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Re: FA to appeal thiefa fine
Good posts from @DevC and @Malone on the subject.
For me it has been become a political symbol in recent years, especially since the rise of Help for Heroes, which was essentially got off the ground by The Sun. And as many people have pointed out, there is no tradition other than in very recent years, of national or club sides insisting of displaying poppies before and during matches.
Once you three line whip everyone into displaying a poppy it loses any meaning or significance.
If the owners of The Sun paid a proper rate of tax, we might be able to look after injured servicemen and women properly without needing to be barked at by the tax-shy media to support such charities.
Jeff Stelling's Football Marathon March - Sunday 17th September
A good number of Chairboys fans, including myself and other Trust Directors plus club staff are taking part in this special event, walking from Wembley Stadium to Adams Park, Wycombe.
The 'Football March' , led by Jeff Stelling, is in honour of the late Bill Turnbull, just a year after he passed away, and will raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK as well as increase awareness of the need for men over 50 to get tested for what can be a deadly condition, often for which you have no symptoms of any trouble.
I understand that the group of over 300 walkers, will also include a member of the late David Roberton's family, ensuring that David's memory lingers on and that 'he' is with us on the day.
A team Just Giving page has been set up where you can make a donation in the name of any participant. If you are registered to do the walk and have not yet joined this WW team, you can do so on that page.
If anyone would like to join us, there may still be a few places available, but don't delay as you do need to get all the details and do the training! You can enquire about participation here
Thanks to everyone who has already donated.
This is going to be a special day and I look forward to getting over the finish line, somehow!
Anyone Fancy Doing A Q&A For Vital Lincoln City
Good Morning,
We're looking for someone to answer a few questions before Saturday's match. The answers will be published on our front page! (We need answers with a bit of meat on them!)
If you would like to answer these questions, please send me a Private Message with a contact email address so I can send them!
Thank you,
Wanderer fanzine - New edition out tomorrow!
Good evening gentle Chairfolk,
By the power invested in me by the Wycombe Wanderers Independent Supporters Club, I am delighted to announce that the latest edition of The Wanderer fanzine will go on sale prior to tomorrow's game.
That's right! 60 (SIXTY!) pages of explicit, hardcore Wanderers chat - all for the cost of living crisis-busting price of just two British pounds (unless you're a member of WWISC, in which case you get it free. You also get it free if you steal it, but you will have to live with the shame of being a thief).
Pick up your copy from the WWISC stand, on the left hand side of Hillbottom Road, just before you reach the Adams Park gates.
See you tomorrow - and Come On You Blues!
Re: Things you pretended to know, but really didn't
This seems a good place to admit that I have no idea what 'promote' means on users profile pages.