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Rumour Mill



  • My gut impression, given that it’s been confirmed by Breckin for such a long time now, is that Man City have politely asked us not to announce it. It’s fairly obvious that the discourse on social media would be:

    ”How did he do?”

    ”He was rubbish and then couldn’t get in the team.”

    It’s bad for Breckin’s mental health and it’s bad for the value of Breckin as a financial asset to Man City.

    That could be a complete load of rubbish, of course.

  • Unless Man City have another plan for him (loaning him to another team or have a purchased arranged), I think they'll just want to get him settled back into the their system and reassess him before even acknowledging to the wider world where he is. As @frequentstander mentioned, I think that it needs to be handled carefully, his mental health has prob taken a massive knock, his confidence is prob rock bottom so it just needs to managed in the right way

  • Saw this on Twitter by an unofficial Man City account.

    “City have recalled midfielder Kian Breckin from Wycombe. Not impressed by his lack of opportunities and Club insiders hear treated poorly. Being offered out on loan to clubs nearer to home, although the Under-23s could certainly do with him right now! Talented kid.”

  • Bucks Free Press James Richings has just put a tweet out to confirm Breckin has gone

  • Feels unlikely that he’d be treated poorly as the tweet claims, given our previous management of young players and loanees.

    As for City not being happy with his game time, ultimately the loan has to be beneficial for us as well as City. The management team clearly felt Breckin wasn’t ready for regular minutes in the league, and just because he’s come from such a big club doesn’t give him the entitlement to walk into the starting line up every week.

    As for the links between Breckin and Southampton, that feels like a huge leap. If he’s not been able to break into our team or even make it onto the bench much, it’s hard to imagine him making a dent in the championship.

    Mind you - won’t look great for Wycombe if he does manage to get a move higher up and get regular games.

  • I'm hoping Breckin puts out a tweet that James Richings has gone

  • I imagine if we'd have had a better start to the season, Breckin might have got more game time. Being as it was, we had little opportunity to bed in a light-weight youngster.

  • I was thoroughly unimpressed by Boyes for about four or five games, but he managed to start pretty much every week, so I wouldn’t be overly surprised if Man City and Breckin felt hard done by. Boyes came good in the end and I’d be disappointed if he has gone back to Sheff Utd.

    Breckin was a bizarre loan anyway - we plucked Mellor from another top Manchester PL2 team and we all know how that went. A quick scan of PL2 YouTube highlights shows that the majority of those players would struggle at National League level. I would have hoped this was fairly obvious to our coaching staff. It was obvious to me. I commented precisely this when the Breckin deal was announced in summer.

  • Probably a typical "billy bollocks" Premier League player thinking he would walk into a tinpot club like Wycombe, hence feels badly treated.

  • edited January 2024

    He probably was a bit hard done by to be fair. We signed him in a blaze of glory, gave him the 8 shirt, made him centre of publicity that summer - then proceed to sign two other Premier League U23 midfielders, both of whom start ahead of him. Add to that hauling him off after 45 mins in his professional debut then dropping him from the squad entirely for the next few matches... I can certainly see why a mollycoddled 18yo earning staggering amounts of money who's been told he's the greatest thing since sliced bread might feel badly treated.

    The problem was - the club was trying to give him the equivalent of the boarding school cold shower to shock him into his senses... and by the looks of things he just wasn't receptive it it. Instead of accepting that he was here to adapt, learn different skills, fight for a place, fit in with journeymen and show some humility about it all... well I don't know if he attempted to do any of that or just decided to moan to his Man City liaison officer. But either way, it didn't work. A shame - and after both him and Luke Bolton I doubt we'll be seeing any other Man City youth players any time soon. But maybe that won't be such a bad thing after all.

  • Maybe there's so much action in the offing they want to do it as one big piece?

  • Breckin played a lot in pre-season and looked absolutely desperate, well off the pace. Then had a shocker v Exeter. You can certainly question his work rate in those early games too. I think Bloomfield knew pretty soon he had made a major mistake. Presumably has a bad attitude as well if he feels he was mistreated.

  • I think Matt spread his net with a lot of Premier League teams to see who he could get and thought he'd struck gold when Man City replied to his calls/emails. I believe that Freddie Potts and Philips were surprises as they arrived later on.

    What also didn't go in his favour is that we signed 6 young on-loan players but league rules state that only 5 loan players can be involved in the matchday squad. As everyone else was performing / needed in the squad, Breckin was always going to miss out.

  • Cowley brother to Col U

  • You may be 100% correct here. But it seems to me you’ve built one hell of a narrative on the basis of pretty much zero evidence

  • Perhaps it was always a bad match - Man City basically believe in non-contact football, after all.

    I am still amazed we got Potts, as he is basically West Ham's crown jewel of the youth system and played in Europe last season.

  • I agree. It must have been a culture shock to the lad moving away from home and a cosier environment at City, but I don’t believe for one moment that he was badly treated and not given a fair opportunity. Look at the way Potts, Phillips and Boyes adapted. If Breckin had shown similar levels of improvement he would have played many more games than he did. He is clearly a talented player but at this stage of his career lacks the physicality required in the tough world of lower division football. I’m sure we all wish the lad well but let’s not pretend that his inability to tie down a regular place with us in any way reflects badly on the club.

  • And indeed the work of 99.9% of football forum posters including all but @marlowchair on this fair gasroom...

  • MB speaks.

    If there is anything to the Ronan Curtis rumour then I guess that might meet the “creativity” profile, or maybe a Wing-style centre mid?

  • Don’t disagree with anything you say. I’ve listened to many players talk about their loan experiences and how it made them. One that i always remember is frank lampard being sent to Swansea when they played at the Vetch. He recalled thinking ‘I don’t want to play in places like this’ and redoubled his efforts. Some players might think ‘can’t wait to get back to heated dressing room seats’ and not make the connect with effort.

  • Hopefully Matt Bloomfield shares the assessment of wise sage @our_frank when it comes to Mr Curtis.

  • It's official

  • I was saddened to read his appraisal as he was always a threat when I saw him play. But I guess something doesn’t fit when a player with such good stats doesn’t get snapped up so quickly.

  • Looks like Boyes may have gone back to his club. Any news about whether Lyle Taylor is gone or still with us?

  • I'm a little disappointed if that is the case. His early appearances were very encouraging. But I guess with Leahey now THE left back it will be hard to push ahead of him. It might be that his parent club want him to play guaranteed levels of football and we can't make that commitment.

    or he has been dropped and we haven't been told

  • Do you have anything on which to base that @Blue_since_1990, other than he hasn't played recently?

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