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Mikheil Lomtadze confirmed as one of three new directors



  • I got confused with the company from Wolf of Wall St for a sec there

  • Aside from the name itself that is a nasty bit if design. At least move the S forward so it is hanging of the front of the F rather than the rear, otherwise you have SF. Even that isn’t going to help much. Really, just bin it and start again, preferably with a deed poll application.

  • Mr Stretton, surely needs FFS as his moniker?

  • Fraser ‘reproducing’ Stretton is a wonderful alternative for that abbreviation.

  • Bearing in mind we have a new owner, and new people on board... its all a bit quiet isn't it ??

    Or am I just being impatient.

    Thought there might have been an interview or 2 by now

  • Ed_Ed_
    edited May 11

    Some indication from the Trust that they are on the ball would have been nice, slightly more than the one paragraph from Bob Massie.

  • The offices must have been really dirty, the amount of time we're spending on spring cleaning them.

  • To be fair I think most of the staff take the chance for a bit of a holiday once the season finishes, will be preseason before you know it.

    I'd also love either a big signing or two or some statement of intent around what happens to WW rather than the youth of Kazakhstan but it's still very early.

  • As long as they keep paying the bills I'm happy enough never to hear from them.

  • Totally agree with this, the quiet benefactor contributing money and trusting others more qualified to do the decision making is pretty rare though in football.

  • I suspect we'll be hearing more from Dan Rice than the other two. Will he become our own Les Ferdinand?

  • Good news for you Chairboys, IMO. Will this change see you now able to push onwards and up to the SBC inside a couple of years?

    Time will tell. I presume you'll be feeling more optimistic about possible new signings. Good luck. Hopefully my lot can make a fist of it and make midtable and then build from there.

    FWIW I've enjoyed my little forays on here. Thanks for tolerating me.

  • It's a shame that most other clubs visitors to the Gasroom aren't as friendly, realistic and reasonable as your good self. Hope you continue to contribute.

  • edited May 23

    On the contrary, I'd say pretty much all opposition visitors we've had on here have been friendly, polite and intelligent, including the Reading guy during what was a heated period for his club.

    There was that bonkers Cheltenham guy a few years ago but can't recall any other idiots.

  • Don't forget @argylephil too - prize bellend. But we've also had a few very nice Plymouth fans visit over the years.

  • That's the one - he used to write in in weird toggle case if I recall.

  • i think you mean


    Although i'm sure that was just the person who is behind the Trevor account having a laugh.

  • Thanks for popping by. Always welcome, and good luck on the new adventure in the lofty Championship.

    The new era is greeted with tempered excitement from most sensible fans. Delighted to have new investment, but we want it spent wisely on developing a club that is fit for the future - not recruiting flash in the pan players we can't afford. We can never compete with the likes of yourselves on fan generated revenue but we MIGHT be able to compete with a Brentford'esque model of developing and selling talent. And that could be fun.

    Already we are being targeted as money bags in transfer speculation. Still getting used to the stench of that. And I am hoping I don't.

  • edited May 23

    The Bolton chemist is one of my favourite oppo visitors...

  • 10 year contracts for Kone and Lonwijk is all I want out of it.

  • or you'll tear up your subscription and storm out?

  • Birds of a feather flock together, so classy forum = classy visitors.

  • I’d have liked to have heard from them by now, much like I would have liked to have heard from the powers that be in the immediate weeks after the play off loss to Sunderland.

    I’m not hitting any panic buttons just yet, but I thought the silence was odd when they could have set up a wave of optimism despite that result going against us into the summer then, just as I feel we could have had at least a couple of good news stories coming out of the new owners - or at least a vague road map of what they plan - coming into this summer. I think Momentum in football is huge and continuing the positive end to the season into the preseason lull could be a difference maker.

    Completely understand everyone needs a holiday, but even the most basic “Hi I’m X and we’re really looking forward to the future we’ve got a number of exciting things planned in the coming months” piece on the website would have been a starting point.

    But that’s just me and what do I know?

  • Maybe the staff are not just cleaning the offices but relocating them to Kazakhstan?

  • I'm totally with you, I can't believe we haven't really heard from them properly yet.

  • Everyone in football is on holiday at the moment. Give it a couple of weeks.

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