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  • When did browsers stop the use of the "back" key to go to the previous page?

    I ask as it is what I was always used to, to the point of it being ingrained & subconcious & I get frustrated when I press it & nothing happens

  • Assume when you mean a back "key" you just mean the left hand arrow at the top of the display?

    I'm in Chrome on the gasroom and it takes me back a page?

  • Yes indeed I do

    Doesn't work in Firefox anymore...

  • Steve Baker got called the C word on live TV. And I don't mean "conservative".

  • edited October 2022

    Breaking purdah for purposes of accuracy. Baker was called a c word on a live mike after a pre-recorded intvw not actually live on the leftie telly box There have been apologies given and accepted. Feel free to be outraged/amused as you see fit.😁

  • Facts don't matter these days @Wendoverman

  • It may be impolite, but it’s certainly accurate.

  • Today is the second funniest day of the year.

  • Don't laugh too soon. We could yet see the return of head clown Chuckles (aka Boris).

    They will have to elect someone with a big enough ego to still want the job and stupid enough to not realise they have maximum 2 years before being beaten to a pulp at the next election.

  • Time for King Charles to suspend parliament for a couple of years i reckon.

  • At least she equalled Clough's tenure at Leeds.

  • But didn't outlast the lettuce

  • They will have to elect someone with a big enough ego to still want the job and stupid enough to not realise they have maximum 2 years before being beaten to a pulp at the next election

    That describes pretty much every tory MP apart from that one that went on BBC News last night to lay bare what a shitshow they are.

  • It’s time for military discipline to lead us out of the swamp. Step forward Rear-Admiral Mordaunt and Major General Mark François.

  • Frankly the lettuce or Larry The Cat could do a better job than the last 4

  • So either someone with no care over how they are viewed or remembered, and / or an imbecile. Also someone who probably wouldn't ever hope to get close to this office should the situation be less messy, and someone who wants £115k pa tax free for life in addition to whatever kick backs and free lunches they can snaffle, and potentially massive future earnings as a worldwide name and speaker on the back of it.

    They all want it.

  • Would Johnson get £115k x 2 if he was ex-PM twice?

  • And some if his mates get the right contracts / tax breaks / planning laws

  • I'm not as incredibly knowledgeable about politics as a lot of you on here depict yourselves as being....

    But has there ever been anything madder than a PM being hounded out of office due to countless lies and rule breaking, and then ending up in the mix to get back in about 6 weeks later?!

  • @Malone not there isn't but that is the "post-truth", facts dont matter world we live in nowadays.

    You know, the one where feelings matter more than material reality, where what I believe is much more important than the need to factually prove it to be true, where experts are derided if they disagree with those in power, where idiots on social media carry more weight than proper journalism & have more followers...

  • Entirely agree with @Erroll_Sims as usual. But also I'd just like to point out the Dorothy Parker-esque "a lot of you on here depict yourselves as being" in @Malone's post.

  • Probably on balance, it has been accepted by some that it's better to have a dishonest clown leading the country rather than the current megalomaniac occupant of number 10 who would have led us to a Venezuelan level economy.

    In my opinion Jeremy Hunt is the best of a terrible lot, but sadly he is not applying for the job.

  • I depict myself as having become substantially less apolitical than I was before I started tuning in to the incomparable James O’Brien quite early in the pandemic. In fact, I feel fairly fully indoctrinated.

    James’s litany of 50 lies and other “indictments” (?) of Johnson this morning brought home the total lunacy of the suggestion that (apparently) a significant number of MPs (70-80?) are thought to be considering backing him to return. Not surprisingly, the tall posh bloke with the double-barrelled name (which I can never remember) has already declared that to be his intention. And, in the present state of chaos, it wouldn’t be particularly surprising if some of the 71 (?) MPs who voted for his departure in the “no confidence“ vote were to change their minds and back him to return.

    Fascinating (in a weird, disturbing and alarming way) as the present state of affairs may be, the calibre and integrity of politicians across the whole spectrum these days does not inspire confidence that a change of government would bring about much of an improvement (if any) in the dire economic and social situation that the events (globally and nationally) of the past three years have brought about.

    Happy days.


  • For the love of humanity, keep Strange Steve Baker away from No10.

  • At least we can now call our next PM (it will by Johnson depressingly and unbelievably) a ‘Steve Baker’ and everyone will know why we mean.

  • He's a complete Jeremy Hunt

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