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Big centre forward anyone?



  • So how come clubs are already unveiling signings? Rotherham and Coventry both have.

  • @chairboyscentral said:
    So how come clubs are already unveiling signings? Rotherham and Coventry both have.

    You can sign players whenever you like, they just can't play for you until the next season whenever that might be. As teams either finish or finish being competitive you'll see more of this

  • The fact the window isn't open yet is what threw me. I know you can agree to deals, but we're seeing proper signing announcements.

  • Hard not to raise an eyebrow at Luke O'Nien liking this tweet:

  • Clicking on that tweet someone says O Nien has rejoined us?!

    Can someone post the tweet..beyond my skils on this phone

  • I can't see anything that says that? Someone just shared the one above. Looks like he's been offered a new deal by Sunderland.

  • @Malone said:
    Clicking on that tweet someone says O Nien has rejoined us?!

    Can someone post the tweet..beyond my skils on this phone

    I believe this is the tweet. Posted after the final whistle on Monday - I'm pretty sure the guy is on a wind up in relation to Luke's post wishing us luck in the final.

  • Could well be. Most say it's bs the others moaning at their club.

    O Nien worked well for our style of play. But we probably need a step up in quality really. More creativity or flair. We have enough workdogs

  • @Malone said:
    Could well be. Most say it's bs the others moaning at their club.

    O Nien worked well for our style of play. But we probably need a step up in quality really. More creativity or flair. We have enough workdogs

    I think he'd be a great addition to the squad but this looks like rubbish

  • Thanks @chairboyscentral. May be mid October before we get the true shape of the squad then

  • His contract extension was only 1 year, it's not beyond the realms of possibility. If Sunderland need money due to Covid, I'm sure Gareth would jump at the chance to sign O'Nien for a small fee. He's been one of their best players, knows the club, he'd be a great signing

  • No idea how likely it is, but he would certainly be a good signing. Imagine if you said at the end of the 17/18 promotion season that we'd be confident in Thompson and Gape's ability at Championship level but not O'Nien's.

    Speaking of 'creativity' and 'flair' over 'workdogs' noticed this interesting exchange on twitter:

    Jason Banton: "Good coaches understand not all 11 players can be work horses u need 1-2 players who will win u games and create something from nothing. Happens right at the top of the game but its frowned upon towards the bottom because of lack of knowledge!"

    Marcus Bean: "And there was me thinking you had matured :joy: . You cannot afford passengers or defend with 10 players anymore the game has evolved."

    No surprise one player had a long professional career and the other dropped into non-league by his mid 20s despite possessing much more natural talent

  • @Croider said:
    No idea how likely it is, but he would certainly be a good signing. Imagine if you said at the end of the 17/18 promotion season that we'd be confident in Thompson and Gape's ability at Championship level but not O'Nien's.

    Speaking of 'creativity' and 'flair' over 'workdogs' noticed this interesting exchange on twitter:

    Jason Banton: "Good coaches understand not all 11 players can be work horses u need 1-2 players who will win u games and create something from nothing. Happens right at the top of the game but its frowned upon towards the bottom because of lack of knowledge!"

    Marcus Bean: "And there was me thinking you had matured :joy: . You cannot afford passengers or defend with 10 players anymore the game has evolved."

    No surprise one player had a long professional career and the other dropped into non-league by his mid 20s despite possessing much more natural talent

    Max Kretchzmar has also concurred with him interestingly.

  • @Croider: I’ve only just seen your post re Omar Bogle. His goal-scoring days seem to have peaked around the age of 23. For a player still in his mid twenties to have a dozen clubs on his CV is not exactly reassuring either.

  • I didn't say anything about Omar Bogle.

  • Apologies @Croider. It was @Ned_Ludd.
    I should be in bed!
    Just going.

  • I think we need two new strikers. Cannot see Bayo starting too many games if any. Likely to be used as an impact sub. Also cannot see Parker starting. Hardly had a kick in League 1. So clearly Ainsworth had no confidence in him. Is that likely to change in the Championship. I wonder if the Board regret offering him a 2 year deal.

  • Especially with the opinions he spouts on Instagram. It was disappointing to see him 'doing a Castledine' as the trophy was lifted as well

  • Hey it's a bit harsh to now be moaning at Parker enjoying the celebrations now!

    Having a squad that are as obviously as tight knit as ours including players who barely get a look in is a superb man management feat from Gareth.

  • Hopefully we can find a club willing to take over Parker’s contract and offload him in the summer. Clearly not part of GA’s plans (especially now) and a PR disaster waiting to happen with his online expressions.

  • I disagree.

    I think part of Gaz's success has been creating an environment where players feel safe to express their opinions and maintain the respect of their teammates.

    You've got the Christian lads talking a lot about their faith, the likes of Wheeler and JJ who have political debates and you've got Josh Parker's somewhat left-field views on a range of subjects.

    Look at the players' social media accounts and you'll see Parker is every bit a part of the most special team spirit I've ever seen as anyone else on that squad. Gaz singled him out for praise on Monday night. Said he didn't get a minute on the pitch but he was leading the support from the sidelines throughout and never letting the energy drop.

    It's amazing to me that people are still not getting what makes this current crop so special

  • Thought it was more odd that our Finance Director was jumping all over the player celebrations than Parker being involved. Not really a criticism of Pete but more that you surely can't begrudge anyone who has played even 1 minute this season getting stuck into the celebrations

  • @bookertease said:
    On a technical note anyone know if we are having a close season or just a couple of weeks break before a possible mid September start?

    And is the transfer window open (if there is one)?

    I saw a player exchange on Twitter (can't remember between which players) which said something along the lines of "we start it all again in 3 weeks" so guessing back to training at the start of August

  • @eric_plant - I prefer my centre forwards to score goals than be part of the squad on social media !!!! I get the special team bond but you need to contribute on the pitch and he clearly doesn’t. Obviously Ainsworth agrees because he’s hardly given him a kick. Ainsworth doesn’t make too many wrong player decisions but Parker I think maybe one.

  • I may not agree with Parker's conspiracy theories and support of 'Our Tommeh', but he has played over 600 minutes this season, got on the scoresheet, and is entitled to celebrate with the rest of the squad.

  • @davecz fair enough, that's your opinion

    It's just one that contradicts what the manager has said. A bit like your thoughts on Bloomfield, JJ and Bayo getting new contracts.

    I think you're wrong on both counts and I'm pleased Ainsworth feels the same way

  • Agreed Oxford Blue.

  • Sorry, where has he "supported" Tommy Robinson?

    As far as I'm aware at present there is just a photo of them together

  • Would you get a photo taken standing next to Tommy?

  • @eric_plant - agree , everyone is entitled to an opinion.. It would be very boring if we all agreed with each other . Content on the forum would be really boring. Just a point of clarity, I made no reference to JJ and raised the issue of Bayo/ Blooms playing time in the Championship and did that warrant a new playing contract. I acknowledged their service to the club but questioned wether we should be led by heart or head when we have limited funds. Hopefully they play lots of games and I’m proved wrong!!

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