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Mikheil Lomtadze confirmed as one of three new directors



  • Given the Gasroom remains the sole surviving broadsheet of social media and several posters have brains the size of planetary systems, I was wondering if anybody could possibly please post a link to last night's Supporters Trust meeting.

    Yours in Quarters.

  • @our_frank that is more or less the arrangement as I understand it. Significant discount on rent on the basis of upkeep of the facility, not a ‘enjoy the discount but put the renovations on the never-never, move out whenever you like with no obligations’ type deal.

  • Not quite so simple, I'm aware it's much easier to talk about stuff than do it. The trust initially got a lot right and have done great work saving the club money, keeping it going and eventually taking the very difficult decision to get out of the way and let someone more capable take over.

    I just think they made a mess of the additional share reduction when RC knew his end game, gave it away for nothing and missed a chance to ask for any consideration. They also handled the meeting awfully and I gather barely consulted with some of their own board at times let alone members.

    The new owners will surely get in touch in their own time or when they want to make any changes but the trust has very little input and that's nobody else's fault.

  • Last time I was reading this thread posters were counting down the days to the Premier league now we are likely to be playing on the Rye. Oh how I love the gasroom - never too high never too low!

  • Playing Sunday league football in a premiership stadium is the current best bet.

  • edited May 2024

    Where exactly would that site be @mooneyman?

    As an FYI the plans for the Marlow film studio were rejected by the council last night. I think that makes any plans to move WWFC alongside to take advantage of the facilities - e.g. parking - disappeared. I know the decision can be appealed but it all takes so much time.

    To my knowledge no where else has every been proposed as a suitable site for a football ground in the Wycombe conurbation.

  • I never said we would move. I was just pointing out in my view that the Club is not in theory prevented from vacating Adams Park. However, when you are a multi billionaire, money will open a lot of doors.

  • I suggested that a phoenix fund, unless the trust has a fuck load of cash we don’t know about, would not be enough to create much more than a pub team down the Rye.

    That doesn’t mean I think it will happen. I’m thinking championship level football is more likely in the medium term.

  • Wow we've gone from no information from the new owner to two separate clubs and a settlement agreement in less than twenty four hours, a gasroom record well done to all involved.

  • None of this matters. I give it no more than two years before Trump, Putin and Xi’s power games have reduced Europe and most of the rest of the world to an ash pile.

    And I’m feeling optimistic today.

  • edited June 2024

    It has been a funny page or 2 with people suggesting doom, a couple of people picking them up on it, followed by quick disclaimers from original doomsters suggesting they weren't suggesting doom at all.

    Roll on the Euros.

  • Sorry to be a bore but if anyone can post a link of the Trust board meeting, or a director/poster could post, I'd really appreciate it.

    Very good idea that Eduard Vishnyakov (translation into English means Cherry, I think) saw us 12 times last season. He'll have seen with his own eyes rather than the boardroom.

    Did I hear correctly from a director was Mr. Lomtadze his relation, father/son in law or something?

    With Mr Lomtadze, born in Georgia, and Georgia qualifying for the Euros for the first time ever, perhaps we can generate some good publicity with the Worldwide Wycombe Phenomena, is that still a thing. Hope so.

    We also need Wycombe Wanderers to share the love in Kazakhstan, get some cool merchandise in world-famous Kazakh hats etc in the club shop.

    Two new directors met the staff first this week which understandably is the priority.

    Not sure if new owners are judged by the previous owners infrastructure goals, we are still in Pre-App. with the council although progress is being made. I imagine the new owners priorities will be more about building the club from the bottom up.

    I'd rather over deliver than under promise and less P.T. Barnum.

    Back to the development model that served us so well under Richard Dobson and his team pre-Trust.

    The first decision taken by the Trust was to close this sole source of major income as shown in the subsequent report and ac/s.

    Ironically, both sets of subsequent owners have been quick to re-instate player development as a priority.

  • Eduard Vishnynakov is indeed the son in law of Mikheil Lontadze. Only 30, I believe he will be running WWFC on a day to day basis.

  • Many thanks.

    Thought it was a fascinating meeting, most interesting for years.

  • I don’t know but if the Trust board or Football Club directors who post on here and staff can tell us, it would be a great opportunity to bring a wider audience and involvement to the monthly meetings. If that is what they want to do. Otherwise, the directors run the risk of not being relevant in the new world.

  • Always keen to establish nicknames my obscure choice was going to be calling Eduard V ‘Trevor’ - for those that remember the Leeds Utd ‘70’s defender, then I realised that here on the Gasroom @trevor probably has already given that name another meaning.

  • I was lucky enough to have met Trevor Cherry when he worked with Terry Yorath at Brattford City.

    Thinking more euros-centric like Teddy Cherryngham.

  • daughter's only gone and married her tennis coach and now she wants me to put him on the payroll. I'll put him in charge of that youth club I've just bought in England. Out of sight, etc

  • It’s a business lease arrangement for I think 50 years, with minuscule rent I believe according to one of Couhigs last updates.

    so, The Trust are merely a landlord for the stadium, and nothing more. It’s a simple landlord-tenant agreement. Does a renter share their personal life with their landlord? No.

    The Trust similarly have no real need or role in understanding or being privy to club strategy.

  • The Trust has 2 members on the WWFC Board. They are not simply landlords.

  • Come on, they are board members in name only. From a voting perspective, they have no clout, and no real input.

  • Does he have a work visa for the UK? Will he be based in the UK while running WWFC on a day to day basis? Suspect it might be unrealistic to ask if he'll be High Wycombe based.

  • I think he will automatically qualify for a tier 1 Entrepreneur visa.

  • edited June 2024

    The Trust had to give up 15% of the shares of the club because it could not afford to pay 25% of the running costs of a loss-making football club on an ongoing basis. In small businesses shareholders have to fund any losses in proportion to their shareholdings or increase debts.

    I’m a Trust member but I do not like the lack of information from the Trust about football club matters. I know this is not their fault and we are only given the legal minimum of information i.e. an annual balance sheet but I do not feel like a shareholder in any meaningful way now.

    The Trust should use this ownership change to refocus its purpose.

  • The man is connected to someone worth a fortune. This is Great Britain. In what way is there going to be an issue?

  • I’m pretty sure that at the Trust board meeting they said he was already UK based. Surrey ?

  • Saw this on Facebook. If true, we have certainly done a great job with social media outreach - though someone made the salient point that a lot of folks might have followed just for Bayo.

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