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The definitive ex-player news thread



  • No but if The Dons picked up a sizeable percentage of the wage to bring him down to a League One squad player cost to us I’d take him on loan.

  • I’d love to have him back. I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t.

  • I wouldn't, poor distribution, and Bloomers wants to play a different way.

  • This Anthony Stewart coming back is all irrelevant as we already have Keogh, Forino, Taff, Grimmer, JJ and Wakeley who can play CB. Wakeley is out on a year loan but can be recalled in the Winter Transfer window or before if both parties agree.

    We need cover or starters in other areas.

    We desperately need pace out on the wings and two left footed players to cover LB and LWB. I’d like to see us do a deal with Ipswich for Greg Leigh who can play LB or LWB and has little or no chance of playing in the Championship.

    We also need to replace Wing. Dennis Adeniran would be ideal and is a free agent.

    Matt implied he nearly had a signing to announce yesterday, I guess we will hear Monday or Tuesday

  • Not sure loans can be recalled outside of the window any more.

  • I admire his previous service and commitment to no nonsense defending but If he comes down here wiyh a new Scottish accent putting his feet on the desk and demanding parity with Vokesy, I would say Oi Stewart....nooooo!

  • Times move on and unless one of Forino or Taf are sold, there isn't a vacancy for someone expecting to be a starter.

    The way we've signed a veteran suggests he's there to cover the (admittedly frequent) Injury gaps between those two.

    Much keener on putting budget into a gamechanging creator or someone who knows where where the net is.

  • I think Stewart would be a great signing if we lose either Big Chris or Taf before the start of the campaign. I can’t see either leaving in the summer but if either do, Stewart on a loan-to-buy wouldn’t be a bad shout. Assuming he’s out of contract next summer so would be available on the cheap in Jan?

  • Must admit chatting to Taf yesterday (or more accurately eavesdropping in on a conversation) he did sound as if he was very settled down here.

    (Cue him leaving next week…)

  • It's a good result. Bearing in mind how obvious" him going to Bolton was for a few posters.

  • At the start of Gasroom Summer there was concern that we did not have enough cover at centre's nice that we are now confident enough to tell Tools to do one if he comes calling.

  • Confidence in football is always dangerous isn't it.

    Remember last season Robby C himself said Stu wouldn't get in the team anymore.

    Then we saw Mawson retire early, Taf and Forino spend long periods out, and suddenly we were into full backs deputising. Which they did reasonably well, but wasn't ideal.

  • When ‘Robby C’ (sic) starts calling (predicting) the line up you know you are in trouble.

  • Is “Bobby C” not a trifle derogatory?

  • Perhaps I have too much time on my hands, but I have been wondering just how bad our offer to Dom Gape was that he preferred to take his chances as a trialist for a L2 club up north? I had assumed he had something lined up when he turned us down a la Nick Freeman, but now I am thinking the terms must have been a little less than generous, perhaps?

  • Also intriguing to see if anyone takes a flier on Curtis. The ultimate full circle would be him helping Notts County join us in L1.

  • My assumption (for which I have zero basis than the old Gasroom favourite of “pure uneducated guesswork”) was that there was some element of pay-as-you-play involved, which I can both understand why we would ask for, and why Gape might reject it.

  • I would not begrudge him that @Shev not sure how severe his injury problems are but he is after all 'experienced at that level'.

  • I am interested to know, if anyone might know...but if we made an offer and he turned it down...but no-one else offers him a slot...can he still come back and say 'You know that £15.50 per game you were offering in May? Well...'

  • Hear hear. It would be a travesty if Curtis did not get picked up and recover enough to prolong his career. Absolute legend. He and Gape leaving in the same summer almost seems appropriate, as I will always think of them as a dynamic duo in that 2018-2020 window of time.

  • If he wants us and we want him, of course

  • Curtis and his lovely family still live near Nottingham. If he is fit he would tear up League2 for County. Another prodigal son.

  • Indeed...him and McGoldrick in League Two could surely do a job keeping County up if not more!

    Hope he gets a berth before kick off.

  • Hearing players live 100s of miles away always intrigues me at both an energy and cost point of view. There's nothing quite like travel for knackering you out.

    Unless the players tend to stay down here in the week? Which means a big blow to family life.

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