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Ainsworth to Barnsley



  • Notable that the ones most vehemently opposed to Richie are the ones who most closely imitate the language he uses.

  • To be fair, I looked up averages for this season, and Ritchie is correct about Lincoln having the highest, even above Luton currently.

  • Yes, delete anyone who doesn't agree!

  • @HCblue the odd twat aside, not sure where you get that from. Usually I find richie's fans tend to draft well thought out responses to his curt squirtings onto the Gasroom.

  • edited February 2018

    @HCblue , i staunchly refute that totally ill judged comment. If you can find a comment where I use a term mocking a physical handicap, do point it out.

    @username, this isn't even about whatever point he was making.

  • So it's only certain forms of abuse to which you take exception, is it, @Malone?

    Might we have a list of proscribed terms please?

  • bloody it 'Every Thread Deteriorates Into Abuse' week?

  • @Wendoverman, it was the connection between vehemence and vocabulary that I was referring to, not questioning that some may have a depth of opposition to Richie's perspective nor the validity thereof.

    You odd twat.

  • edited February 2018

    However facetious and "clever" you're trying to be, I'm sure you can recognise the difference.

  • @HCblue the thought of richie having anything approaching perspective made me smile if nothing else.

  • Indeed HC.

    Richie does have an odd habit of stating his predictions as if they were fact despite his predictions having a worse record than the Psychic Octopus from WC2010 and with apparently the same degree of intelligent thought.

    But he is entitled to his view. I have always thought those that resort to personal abuse and attempted bullying on internet forums say far more about themselves than they do about their targets. let him post if he so wishes.

  • Such debate about a spoof trolling account.

  • Oh @DevC perleeese! Is he entitled to call somone a mong? Having been on the receiving end of richie's brand of abusive shining wit more than once..the thought that anyone criticising him is bullying him is preposterous. Sadly, he actually does not have a 'view', he just spouts cobblers and deniable 'facts' rarely positive about the team he 'supports'.
    I know you like a wind-up but...

  • @Right_in_the_Middle , yep. DevC backing him says all we need to know!

  • @wendoverman, don't, you'll get a 5 paragraph straw man argument now...

  • I suspect Dev has no real problem with using these type of words in light of his attitude to young women on trains!

  • Is a reporter allowed to call a manager a gypsy. Probably not, but its only a internet forum. Put him on ignore if you wish.

  • edited February 2018

    @Devc I think you're getting a couple of true fans mixed up. @clifty04 Vital volunteer writer, ketchup headbutt witness and abusive to GA on Twitter (only once apparently) is not @rmjlondon longtime Gasrooom irritant with dodgy crystal ball and limited vocabulary often degenerating into insults. You would think you'd never been on here. (Unless of course all three of you are North Korean agents tasked with stirring up disorder in the Home Counties.)

  • Gosh, yes, @Wendoverman. Watch out for the straw man arguments coming your way from Dev now. They're really bad.

    Ad hominem ones? Not a problem.

  • @HCblue is that old twat in Latin?

  • Effectively.

  • @mooneyman I'm touched. You hum it son, I'll play it.

  • I shall now blush prettily every time I’m called a twat.

  • That'll be uncomfortable @micra :)

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