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New kit this summer?



  • edited May 2023

    People don't flock here in the hope that they might catch a glimpse of the king in his front room, though, do they? They come for the places and objects which surround the monarchy and its history - which would still exist if the monarchy were abolished.

    I believe the most visited 'royal' palace in the world is Versailles - France has been a republic since 1792.

  • And they used to send kids up chimmneys & down mines but we now realise this wasnt the best thing to do; so no longer do it.

    Just because we used to do something doesn't make it right & in my opinion the monarchy is an anachronism in a modern society.

  • Not sure this is massively relevant given 1997 was closer in time to when Charlie Chaplin was alive than it is to now. A lot happens in 25 years.

    Annnnd also it wasn't true then either.

  • edited May 2023

    Most countries in the world have coronations - even the ones that have monarchies. That's certainly the case in continental Europe, where most nations have at least tried to tone down their monarchy a bit.

    Meanwhile, on Normal Island, circa 3m people are using food banks, yet we go ahead with this tone-deaf nonsense which doesn't actually serve any purpose - he's been king since the moment the queen died.

  • I think that's a good shout - Hummel did something kind of similar with Coventry's home kit a few years back

  • Those hours long queues outside the Palace of Versailles every day of the year must be tourists hoping one of our inbred, racist, pedo royals is going to pop over to France on holiday then.

  • Not once England are out

  • Don't mind a constitutional Monarchy myself though I would like massive Lords reform. What would the Kashket family and the metal workers in Birmingham do without the Ceremonial uniform work? As for the Coronation, I see the value of the traditional services and ceremonies but the cringeworthy concerts full of fat gurning eighties singers looking for medals are more upsetting for me. (I see the multi-millionaire showbiz Lord who flew in once just to vote in the bedroom tax has written some nice music for it as well. )

  • *DON'T have coronations, lol

  • People are perfectly entitled to dislike the monarchy, but the idea that the coronation was dreamed up by King Charles PR team is patently ridiculous.

  • I think it was dreamed up by King Ethelred's PR team to be honest. (Or one of that lot.)

  • I don’t have the dislike for the monarchy that some posters have but I must admit that the coronation ceremony is bloated and outdated and now getting very tedious.

  • The first coronation ceremony was King Edgar in 973, in Bath. They have been held at Westminster Abbey since William I was crowned in 1066.

    This one today is going on bit, but nowhere near as long as Elizabeth II's coronation in 1953, for which I still have the commemorative mug.

  • I agree, I'm by no means a staunch royalist, but I'm also not anti royal as I think as a country we're probably better off having them than not. But this ceremony is certainly dragging on, could've finished an hour ago !

    Quick question.. how many of those people ( some that have been in there for hours) are absolutely bursting for a wee right now ??!

  • That’s the best angle on the coronation that I’ve seen so far! As a survivor of prostate issues I would have needed a seat near the loo in the unlikely (ok, impossible) event that I had been invited.

  • Incidentally, there is at least one Wycombe fan in the parade now taking place. He’s the son of a friend of mine and he’s in the military, also a ST holder at Adams Park.

  • You're just trying to forage for likes pasting that amongst the soulless on here ;)

  • I gave up craving likes on the Gasroom the first time I posted! Judging by the crowds in London and the anticipated TV audience it seems the anti-monarchy brigade are far outnumbered by the pro-monarchy hordes. I genuinely thought the service dragged on far too long though.

  • And this is a slimmed down Coronation! Ex RGS friend of my daughters was one-of the four trumpeters (Household Cavalry?) I would assume one of the not on camera bits included a toilet break and a vape for Camilla. The funeral and then this must be sticking in Bozzer and Mogg's craws. Truss and Rishi forever front and centre for history and Penny Mordaunt waving a sword about!

  • Fantastic thread, this!

    From 'new kit this summer' to 'old bloke wears fancy hat on his head' via 'my dad worked in a factory'.

    Gasroom gold.

  • It's gonna be a long summer.

  • And the season hasn’t even ended, so imagine what gems the summer will bring!

  • Have you seen what's happening over on the Giro d'Italia thread?

  • I just noticed that I have more likes than dislikes - 271 to 215 - which is surprising considering the amount of abuse i get on here,

    I even get dislikes when I post something which is 100% factual, not an opinion. Clearly, some gasroomers don't like being confronted with facts which don't conform to their prejudices.

  • It’s such a mystery as to why the crowds cheering the coronation outnumber those protesting it.

  • No mystery at all. All those saying 'Not My King' are totally deluded, legally and constitutionally Charles is their King whether they like it or not.

    And as for the 'Just Stop Oil' protesters, they should Just Fuck Off.

  • The problem these days is that people will go to events like this these days just to say (post on instagram) that they were there so it doesn’t necessarily relate to popularity of the monarchy (although I do reluctantly accept there is currently a pro-monarchy majority in this country).

    I’m not actually sure that many people are that interested in today’s shenanigans. Certainly few of the people in my work and social circles were going to watch any of it (maybe no surprise) but more unexpectedly was the response I got yesterday from a middle aged woman I was picking up a framed picture from who responded that she was going to “power wash the patio” today.

  • And you are okay with that?

  • It's like the World Cup or the Olympics...those who think it's a waste of time/money just tend not to watch/get involved. I am ambivalent about the Monarchy on the whole...dont particularly mind it but not goingbyo die for it...but I am assuming that bloke is a total arse enjoying the limelight and wasting police time.

  • We are progressively drifting further away from a healthy democracy by the day, as exemplified by the behaviour of the Met & City Police today towards people who had already jumped through the hoops of the new law to gain permission to stage a peaceful protest.

    IMO The whole coronation nonesense is a case of the emperors new clothes, too many are just afraid to speak truth to the priveleged.

    The truth is the monarchy have little influence & less power. Charles is an adulterer & his brother is a nonce, add in the ongoing spat between William & Harry, played out for the world's media of course & it appears the whole lot have lost (if they ever had) their moral compass; yet we are somehow expected to defer to them & take their pronouncements seriously.

    No Thank You

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