucking hell is this still chuntering on? People keep saying move on until there's another piece of 'evidence' they think proves their point and fire it up again.

    Can someone start a Bloomfield v Rice thread and the tedious hysteria can live there forever?

  • Or keep it in one mega thread just for those who want to rehash the arguments at length. That'd make more sense

    Keep this thread for actual new manager talk

  • We could form a breakaway Gasroom

  • I’ve just caught up on 60 posts, the majority of which are the Rice fanatics relentlessly telling people who’ve pretty much given up posting to ‘move on’.

    Maybe if you moved on from telling people to move on we could all move on?

  • 'Rice fanatics'

  • Yep, can only imagine Ed wasn't around at the time to make that sort of post. There were relentless threads, discussions and fears about the whole situation.

  • Ange maybe available soon…he’d certainly keep @glasshalfempty busy on the injury list thread!!!

  • 60 new comments since my last visit to this post. “We must have been linked with somebody else for the head coach vacancy…” - nope, evidently not!

  • Please, if that is the case, do so already. I’m sick of all the whinging.

    Fair enough. I'm done. Anyone who'd like to take over the hosting and running this place DM me please.

    Honestly thought the gasroom was way above the knuckle draggers on Facebook but I was obviously wrong, most of this place is gleefully licking Dan Rice's arse clean and cheering on the ridiculous over-spending just like all those Derby fans were doing under Mel Morris. And funnily enough it's the exact same people hypocrites who slagged them off for it.

    "It's a business, these things happen" - no it's fucking not, it's a football club. You don't all go stand outside Tesco's on a Saturday singing songs about Sainsbury's being shit do you. So if it's a business, what the hell are you doing? Supporting a football club, to some people, is a bit more than fucking brand loyalty.

    Players change, staff members change, stadia change, everything changes - so what is it that you're actually cheering for on a Saturday afternoon if not the unquantifiable, feeling of that club? For me, the feeling that has always made me proud to be a Wycombe fan is that we weren't like other clubs. We weren't spending outside our means, we didn't hire tax fraudsters like Steve Evans or wife beaters like Darren Fergusson, we treated everyone within and outside the club with respect. That's pretty much what I'm supporting on a Saturday afternoon. The fact that our new ownership couldn't do that for the one person who deserves that respect more than any other, should tell you all you need to know about the future. The fact that the gasroom similarly can't do that for the one person who deserves that respect more than any other tells me all I need to know about this place.

    In a week's time, this site will have been running for ten years. You are not the people I thought you were, and I simply don't have the energy to deal with so many tantrums.

  • The Trust were brilliant. Promotion from L2, somehow staying up in L1 with no money, and then leaving us in the L1 playoff spots (though Couhig had been helping at that point) and selling us to a decent owner. Of course, all of the above needs a huge salute to GA, Dobbo and the players too, but the Trust - as volunteers, no less - did incredible things.

    But as has been said, we really did not have any options financially by the time we sold, and I believe we were very close to the threat of administration if nothing changed. Couhig came along at just the right time.

  • Anyone fancy joining me outside Tesco this weekend? You're right, Sainsburys are shit and they need to hear it.

  • That's a lovely sentiment.

    A year ago, when you were asked about whether Bloomfield should be sacked, you said "I still won’t be calling for Matt Bloomfield to be sacked. Whether he should be is a different question".

    Given what has happened in the last 12 months, I am very sad that Bloomfield has left, but not so long ago many of us thought that it might be necessary, however much we didn't want it. Now it has happened, we have to live with it.

    Many of us still remember O'Neill feeling like he was forced out 30 years ago. Martin got over it, and I am sure Matt is very happy at Luton and will do wonderful things. It's not like he's unemployed. The only way we will progress is getting over it ourselves. Not doing so isn't going to bring him back.

  • edited January 26

    Too Risky, Last time I did that Aaron Pierre nutted me.

    *It wasn't me, it was. joke, as you were

  • Agreed about the part played by the Couhigs. But I think they would not have been able to finance the academy and team as it appears the new owners are.

    ML etc bought the club because, as they said, it was run and had an ethos they were looking for, by buying us they did not have to start from scratch.

    Do we accept this as their guiding motive? I agree that with MB they appeared to be playing hard ball, but no doubt he may well have responded a bit more accommodating and so still be here?

    We don't know and will no doubt only find out as time goes on, but it seems obvious to me that we would not be able to make a successful attempt at being an established Championship club without the funds they are able to put into the club; as indeed our 1 year in that league demonstrates.

    As a supporter since 1956 I quite like the idea of being an established Championship club!

  • edited January 26

    The Trust got lucky (as we did) having Gareth Ainsworth at the helm. I am absolutely convinced that we would not have a League club now without him and consequently not had the years of Blooms. There is no way we could survive nowadays in Trust ownership.

  • This place has turned into a dictatorship. Good riddance if that's the way it's going to be.

  • edited January 26

    Kevin Nolan thanks you for your understanding.

  • You're welcome to take it over Tom. Also, you're welcome.

  • edited January 26

    Nah, crack on. Go ahead and shut down a really good platform that a lot of people get a lot out of because we don't all share the same stance on a manager leaving. It's a divisive issue; it's created a divided discourse. You've gotta let it burn out. I don't see anyone saying anything so outrageous that it warrants pulling the plug entirely.

  • Wish you well @drcongo

    People failing to accept other people’s views and the decent into abuse and name calling has been quite surprising recently.

    The Gasroom was my homepage for a long time. I’ve disagreed with many, agreed with more. Always enjoyed the respect. But since the resignation of MB the wheels well and truly came off the place.

    Best wishes to all for the future.

  • The Gasroom Will Eat Itself

    ”There’s no love between us anymore…”

  • I'm not seeing anything that warrants the time, effort, sanity and money it costs me to keep it running. I've made multiple requests for people to stop being nasty, bullying other users and deliberately baiting people who think that the club should treat people with respect. It hasn't stopped, which kinda shows how much respect these same people have for this place. It's a shame for the people who do get a lot out of it.

  • It’s certainly gone south in here recently but predominantly because of the crushing bores and know-it-alls who repeat the same bollocks at random points throughout the day.

  • Recently meaning 1998 then

  • Or maybe just monetise it and make it a subscription model - a couple quid a month and go all in to be the ‘Wycombe Fan TV’ / Forum / platform?

    we get precious little coverage anywhere else and is always fascinating to see how other teams see us as a bit of a nothing club.

    compared to other fan forums this is good!

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