I've oft wondered whether usernames should start with capital letters. Perhaps not as I guess they are case sensitive.
As an aside, on my godawful Android phone it took four attempts for the damn thing to stop insisting I put a grocers' apostrophe in the word 'letters'.
For what it's worth, the catering for the last few games has been the worst in all my thirty odd years following Wycombe around the country.
My daughter queued for a cholocateam bar down one end of the Family Stand only to be told they had none, so she went and queued for 20 minutes of the second half at the other kiosk whilst the poor sods were having to fry chips one small basket at a time.
As many have mentioned, this is particularly poor at a time when apparently we are courting bidders.
Many families around me had kids going hungry and parents with fists of cash yet we couldn't service the demand of a Bob Lord Trophy sized crowd.
I remember going to a couple of big Premier league grounds, and being shocked they didn't even sell chips.
So, I wonder are chips actually a cost effective thing to sell in a Wycombe style set up, or are they too much hassle?
@Malone I suppose if there is a demand? Not a caterer but could the solution be to part cook a ton of them in the morning and a quick finish off at crowd entry time? As far as I'm concerned, the catering went belly up during the Goran era when, inexplicably, the club ceased to serve chicken balti pies. Been 2nd rate ever since.
The fact for the last two home games, you have not been able to buy a packet of crisps or nuts or any savoury product from Montys beggers belief.
The mark up in these products are huge, and no one had the foresight to check the stock before which would clearly be two well attended games.
I’ll come clean @Malone. I was simply playing along with your cheeky comment.
Typing on the laptop is like typing on one of those old Imperial typewriters compared with this slick operation I am performing now with the delightful learned anticipation of my limited vocabulary giving me three options for pretty well every word typed.
There. That took less than two minutes.
PS I haven’t had any problems with moisture (of any nature) either on the screen or elsewhere, though I don’t doubt that the time is not too far off. I have on occasions though spent a minute or two trying to delete what looked like full stops, only to find that they could be wiped off the screen using a fingertip and in one or two instances ordering multiples of single items as a result. That included two 14kg bags of dry dog food (the food, not the dog) which might be too much considering he is small and nearly twelve years old.
C’es la vie.
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
@marlowchair said:
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
Good to see that you’ve found something else to moan about.
@marlowchair said:
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
Good to see that you’ve found something else to moan about.
It’s easy to judge from your free seat & meal in the Beechdean.nothing like privelage telling the paying what they are allowed to moan about.nice one.
I apologise if glass half full pays for his ticket and hospitality when he attends.
If he doesn’t ,it’s not personal to point out the obscene irony in someone in his position choosing to stick his nose in & have a dig at a paying ST holder who is pointing out the food I paid for was poor and the service showed no immediate improvement .
I wouldn’t wish to get into an argument about who has made the biggest contribution to WWFC, financial or otherwise, but since you seem to dislike so much about the club you support I am happy to personally refund the cost of your season ticket so that you don’t have to endure any more misery.
@glasshalffull said:
I wouldn’t wish to get into an argument about who has made the biggest contribution to WWFC, financial or otherwise, but since you seem to dislike so much about the club you support I am happy to personally refund the cost of your season ticket so that you don’t have to endure any more misery.
And there we have it.A quite extraordinary response.
You do risk losing your hard-won credibility @marlowchair. You do seem only too happy to condemn the new catering arrangement (almost gleeful) and it is interesting that others report a completely different experience.
And it was a personal attack on @glasshalffull whatever your denial. Why shouldn’t he comment on your negative post whatever his position. You (presumably) have no idea of my personal circumstances but if I had made the same comment as he did (and I easily could have) I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have attacked me in the same way.
Surely the whole point of a forum like this is for people to read/comment/‘stick their nose in’.
I think the theory is that @glasshalffull is Alan Parry so is more likely than most to be in a privileged seat enjoying hospitality food. Of course, if it is Alan Parry then if there was any justice his support of Steve Hayes should have led to a life time ban from Adams Park (Along with his cohort Ivor Beeks).
@marlowchair said:
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
Which kiosk(s) did you visit please?
I am told the new kiosk catering company will be working to 'their model' as from this Saturday having been 'eased in ' during the last two midweek cup games.
Was it not finally confirmed on the old Gasroom that Mr Parry was on the clubs payroll, when he was championing Mr Hayes land grab with such vigour.
The fact that Mr Hayes brought this club to the brink,seems to be lost on his former cohorts.
@marlowchair said:
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
Which kiosk(s) did you visit please?
I am told the new kiosk catering company will be working to 'their model' as from this Saturday having been 'eased in ' during the last two midweek cup games.
I wouldn’t want to offend glass half full by daring to enter into an official discussion directly with club representatives,after all this forum and the views offered here are irrelevant and we shouldn’t expect the club directors to lower themselves into responding. Your efforts are genuinely appreciated though Alan.
This is the unfortunate side effect of having posters like glass half full championing the political line of those in power, they can do more damage than good.
I've oft wondered whether usernames should start with capital letters. Perhaps not as I guess they are case sensitive.
As an aside, on my godawful Android phone it took four attempts for the damn thing to stop insisting I put a grocers' apostrophe in the word 'letters'.
I digress...
For what it's worth, the catering for the last few games has been the worst in all my thirty odd years following Wycombe around the country.
My daughter queued for a cholocateam bar down one end of the Family Stand only to be told they had none, so she went and queued for 20 minutes of the second half at the other kiosk whilst the poor sods were having to fry chips one small basket at a time.
As many have mentioned, this is particularly poor at a time when apparently we are courting bidders.
Many families around me had kids going hungry and parents with fists of cash yet we couldn't service the demand of a Bob Lord Trophy sized crowd.
I remember going to a couple of big Premier league grounds, and being shocked they didn't even sell chips.
So, I wonder are chips actually a cost effective thing to sell in a Wycombe style set up, or are they too much hassle?
@Malone I suppose if there is a demand? Not a caterer but could the solution be to part cook a ton of them in the morning and a quick finish off at crowd entry time? As far as I'm concerned, the catering went belly up during the Goran era when, inexplicably, the club ceased to serve chicken balti pies. Been 2nd rate ever since.
Would that be Goran Ivanisevic @EwanHoosaami ?
You’re not far out there @Malone but I’m an absolute wiz on the 7 year old PC.
The fact for the last two home games, you have not been able to buy a packet of crisps or nuts or any savoury product from Montys beggers belief.
The mark up in these products are huge, and no one had the foresight to check the stock before which would clearly be two well attended games.
@micra , so much easier on a laptop isn't it old son.
Don't have to get infuriated by a spot of moisture, or cold screen ruining it.
I’ll come clean @Malone. I was simply playing along with your cheeky comment.
Typing on the laptop is like typing on one of those old Imperial typewriters compared with this slick operation I am performing now with the delightful learned anticipation of my limited vocabulary giving me three options for pretty well every word typed.
There. That took less than two minutes.
PS I haven’t had any problems with moisture (of any nature) either on the screen or elsewhere, though I don’t doubt that the time is not too far off. I have on occasions though spent a minute or two trying to delete what looked like full stops, only to find that they could be wiped off the screen using a fingertip and in one or two instances ordering multiples of single items as a result. That included two 14kg bags of dry dog food (the food, not the dog) which might be too much considering he is small and nearly twelve years old.
C’es la vie.
@Uncle_T : je suis embarrassé.
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.
I’m sorry but if the water heated cat food served up tonight pretending to be burger patties is the way forward for our new catering partnership we have pulled the wrong string
i’ll bring my sarnies Saturday- thanks for the heads up!
I did ask if the burgers were the same as last week before settling for the radioactive chips, got an apologetic shrug.
Good to see that you’ve found something else to moan about.
Home after a good night despite the loss.
I missed the first three goals waiting for a double cheese burger in the FA......that said the burger was lovely.
It’s easy to judge from your free seat & meal in the Beechdean.nothing like privelage telling the paying what they are allowed to moan about.nice one.
Thought you didn’t do “personal” @marlowchair.
I apologise if glass half full pays for his ticket and hospitality when he attends.
If he doesn’t ,it’s not personal to point out the obscene irony in someone in his position choosing to stick his nose in & have a dig at a paying ST holder who is pointing out the food I paid for was poor and the service showed no immediate improvement .
I wouldn’t wish to get into an argument about who has made the biggest contribution to WWFC, financial or otherwise, but since you seem to dislike so much about the club you support I am happy to personally refund the cost of your season ticket so that you don’t have to endure any more misery.
And there we have it.A quite extraordinary response.
Quite a fair one i think.
You're one of these strange individuals every club seems to attract that moan about everything and take pleasure in nothing.
Why bother really?
You do risk losing your hard-won credibility @marlowchair. You do seem only too happy to condemn the new catering arrangement (almost gleeful) and it is interesting that others report a completely different experience.
And it was a personal attack on @glasshalffull whatever your denial. Why shouldn’t he comment on your negative post whatever his position. You (presumably) have no idea of my personal circumstances but if I had made the same comment as he did (and I easily could have) I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have attacked me in the same way.
Surely the whole point of a forum like this is for people to read/comment/‘stick their nose in’.
I think the theory is that @glasshalffull is Alan Parry so is more likely than most to be in a privileged seat enjoying hospitality food. Of course, if it is Alan Parry then if there was any justice his support of Steve Hayes should have led to a life time ban from Adams Park (Along with his cohort Ivor Beeks).
Which kiosk(s) did you visit please?
I am told the new kiosk catering company will be working to 'their model' as from this Saturday having been 'eased in ' during the last two midweek cup games.
Was it not finally confirmed on the old Gasroom that Mr Parry was on the clubs payroll, when he was championing Mr Hayes land grab with such vigour.
The fact that Mr Hayes brought this club to the brink,seems to be lost on his former cohorts.
I wouldn’t want to offend glass half full by daring to enter into an official discussion directly with club representatives,after all this forum and the views offered here are irrelevant and we shouldn’t expect the club directors to lower themselves into responding. Your efforts are genuinely appreciated though Alan.
This is the unfortunate side effect of having posters like glass half full championing the political line of those in power, they can do more damage than good.
Come on @marlowchair, Alan Cecil is trying to help. You refuse to be helped.