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The definitive ex-player news thread



  • In all fairness that’s the biggest injury update he’s given on a player for about five years.

  • I don’t remember Gaz making any comments like that since pre 2018

  • 3m 20s in for anybody who wants to hear exactly what he said.

  • edited July 2023

    That interview was a difficult watch

  • edited July 2023

    He looks like he is trying to talk himself into believing he can do the job. He has been saying the same things since he got there.

    "I can promise you, we will work on that and be ready for next week."

    "We just need to be harder to beat."

    Etc, etc. Unfortunately when results are consistently bad for the same reasons, it is easy for it to come across as a bunch of motivational platitudes rather than any kind of tactical understanding of what really needs to change.

  • I think the most concerning thing for me is that week in and week out he says “I’m the manager, that defeat is on me.” I know he’s not going to throw any of his players under the bus but he doesn’t have to individually. If he’s really getting it that badly wrong then he’s almost admitting to being out of his depth.

  • edited July 2023

    It has just not been a good fit. I think it will always be summed up by the following:

    The Haka at Wycombe: Immediate buy-in, everyone has a great time, becomes an almost iconic development day.

    The Haka at QPR: Initially awkward to the point of being an episode of 'The Office'. Players seem to buy-in by the end of it, but it has still become an infamous episode among the fans and will be referenced as a kind of dire meme perpetually.

  • When MON left Wycombe Norwich wasn’t a good fit for him. It wasn’t til he found Leicester that he really excelled and that was because he largely got left alone. QPR is still a bat shit crazy place.

  • edited July 2023

    Yes, it is hard not to feel GA needs to be at a smaller club where he can instill a backs against the wall mentality. I could well see him at a Lincoln or Port Vale, where he remembered fondly and would likely get full support.

  • But why leave Wycombe for that? I think he felt, for whatever reasons, he had done all he could for us and it was time to move on and to a higher league. I would not turn down an exciting opportunity for promotion if someone came calling, said I was the one for them and offered me a wage rise. Even if six months in I thought: 'Oh Gawd, what have I done?'

    Lincoln or Port Vale more likely now though, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

  • I think you're wrongly hung up on that.

    The social media mockery video only showed a bunch of players shocked at some bloke storming in shouting.

    I'm certain even at Wycombe it'd be the same.

    The full video showed the players buying into it as they did at Wycombe

  • Accusations of wrong hangings, well I never!

    It has definitely become an infamous meme among their fans - he was even asked about it in a recent interview by Loft for Words, and said something like "I did it so that I could see who is not buying in - those boys at the back who were not getting involved" (paraphrase).

    Even if the QPR players ended up enjoying it, you could not have a more different reaction from the fan bases.

  • A journalist on Twitter saying he does expect an offer to be made to Curtis Thompson by Cheltenham.

  • The sad reality is, we were in a really solid position form wise when he left, and the one thing he could have realistically achieved with us, that he hadn’t done before, was to keep us in the second tier.

    As for his next move should this one end sooner than he would hope…I think the next logical move for him would be a club like Rotherham. But to think that a few months ago, a lot of Wycombe fans were hoping he would be back sooner rather than later. Now it seems like the majority are behind Blooms!

  • It shows how incredibly quickly things can change doesn't it.

  • Definitely! Watching the Cardiff highlights and seeing all those new faces, I had a huge sensation of it being a perfect time to transition so much on the field, so that Blooms has a fresh start with his own players. It feels like his team now, very much.

  • edited July 2023

    I’m wishing Gaz all the best…results will count and pre-season is all dreams until the reality of the first five or six games hits home.

  • Curtis Thompson has now been offered a deal by Cheltenham,i hope it works out for him and he gets a good welcome when they come to Adams Park as he deserves it after all he did for our club.

  • Josh Knight’s transfer to QPR falls through. They had agreed a 300k fee and a 3 year deal. Apparently

  • From how it looks from the outside Gaz is making Waddock look like Mr contacts!

  • Horgan has re-signed for Dundalk.

  • I fear GA has to win the first three games or he could be out (QPR finances allowing) although it sounds like the players are the main problem.

  • He really is on a hiding to nothing. Even if he keeps them up, the finances would open up enough for them to replace him with a "bigger name" once the season is finished. He really needs to pull an absolute rabbit out of a hat.

  • We don't know what kind of assurances he was given by the board before he took the job, but he's got a squad completely unsuited to his style and one transfer window was never going to be enough to transform that. Just another case of an ill-fitting managerial appointment, ultimately.

  • Hard to imagine Gape, Knight and Forino were the height of his ambition. He'd be shopping in different circles though, maybe he doesn't have the contacts or clout at that level and there's not much to sell to prospective players in terms of spirit or project there.

    Financially I suspect they agreed he could spend a percentage of what came in but the players there haven't set the world alight and come across as disruptive. If the expected bids haven't arrived and similarly the wage bill hasn't been reduced enough to allow him space it's not looking good at all.

  • Don't forget Wing.

    Although they've got it out through Richie that they were "never after him".

  • QPR fan :

    Will not pay £400,000 for Forino - dropped out of deal with Josh Knight after they accepted an offer of £300,000 - After Steve Cook as he is on a free - but high wages....

    so the good thing is...we were holding out for a good deal if that is to be believed. Hopefully, it's not turned Big Chris's head though.

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