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Aaron Morley



  • I accept that Young's been with us long enough to give us a pretty good idea of his ability. But how many league starts has he made?

    Christie Ward has had little to no chance to show he can make it in L1, and we've signed four players in his position since January.

  • Think Ward is still promising but have they both been really unlucky, injured or out on loan when places become free or realistically has the manager looked at them in training over several years and always called on, or tried to bring in, others regardless of how short we've been.

  • If Young and Ward are to make the grade they need a loan of a whole season and to make a significant amount of games. Luck plays a big part in that and it also doesn't need to be at Beaconsfield or Berkhamstead. It needs to be Vanarama league, ideally National rather than regional. The age they are getting to it is now or never.

  • Young pretty much had that last year with half a season in the Scottish 2nd tier and half a season in the National League. I'm sure the coaching staff have seen enough of him in match situations to form a judgement by now, and the fact he still rarely makes the bench suggests he doesn't have much of a future at Wycombe.

    Don't think one player has ever had their reputation so enhanced based on one B+B Cup game against step 6 opposition 2 and a half years ago

  • edited August 25

    While his signing on a 3 year deal was quite surprising, I'm not sure why some seem so obsessed with Young when we have a wealth of quality options.

    If we had a terrible set of options and were bottom of the league by January maybe.

  • edited August 25

    I don’t see it as obsessive. Just frustration at the almost total lack of opportunity to see for themselves whether he looks the part. I share that frustration.

    He’s clearly been seen by successive managers around the country and in Scotland as having genuine potential. I personally am disappointed that he has had only a couple of opportunities to show that potential in a Wycombe team. I vaguely remember him coming on as a sub last season and looking as good as most.

    I sincerely hope we get the opportunity very soon to make our own judgement.

    Aside from his footballing ability, he’d be an absolute star on co-comms. Highly articulate and a Geordie accent to die for.

    Forget Crendon. That’s ancient history in the career of Jack Young.

  • They've seen the potential to loan him but not enough to want to buy him permanently, think we've seen with TJ and others (even AAH2) that we probably wouldn't stand in his way if someone came in for him when he isn't playing regularly here.

  • Exactly so. I expect him to leave on loan or permanently this week anyway.

  • That’s a good point. Forgive me if I raise a point of clarification. Those other clubs have taken him on loan. We did the loaning.

  • As the Buzzcocks nearly once sang: "Never Fall in Love with a Loan Player" and we might need to be extra cautious when it comes to Aaron Morley given these words from Bolton Wanderers manager Ian Evatt.

    “Aaron has only started one league game in a long time so it's important he finds himself again, I think he has lost his way a little bit. We know he is a brilliant player and we know what he can do, we just need him to gain some rhythm and confidence again. It's not the exit door, it's not ‘Goodbye Aaron Morley’. It's go and get some games, find yourself again and we can re-evaluate it in January.”

  • It’s quite simple: if Aaron Morley plays a leading role in Wycombe’s promotion to the Championship he will be a Wycombe player next season!

  • I'd argue we also need to be careful with Humphreys too. Ipswich noted in their article that he has a January recall clause. If he tears up League 1 between now and then, I'd imagine they'd like to see what he could do in the Championship.

  • You mean Premiership not Championship of course!?

  • You mean Premier League. The Premiership in England is for @bargepole’s boys.

  • I think Chamionship is right. Ipswich might well want to see how he could cope at that level. The Premier League would probably be a bridge too far at this stage.

  • On recent form they were probably more likely to be recalled in January if they haven't been great and it's an all round decision to try something different.

    Morley is a bigger risk as he'd slot back in at Bolton but if Humphries is after confidence and if it is going well then why make a change.

    They've played barely 80 minutes combined so far, enjoy them while they are here.

    A successful rejuvenation or two hopefully won't go unnoticed in the transfer market when we finally do need to replace.

  • We clearly have some doom merchants on here. We’ve seen them for half an hour against a mediocre Rotherham team and we’re already worried that they’re going to be recalled because they’re going to tear League 1 apart. Let’s just enjoy them at our club and worry about January when it comes. Hopefully top of the league due to their impact !!!!!

  • It's a comedy mix of wild optimism based on such a short display, followed by wild pessimism we'll lose both in Jan.

  • Thumbs down for a statement of fact is hard to fathom.

  • To be fair to Cameron Humphreys (Camel Hump), it is Aaron Morley who, according to @FarmerCee, seemed to suffer a loss of confidence last season. I hope I’ve got that right. (I tried in vain to copy down the relevant @FarmerCee post.). What a great honorary Gasroom contributor he has been. We (Us?) Wanderers need to stick together in the sense of having civil, respectful and insightful exchanges about our respective clubs and the players in particular.

    From his interview with @bluntphil and in the light of his sensational debut, I don’t think Humphreys is too lacking in confidence!!

  • If Humphreys and Morley tear up L1 so much that they get recalled in January, it would imply that we are in a good position anyway. I'd rather they tore it up and got recalled than played badly and stayed all season!

  • And it would also show we improved each player as we did with Eze, thus encouraging other clubs to send us their youngsters in the future.

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