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  • The use of (semi-automated) VAR for offsides across Europes top leagues has broadly worked fairly well. Sadly the system/process here in the UK has been abysmal & led to ludicrous delays in too many matches.

    For most other infringements VAR has done little or nothing to enhance the quality of decisions made by officials & most certainly has not eliminated all erronous calls. Having said that it isn't really the fault of the plaform as it is still down to an understanding & interpretation of the rules by one or more human operatives which too often becomes a matter of opinion, especially where the rule is poorly drafted (e.g.the current handball rule).

    What needs to be done is rewrite the rules to allow the game we want to see be delivered, though I suspect that is probably impossible as we will mostly disagree on what we want to see.

  • It doesn't help that the UEFA interpretation of the handball law is different to that used in the PL, despite it being the same law. Ludicrous in my view, but there you are.

  • Absolutely astonishing that anyone could have watched any games in this tournament and believe that celebrations haven't been affected by VAR.

  • I agree and not just in this tournament, every week in the PL. It is spoiling one of the great joys of being a football fan.

  • I don't even need to read back to guess its Dev C doing his usual argue black is white thing.

  • In fairness @DevC does argue black is black and presents a valid argument FOR VAR.

    But they then argue that white is black and doesn’t seem to even countenance the equally* valid argument AGAINST VAR.

    *I’m trying to be diplomatic - for ‘equally’ read ‘much more persuasive’.

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