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Rumour Mill



  • I always seem to forget about Hanlan. Haven't really got the best out of him but would start for a large percentage of League 1 teams.

  • Wasn't McCarthy one of the first players to announce that he's signed a new contract just after MB joined us? Also, wasn't he VC last season. I'm not sure he'll be leaving anytime soon

  • Zeros to heros in a week?

    Zeros before players we can afford become available.

    Heroes when they are.

    Zeros again when players are injured or not performing.

    Heroes with a late push for play-offs.

    Football management in a nutshell.

    Oh and a sacking after getting 90 plus points and a playoff win in Darren Moore's case.

  • I’m sure McCarthy’s not going anywhere.

    If we do choose to play with wing backs, they are really physically demanding positions. So you need options off the bench, for weeks when you play Sat/Tue and for the inevitable injuries.

    So having McCarthy who can play on the right, Boyes on the left and Vincent-Young who can player on either flank is just what you want.

    You’ve then also got Wheeler who can play right wing back if needed. As well as Pattenden, Woodhouse and Makoli all coming through who can play those roles.

    So it’s a pretty good mix really. And then of course Jason can also fill in as a central defender or central midfielder.

  • @ChasHarps : I have previously messaged you privately about this, but now it seems I need to make it public.

    Your comments are very close to, if not over, the threshold of what constitutes libel as defined in Section 1(1) of the Defamation Act 2013, for which substantial damages can be awarded,

    Do not think that you can hide behind the anonymity of your forum username. I can, if necessary, find out who you are, and your home address for service of legal documents. You have been warned, cease and desist now, or face the consequences.

  • He’s proven time and again he’s not better than that.

  • I could have worded it better

    Morning of July 4th - zero signings

    Evening of July 13th - 5 potentially excellent signings

    Zeros to heros in a week (almost)

  • A reliable source tells me that Chas is away on a very cheap all inclusive break swilling unlimited free drinks. Perhaps his usual impeccable judgment is slightly flawed tonight due to excessive consumption?

  • @bargepole you are very funny 😃 . I assume that you mean to be humorous

  • Hello All

    I can confirm I have both personally and now publicly received legal threats from Bargepole.

    I view Bargers as very much the archetypal bully, who likes to dish out insults, but resorts to using his proclaimed wealth to silence those when he is on the receiving end. I view the Gasroom as similar as to going out to the pub with a large group of mates, then a few of your mates invite a new chap along. You find his demeanour and character very unattractive, so you have two choices, 1; To grin and bear it. 2; To remove yourself from those gatherings.

    So in a personal message, Bargepole has issued me threats to get my RMT legal team ready, and I don't think they will thank me, as 18 months into our bitter dispute bringing this to the table.

    So rather than conform or be censored by an individual flouting his wealth to issue legal threats and the potential implications it could have for Dr Congo as the servers splendid host. This will be my final post.

    I wish you Gasroomers a fond farewell

    Kind Regards


  • With respect @ChasHarps you don't really know for sure that @bargepole has the wealth that is mentioned. You do have rather strong views of the opposite persuasion and I don't see anything wrong with that either, it is what makes the Gasroom such a great place to be. This would be a sad/boring place to be without conflicting viewpoints, though I do think that you did stoop too low with one of your latest "posts" on @bargepole. Can you not temper the situation with some form of apology, (even through a DM), without conflicting too much with your beliefs? Whilst I don't agree with all your leanings I can see both sides of the fence & I see @bargepoles views as far to the right as you are to the left.

    I believe that the Gasroom will be a duller place without you than with so hope you can find a resolution.

  • edited July 2023

    Great post @EwanHoosaami. Mending fences is ideal.

  • This site could be renamed WANDR, a place for middle aged men to have discreet meet-ups to talk about 3-5-2 and swap seat numbers.

  • I'm with you Chas. This is a fans forum and threats of legal action are completely ridiculous.

    Please don't go!

  • You do have other options open to you other than the two you mention.

    Over recent months your personal attacks on more than one individual have become way more than banter and are so frequent now that you only have yourself to blame for this individual defending himself.

    It is you who is the bully.

  • To be fair, you started it. You jumped on Bargepoles back as soon as he came on here and mentioned Rugby, and you havnt let up at any of his posts, there always some comment that has to be made. Personally I can't stand Rugby either, but didn't feel the need to start on an individual, we're all different, it's what makes the world greater. I like Cricket but I know others can't stand it, it's how it is.

    Tbh you could just easily block each other so you don't have to see each others posts, it's quite easy apparently, wouldn't know as I've never blocked anyone as I like to see all posts. Could well be the better option for you both.

  • This is a real shame and I just feel you both need to talk and bring this dispute to an end for the sake of the bigger picture.

    You are both obviously Wycombe supporters and to that end please just come to an agreement on a way forward so you can both continue to contribute to the Gasroom.

  • All a little silly, not everyone has to like everything as you say, nobody needs to leave and certainly not be sued. While I haven't liked some posts it does seem like these two are desperate to annoy eachother and were able to do so in a way they were both enjoying. I doubt if you can actually defame anyone posting anonymously on a chat board who doesn't have a known public reputation to damage, but the threat is unnecessary.

  • edited July 2023

    I’m sorry but this is way, way beyond what I would consider decent civilised behaviour on a site like this.

    I have always found the persona you present on here as a little caricatured and amusing and the language you use generally suggests (to me) that you enjoy baiting @ChasHarps and those who share similar political and/or social views.

    Normally this has been relatively harmless to observe (and occasionally participate with).

    I think most of us would agree (and sympathise with you) that Chas has been on something of a crusade against you and in the past has probably gone beyond the line in personal insults, but the Gasroom has historically been quite good at self-policing itself and if you had expressed your concerns publicly on here I’m sure we would have supported you in helping them tone their comments down a little (although no chance at all with tempering their views on Rugby).

    But if you have privately messaged them with threats of legal action, it does explain some of the venom in their more recent posts but frankly you deserve everything they (and everyone else) cares to throw at you.

    If you object to being called obnoxious on here may I respectfully suggest that you stop behaving in an obnoxious and threatening way regarding legal action.

    Much as I think Chas should probably apologise for some of their language towards you (I doubt they will, but..), equally I think you owe them an apology for your threats.

  • What does that mean? Sorry not up with this sort of thing, too old.

  • sorry if that was a bit too cryptic for you, 🦆

    I too am very old

  • #WellItLooksLikeYouDo

    A proper hissy fit from straight-talking Bargers. What a massive overreaction.

  • I reckon this one’s a red herring and just social media talk

  • Thanks everyone for your comments on the @ChasHarps issue.

    On this or any other forum, there is a fine line between acceptable banter, and defamatory assertions. In this particular case, the allegations of me being a 'slum landlord' and 'vermin' fall into the latter category.

    I was a landlord of a flat for 11 years, with 5 different tenants, all of whom enjoyed a well-maintained property, and all paid their very reasonable rent on time, with no record of any disputes whatsoever.

    Some time ago, I posted a link to a TV programme that I appeared on, and anyone who clicked on that will know my real name, and the fact that I have helped hundreds of people fight the predatory practices of private parking companies, thereby establishing a reputation of being a competent and well-respected legal advocate. I am also a member of a select group which is advising Government on this matter.

    I do not believe it necessary for @ChasHarps to leave the forum, he is unparalleled when it comes to the history of WWFC. All he needs to do is moderate his language a tad, and there will be no problem.

  • edited July 2023

    That was certainly unwelcome reading your threats there Bargey.

    Chas has overdone it a bit, and does have an unfortunate way of generalising groups of people, presumably those he's had problems with in the past.

    I'm not sure he's defamed you, he doesn't know you. And I dare say he's not clicked on any links you may have posted.

    I half would enjoy the idea of a "trial", and seeing the judge read out his "piss soaked chinos" comment though😁

    There's often a few little disagreements back and forward, but I understand when it goes beyond that. It's not fun signing in here and the same poster is constantly making little snide comments on your posts all week. I've experienced that on here, and solved it simply.

    Ignore button.

    I dare say the pair of you press it for each other, then the posters who enjoy both of your styles (and there are plenty who do both), can carry on enjoying them.

    Job done, we all move on

    ps you can tell the footy side feels back on track!

  • Christ. Who would have guessed that the poster most likely to unironically use phrases like ‘millennial snowflake’ and ‘woke’ would then chase a poster (who’s been here for what, 20 years?) off the board with legal threats because they were offended.

    At first I thought @bargepole was as a bit of a prick, then I thought they were leaning in to their shtick a bit for a laugh and I quite liked having them here, even if I disagreed with everything they said.

    But threatening legal action against another poster? That might be an all-time Gasroom low.

    If we only get to keep one of @ChasHarps and @bargepole i know which one I’d rather was here.

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