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Bloomfield Out?



  • A worse crime than calling Ringing The Blues without the bill payer's permission? In those days that probably would have been something along the lines of the great train robbery.

  • Getting back to some of the original topic of discussion...

    This analysis ( implies that we have the hardest run in (from now) of all teams in the bottom half of the table (it compares the average PPG of teams we have played so far, with those we have yet to play). Can't stress how big a job Bloomfield has to keep us in League One.

  • What was the number we used to call from our rivals' house at uni....oh eightnineeight FIFTYFIFTYFITY

  • A vicious inter house war ensued resulting in our sky dish being nicked.

  • Like some kind of us frat film...but in the rain of Leeds.and less hot babes inexplicably getting their boobs out

  • Fewer hot babes.

  • Not necessarily.

  • If it's Leeds the correct term is Zero hot babes.

  • I did. When medicated post operative in a private hospital. 45 quid in the early 90s!!!!!

  • Sometimes the claims will be false

  • Been thinking a fair bit on the topic today.

    My gut feeling is the Couhigs are not daft and can see exactly the situation. At this moment in time, I imagine they are hoping that we can pick up a bit of league form - enough to get us in a much healthier looking position - and genuinely make Wembley as it could help raise some money for the coffers.

    On the flip side, the moment we find ourselves both out of the pizza trophy AND in the relegation zone I think Matt will be gone.

    I do so hope that things can improve dramatically but for me the signs aren’t good. Firstly GMac (they guy who nearly retired as he fell out with football) looked utterly fed up in his interview, promising loan players leaving (“gaffer get me out, it’s all going tits up”), the bazaar statement that Campbell will get guaranteed game time, Stryek going from Martin Taylor confidence levels to Brian Parkin confidence levels, Forino seemingly going backwards in development, JJ not getting a look in at LB which would be a pretty sensible way of getting Leahy into midfield, fed up fans watching generally dull football when it comes to the entertainment stakes. And so on.

  • It is a particularly miserable presumably last season for JJ.

    Long injury, occasional run outs when we played 5 at the back, next to no hope of a look in now. And kept out of left back by a not exactly particularly mobile centre mid.

  • I really don’t think Matt will go until the end of the current season.

    If the Couhigs are being advised by someone who knows what they are doing, they surely would have advised that we bring in a new manager prior to the end of the January window. Bringing in a new man prior to the deadline would have allowed the new man to make some adjustments to the playing staff but now that option is pretty much gone.

    I can’t see any change to the management team, although I believe we should have done so.

  • Would you still think that if we dropped into the bottom 4 in the next couple of weeks though?

  • edited January 2024

    Will he be sacked? No.

    Does that mean we should just keep quiet about it and meekly accept our fate? Also no. The board need to know how the fans truly feel, and I think the booing is just the start.

  • And what better way than for the same 3 posters on an internet message board to post the same thing over and over and over again?

  • Yes I think I would.

  • Intriguing.

    If booing is the start, what next?

    The Banner Gang reforming, with an even crisper A4 home printed placard with " BLOOMY OUT" on it?

  •  A small group of women from Iowa lost their sons early in the Vietnam war, and they decided to set up an organization of mothers opposing the assault on the country. They called a protest of all mothers of serving soldiers outside the White House – and six turned up in the snow. Even though later in the war they became nationally important voices, they always remembered that protest as an embarrassment and a humiliation.

    Until, that is, one day in the 1990s, one of them read the autobiography of Benjamin Spock, the much-loved and trusted celebrity doctor, who was the Oprah of his day. When he came out against the war in 1968, it was a major turning point in American public opinion. And he explained why he did it. One day, he had been called to a meeting at the White House to be told how well the war in Vietnam was going, and he saw six women standing in the snow with placards, alone, chanting. It troubled his conscience and his dreams for years. If these women were brave enough to protest, he asked himself, why aren’t I? It was because of them that he could eventually find the courage to take his stand – and that in turn changed the minds of millions, and ended the war sooner. An event that they thought was a humiliation actually turned the course of history.

  • edited January 2024

    I'd direct the frustration at RC, not Blooms.

  • @Shev and @floyd, could one of you pop down to Iowa and round up six moms for us?

  • Looks like it's only a 10-hour drive for @Shev

  • I hate the booing as it is!!! Counterproductive at best. Blooms isn’t getting sacked any time soon.

    In fairness the team deserved a little half time boo but at the end of the game after the effort of the second half it was childish.

    Now it’s time to get behind the team

  • the only way a change will be made is if revenues go down and that is attendances going down., and this is happening, I will not attend another match /buy any merchandise until changes are made.

  • Silver linings and all that…

  • Did you know the club get money from every post you make on here?

  • You withdrawing your support could be the straw breaking the camel's back!

  • Well you are no fan of Wycombe Wanderers. Real fans stick with the club through thick and thin.

  • 🤔🧐🧐🤣🤣

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