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Which is your favourite Wycombe hill. Amersham or Marlow?



  • ‘ere ‘tis.

  • Note battery symbol. Time for a break!!

  • Plus one for Treadaway Hill, an overlooked gem.

    I went to school with a chap called Greenhill who lived on Green Hill.

  • I find it staggering that the vote is currently pretty even on a Wycombe forum. How many Wanderers matches have been hosted on the legendary slope of Amersham Hill? None, that’s how many. Furthermore, I believe the further up that hill you go, the closer to a rugby playing school you get. In favour of Amersham Hill you have the railway station, The Beech Tree and the former locations of The Flint Cottage and Not Just Dice - that is it. Marlow Hill has Wycombe Hospital, a school for posh girls, one for smart girls, another for scraping through the 11-plus, Handy Cross, Wycombe 6 and excellent access to Flackwell, no contest.

  • Incredibly tight race this one

  • I'm surprised it's only 220. Might move back to wycombe

  • Green Hill for me. Was pretty impressed by the two sharp bends, one of which coincides with the steepest point, when I was a kid.

  • Went for Amersham Hill solely due to walking up and down it for 7 years to and from school. Marlow Hill was always a mystery.

  • Marlow Hill for me. Whenever you've been away somewhere in the car there's something very special heading down Marlow Hill back "home"

    Even better at night

  • Also, why would you go up Hamilton Rd when you've got the mighty Green Hill almost adjacent

    That left hand hairpin uphill bend is magnificent

  • Hill porn

  • edited July 17

    Got caught out on Hammersley Lane once in the snow. Pretty hairy going down there with the brakes essentially doing nothing. At that point you're more or less in a posh sledge

    You've got to treat these hills with respect

  • Went for Amersham purely because I've been caught by a speed trap on marlow hill

  • What about The Pastures - the best "hill" in Wycombe by far!

  • I would go for Marlow Hill just due to the fact it feels most of the time there are road works on the Amersham one

  • I do enjoy a drive up Coates Lane. You’d take your life in your hands trying to walk it though.

    I lived by the double garages up at Cressex and went to RGS so both Marlow and Amersham hills can ‘do one’ as far as I’m concerned. I tried Desborough Avenue a couple of times but it just seemed to go on forever, so I’d take the more brutal route up Marlow Hill as at least it was over quicker.

  • Surely there’s a zero missing there?! No, definitely not. The current figure is probably in the high hundred thousands.

  • Assumed he'd taken that screenshot from a decade ago or something!

  • 24 days to go....

  • I'm a bigger fan of Cryers Hill myself

  • This thread is nostalgia on steroids. Keep it coming, chaps...!

  • edited July 17

    What about Booker Hill? A great hill for me growing up on New Road as a kid, right in the middle of the two entrances to Booker Hill Road.... what a hill.... Two ways up, two ways down.... get to the top to buy some sweets off Keira and Rhani at the ol' Happy Shopper store up by Mentmore.... Good old days

  • Who knew a random hill poll would induce so many memories

  • High wyombe.

    The greatest town

  • Pinewood hill must be worth a mention, great walk through the woods to the ground too.

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