I'll drop you a PM
@micra said: Confess I haven’t detected any self-awareness or humour. Just one example, please.
rmjlondon 4:28PM Brian Parkin's poor kicking doesn't show in the stats sadly.
That’s not bad. And pretty accurate from my memory
Not unduly self-aware or humourous though.
I honestly don’t know how to spell the adjective from humour. Got it wrong, haven’t I?
he's got a football brain on him though
Baby steps @micra. Baby steps
We were bored in the Falcon one day when Brian Parkin walked in. "Humorous!" we cried. So he started juggling pint glasses.
@LX1 said: We were bored in the Falcon one day when Brian Parkin walked in. "Humorous!" we cried. So he started juggling pint glasses.
I would have fallen about but have already had one hip replaced. Nice one @LX1.
I'll drop you a PM
Brian Parkin's poor kicking doesn't show in the stats sadly.
That’s not bad. And pretty accurate from my memory
Not unduly self-aware or humourous though.
I honestly don’t know how to spell the adjective from humour. Got it wrong, haven’t I?
he's got a football brain on him though
Baby steps @micra. Baby steps
We were bored in the Falcon one day when Brian Parkin walked in. "Humorous!" we cried. So he started juggling pint glasses.
I would have fallen about but have already had one hip replaced. Nice one @LX1.