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Lack of children at Adams Park



  • No, you happened to follow a motorbike during a rainstorm you wrongun

  • I can see why Steve Baker feels at home...

  • @flymofrank if you were abused by any masters at the rgs, report it

  • Barry Keysell

  • edited March 2024

    My primary school headmaster (1970s) was a well respected member of the local church.

    He used to slipper wrongdoers in assembly in front of the whole school. That is an adult whacking children between 5 - 11 and he really used to give it a go.

    Things like that are why I get confused about the 'Golden Years of British Greatness' Beery Nige and his ilk want to take us back to.

  • You are mixing Barry Kempston with Ken Keysell!

    One, a lunatic fire and brimstone Baptist RE teacher, the other a mild mannered historian!

    I heard his story about the Hells Angel too. He also said he once fell into a vat of chocolate from which an angel plucked him! He used to have his sinuses treated by the doctor shoving a lump of cocaine up his hooter apparently! It explained a lot. You don’t (thankfully) get many like that these days.

  • Hahaha, we had an RE teacher (Mr Gleeson - big Canadian bloke) who claimed something similar happened when he fell asleep at the wheel.

  • Was Mr Crease (one of the few teachers whose first name I never found out) at RGS back in the 90s/80s? He was a very strange bloke.

  • Kempson, of course

    And it was Alan Crease wasn't it? Looked like Ned Flanders

    None of the above hold a candle to Derek White-Taylor. He was next level madness

  • Mr Crease (who did indeed look like Ned Flanders ) was a language teacher. It is wrong to discredit people without defence on the internet. My personal opinion was he worrying

    Derek Wight-Taylor was my German teacher. Although completely mad I thought he was brilliant (as mad people often are). Excellent teacher. Perhaps because of his eccentricity

  • The late Mr Clarke was a passionate supporter of wwfc and often wore his Wwfc tie, whilst gently taking this piss out of premier league wankers

  • Went for a careers interview type thing with Mr Clarke. First question he asked was 'who do you support ?'


    MC..'good lad'

  • LX1LX1
    edited March 2024

    'Mr Dingle' (if that was his real name) was the biggest dodgepot (briefly headmaster). In my final year I was (take a deep breath) deputy head boy. We were invited for lunch in his office with all the deputy head teachers where he put on a spread and made some embarrassing speech.

    He asked us students to comment on things. The head boy (who I won't name) made some sort of sychophantic statement. I asked why he had allowed students from outside Wycombe to join our sports teams via the boarding house. He said something like 'sorry about that everybody

    Few years later he was arrested

  • Ian Clarke passed away? That’s sad news.

    I chatted to him and Roger File after recognising his unique gait walking out of AP one Saturday afternoon a few years back.

  • I met him at Northampton away a few years ago. Ian Clarke. A Wycombe champion.

  • LX1LX1
    edited March 2024

    A couple of years ago I got an email about the old boys society thing. I contacted the person involved (a good bloke, music teacher but can't remember the name ) and requested he removed the 'masons' link from the website.

    He did

    Wycombe Wanderers 1 freemasons nil

  • Very enjoyable thread - got me heading into Martin Berry’s online archive of pics - a real rabbit hole.

    As for psycho’s he topped the lot. Flying out of his office grabbing you by the ear if you made any noise.

    White-Taylor was a maverick but a loveable one. He used to give you cash for getting answers right and not in a pesty way.

    Mitchell was next grade psycho. Ditto Chamberlain a real bully.

    Thank god for the likes of Dawn Booth / Bushell!

  • Apologies to the two Gasroomers who think primary kids need a good whacking from a 40 year old man. I assume it never did yew no arm.

  • Luckily i was never good enough at maths to get into one Mr Berry's classes. You could hear him across the building of course.

    Ian Clarke was in a class all of his own.

  • Ah yeah Berry. Feel lucky to have got Puritz

  • I fancied Ms Costigan whilst at school. Who was your crush Mr @floyd ?

  • I thought Mr Crease got done for noncing? He is almost certainly guilty. I’ve heard many rumours over the years but I had one concrete story from a respected friend. He was a wrongun. Also racist. Prick. Pulitz looks like he needs putting down tbh.

  • Everyone in my generation remembers Ms Buchanan I'd have thought. And there were good looking foreign language assistants, though alas, none assigned to Mr Villatoro's class.

    We must have been there at the same time.

  • I think Im a couple of years older. Don't remember Buchanan?

  • She taught English in Puritz’s form room. Downstairs in the junior block.

  • LX1LX1
    edited March 2024

    Ms Kalyanvala was my yr 8 form teacher. In a desert of women she was on oasis. Became Mrs Gazard (Mr Gazard the music teacher..I've certainly spelt it wrong). He did fantasticly well there.

    Some may say 'hats off'

  • We discovered some very interesting pictures on the wall of Mr crease's classroom cupboard @frequentstander

  • Mrs Gazard is still there!

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