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New kit



  • I'm with you old chap. Not a fan of white shorts with the quarters, always looks to me like we forgot our shots and had to borrow some.

    I'm also, seemingly in a very small minority, of not liking the green and white away outside of nostalgia reasons. Not a pleasing colour combo for me.

  • I've always thought light blue shorts was the better choice particularly for under floodlights. I quite agree white shorts are not a good fit.

  • If anyone has never seen a sepia-toned photo of early Wycombe players, St. Pauli can help.

  • Wow early Wanderers really were way ahead of their time. Who knew, Datchet Webb had full sleeve tats, the landlady of The Steam Engine pub formed a ladies team and you could get a peroxide tint at the barbers in Wheelers Field!

  • That's a lovely shirt.

  • edited May 22

    Looks like we might be trying to clear space on the shelves

  • That’s just flogging match worn shirts. There won’t be a new one for next season.

  • edited May 23

    Pretty sure they did the same thing last summer

  • Slowness to discount has left them a shed load of the O'Neill's stuff stuff but they've done this before, anyone have a spare £400 for a shirt Jack Young once wore in training?

  • Quite like the Wealdstone training kit but if it’s his Ayr Utd top I’ll pass.

  • Gasroom:

    Standards are slipping.

    Maybe everyone just got swept along by Euro-phoria or something.


    If there's one thing that the Gasroom has traditionally nailed, close season after season, it's hand-wringing and outrage.

    The classic "where's my season ticket?" (back in the terribly retro "physical objects" years) and "why haven't we made any signings yet?" threads (preferably starting early June) are the usual classics.

    Yet I feel we've really neglected the REMORSELESS PRESSURE ON THE BOARD to sort out the new kit.

    I know the home one technically still has another year to run - assuming that neither Hummel, nor their logo badges, have spontaneously combusted in the meantime.

    But surely we are at least due a new second kit.

    Otherwise, Lomtadze out, etc.

  • Tell us the current kit is amazing and no-one wants a new one without telling us the current kit is amazing and no-one wants a new one. 😁

  • If anyone needed confirmation that the beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous shirts are staying for another year:

    Got your back! Buckinghamshire New University becomes Blues' back-of-shirt sponsor - Wycombe Wanderers (

    Alas poor Louisiana, I barely knew thee.

  • the home one was due another year anyway (assuming the current board respects that rule) but that article doesn't say or show anything about the second/third kits.

    But in fairness perhaps the board has bigger fish to fry, what with relaying pitches, starting a new academy, yadda yadda, and that would be entirely fair enough.

  • Via Twitter, Hummel have not yet delivered our named and numbered kit so we’re playing in blanks tonight.

  • It’s just an elaborate ploy to avoid having to knock up a bunch of shirts with “Trialist” on the back, I reckon.


  • New training shirts for this season. They look great, especially the top photo!

  • Beautiful!

  • Well thats one way to raise the profile in the town centre. Paste lots of club adverts all over the new uni building so everyone from the hospital to the station will see it!

  • Wow. Well this is going right to the other end of the spectrum from the “curry house” kit.

    Looks more like a training top to me than an actual kit.

  • I thought for a second David Wheeler and Joe Jacobson were ten years younger and getting dressed for a night out at Wetherspoons.

  • I thought they were going to ban short sleeve goalie shirts so it was obvious if there's a handball

  • I love them.

  • Sorry, hate them. No football shirt, keeper or otherwise, should be grey.

  • it's alright, it's just a grey t-shirt , first time we've dropped trying to get some kind of advantage by having a lairy one for a while maybe

  • edited August 9

    Very bland, but maybe that's the whole idea? Something that you could actually wear, other than to a football match.

  • Grey!?!?

    I thought the idea was the brighter kits made the keeper seem bigger.

  • I like them.

    I mean, they don’t in any way shape or form look like a goalkeepers shirt, but as a shirt that everyone in the admin department of the club should be wearing when on site, it looks nice and professional.

  • edited August 9

    Yes, and at least one study found that the best colour for a goalkeeper to wear is red. With all the analytics in sports nowadays, I am surprised no-one looks at colour psychology studies.

    Color of soccer goalkeepers' uniforms influences the outcome of penalty kicks - PubMed (

    Summary from Mr. AI:

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