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Nathan Bishop set to sign



  • We should not worry. I have been told by a good friend of Tyla that when Tyla told Ainsworth that he wanted to be keeper all season Ainsworth just laughed. New signing will definitely happen before the weekend trip to Bolton.

  • edited August 2022

    @thecatwwfc thank you for the background! I will take your advice on the islands into account too!

    It's a shame you did not feel like you could lean into your Greek heritage as a youngster. It is a fine country with an amazing history! Hopefully you are able to enjoy that heritage much more now.

    I am using an App, but my background in Ancient Greek is helping me get through it quickly. Once I am through that, I plan to read daily newspapers, listen to Greek radio etc., to build on the basic foundation and expand the vocabulary.

    That is funny about the female beer! I have found it amusing how so many fancy sounding medical terms are very basic in Greek, for example:

    Periodontal = Peri (around) Odous (tooth). So, "around the tooth"

    I am sure that is not shocking, but knowing a bit of Greek does make all this medical terminology sound like it was made up by a six year old, as everything is exactly as stated on the tin, so to speak.

  • Have to agree with all of that (as an aside can you remember where the 3rd member of the Gold (Moroccan) Red (Lebanese) Black (???) holy trinity was from?) apart from after 20.00 you can add the smell of kebab meat

    the other observation I would make is that if we do want to manage the (genuine) risk of mental health issues from (usually) excessive use of cannabis we really need to invest a lot more in educating people in its use.

  • what we got very occasionally got hold of was Pakistani Black which I suspect in hindsight was probably from Kashmir; we also often got

  • Thanks @Erroll_Sims - it did come back to me eventually but was Afghan Black I remember from the mid/late 70s - and was the best I thought of the available options

    None of which can remotely be connected to my appalling memory these days…

  • I like to imagine everyone on the Gasroom is high as a kite

  • Apart from @LX1 who exists several levels of atmosphere above kite-flying height

    edited August 2022

  • It wasn’t the amount they earn which interested me; that happened to be the context in which the description of Beyoncé as black was made.

  • Is that right It doesn’t sound like good man management to just laugh when one of your players shows some ambition

  • Of course it’s a problem. But its “weekly use has more than halved since 2002, down to 7.3%.”

    Very few people in the 16-30 age bracket smoke cannabis nowadays. You must only see the extremes.

    I don’t smoke it - I don’t have a problem.

    But to suggest that the ’biggest problem’ of young people’s mental health is the ‘cannabis epidemic’ (lol) is due to ‘normalising cannabis’.

    That’s factually incorrect.

    I’m not going to write paragraphs here, but I’d urge you to consider the fact that the earnings of most 25-30 year olds in Bucks means they can only consider moving out of their parent(s) if they share disgusting student-style accommodation with randomers on Toxic social media is by far the biggest cause of poor MH. Not cannabis.

    Once again, you’re clearly out of touch.

  • I wasn’t there so I can’t say with certainty, but I would be very surprised if this happened as claimed. Gareth treats all his players with the utmost respect and professionalism.

  • I agree. Such statements from a friend of ..... lack context.

    If GA and TD were sharing a joke at the end of the Burton match, and TD light heartedly said, "Right Boss, job done, Make me No 1 keeper for the season." Then the response is fine.

    If it is a serious one to one meeting in the manager's office, then it is unacceptable.

    Also, I would suggest that if Tyla Dickinson felt hurt by the managers reaction and said that to a friend, and that person goes on to spread the story, then they are not a 'good friend'.

    I am looking forward to Saturday verses Bolton with Tyla Dickinson as keeper. He did all he was required to do against Burton, and cannot be blamed for not being seriously tested, so deserves to continue as No. 1 choice.

  • edited August 2022

    I heard someone heard Tyla had been eating Walkers Cheese and Onion crisps and had offered one to Gareth and the gaffer said: I hate crisps. You're dropped.


  • edited August 2022

    I wouldn't say he did all that was required - his goal-kicks were all over the place (although his drop-kicks were generally fine). Hopefully we have Bishop/alternative in goal on Sat.

  • Totally agree we need a new keeper for Saturday. Clearly Ainsworth didn’t see Dickinson as our No 1, so let’s get it sorted. Starting to look a bit amateurish our handling and communication of this whole process around Bishop . If he’s not coming, move on. Dickinson, at this stage, is not a No 1.

  • @ReturnToSenda. What the hell have you got against the lad? He made a few minor mistakes, all players do. Without the opportunity to play, gain experience and improve he might as well retire now.

    Mehmeti made plenty of mistakes in his first few games, I didn't see the same number of calls to drop him, in fact, the total opposite.

    I back the manager and coaching team and the players they choose to have at the club, and play at each level.

  • I hope Dickinson hasn't read all the comments about his ability or lack thereof.

    It has not been the usual encouraging welcome given to a promising young player.

  • you genuinely think he is ready to be our number 1? Anis was blooded in not a starter at 1st....Tyler is not ready for the number 1 role ...

  • edited August 2022

    Dude, chill. Assessing a player's performance objectively ≠ a personal attack on that player. He might be great in time, but it's hardly radical to suggest that a promotion-targeting team (sorry @micra, club) should have replaced the quality goalkeeper they lost by the second game of the season.

  • Please spell his name properly or you will get @micra on your case.

  • Last season, Tyla Dickinson was regarded as good enough to be in the first team squad, and therefore ready to take over at any time he was required, including at Wembley. He cannot be blamed because that occasion never materialised. Now that occasion has materialised, and he has got his opportunity, because his manager and coaching team who work with his daily regard him as being ready. They know more about him than I do, or any other fan.

    I trust the management and coaching team to make the right choices, because they have earned my trust over many years, by consistently bringing success to this club. I trust them to be making the right choices now.

  • Dickinson has to play as things stand - obviously - but if the coaching staff thought he was ready to be number 1, we wouldn't be trying to sign a new number 1. I'm still not quite sure how simply pointing out some facts about his kicking provoked such a volatile reaction, but c'est la Gasroom.

  • But the reality is, Ainsworth has been chasing Bishop since the start of the window. So that demonstrates that Ainsworth didn’t think Dickinson was our No 1 goalkeeper. A proficient No 2 yes, who could play as back up when required. With regard to being ready, what alternatives were there last week when the Bishop deal stalled or fell through ( we don’t know at this stage). By pursuing Bishop and hoping he was coming even as late as Friday, the club ran out of options.

  • Dickinson did enough. Some of his kicking was excellent in quality. Some of it was very poor. The range in quality of his deliveries was wider than most League 1 goalkeepers - the established GKs were a lot more consistent in their display of quality. That’s entirely in line with what you’d expect from a youth team keeper.

    Incredibly difficult to evaluate anything more than his kicking based on Saturday’s performance. He had very little to do.

    He hardly looked like a fish out of water though.

    You’d be a lot more confident with Dickinson than with Lynch, Richardson etc.

    Of course we’ll bring in a #1. Beginning to think it won’t be Bishop now.

    Wouldn't necessarily mind Dickinson starting again on Saturday, although we’d want a goalkeeper (with suitable scouting / background check) in as soon as sensible. That feels obvious.

  • edited August 2022

    The Mehmeti comparison is silly btw. You can't 'test out' a young GK like you would a young AM. I've not seen anyone be overly critical of Dickinson either - I think that's a bit of a fantasy some people have got into their heads so they can feel proud about how much they're getting behind him (even though everyone was on Saturday as far as I could see/hear).

  • I have never seen anything from the club that officially confirms that Nathan Bishop was ever a target. It has been a case of speculation based on speculation based on rumour. He may or may not have been a target, he may or may not still be a target. I have never suggested that Wycombe will not sign another keeper, whether it be as No 1. , backup, or as equal status, and allow form to decide who is No. 1.

    I thought this was a club that was proud to give young players the opportunity to prove themselves, or does that only apply to outfield players

    How is it silly? How do you test out a young keeper if you don't play him? You have not seen anyone be over critical of Tyla Dickinson? Some people, yourself included, dismissed him as not being good enough to play last Saturday, and have shown no more encouragement since. How much more critical and negative can people be than that?

    All I am asking is that people show confidence in the choices made by the management, and give a young player (of any position) the chance to prove himself worthy when he has been given the opportunity.

  • edited August 2022

    @bluenotes Did I dismiss him? Or did I simply point out that we shouldn't have been in a situation where we had to throw an untested youngster in at the deep end on the opening day of the season? And having watched him on Saturday, I've objectively assessed his performance (well, his kicking because he didn't have anything else to do beyond one routine gather). It's not about being positive or negative.

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