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Match day thread: Plymouth



  • Not much more to say, other than “boat” really!

    Good luck tonight boys and safe journeys to the Chairboys and Chairgirls travelling 👍

  • Plymouth's claim to fame is that a bunch of people were so desperate to leave, they boarded a ship and sailed over 4,000 miles into the unknown at great risk to their lives.

  • Didn't Franny Drake bring chips to blighty via Plymouth ?

  • They refer to them down here as ‘chaps’.

  • The badge itself is beautiful. However, we just beat the Bristol pirate, so an empty boat is not so scary.

  • For a team top of the table you'd think the fans would be very confident. But they seem convinced that the ball won't touch the ground until we score at which point the entire team plays Dead Lions and the referee is too terrified to do anything.

    Hope they're right.

  • Hello Wanderers folks

    So a couple of minor details....the Pilgrims may have departed from or perhaps just stopped off in Plymouth , but there are equal claims from Boston in Lincolnshire so it is unclear...good for tourism and US investment though

    Franny Drake was a Plymouth bey, but twas Wally Raleigh who brung us spuds

    And confident....well we haven't beaten you at HP for fifteen that might have something to do with it....but if there was a good year to do it this would be even if we lose we a e three points better than last season against you....

    I think the old gamesmanship thing has been done to death, our keeper is just as capable of such things....we now just expect it so the bigger shock would be if you didn't do it...that might really throw us off...I don't think it affects the players as much as the fans so I can see why you might just do it for that reason....

    Looks like you have your mojo back so hopefully we can beat you tonight and you can take it out on the Wendies...

    Safe travels for those that come down and look forward to a chat post the game either way

  • @pafcprogs What would be a bigger shock would be if our keeper suffered a career ending injury and ‘the green army’ didn’t boo as he was stretchered off.

  • edited December 2022

    To be honest I thought the better claim for the Mayflower departure was from Essex. It is known that the majority of the passengers travelled from Leiden in Holland on another boat, the Speedwell, they met up as planned with the Mayflower in Southampton, the Speedwell developed a leak so they dived into Dartmouth for repairs and then set off for the USA and got well past Lands End before the boat again developed a leak. They turned back to Plymouth for more repairs, abandoned the Speedwell (the locals booed the irrepairable boat as it was stretchered away) and sailed off in one.

    The actual departure point in Plymouth is not the much photographed Mayflower steps but in what is now some basement pub toilets. Not quite so photogenic.

    Apparently the last thing they did before sailing was watch a Plymouth-Wycombe match which legend says was the last time Plymouth beat Wycombe at home.

    To be clear @pafcprogs Drake was not a Plymouth boy at all, he was born and bred up the road in Tavistock - much more salubrious to this day....

    Plymouth has been the departation point for many a historic voyage though - not least Darwin's trip which lead to the Theory of Evolution.

  • Is our friend only1argyle still knocking around these ends?

  • Cheers @pafcprogs - we obviously won't be wishing each other good luck, but good of you to say hello politely!

    I don't really have anything against Plymouth, and as long as Wycombe got promoted too (via the playoffs, at this point!) it would be funny for as many "massive" clubs as possible to miss out on promotion, so I would certainly not begrudge you going up at the expense of say.....Derby!

  • edited December 2022

    I actually don't mind Plymouth... there I've said it and I don't care who knows !

    Also I love the area, yes I know some parts of the city may not be the best (have you been to Wycombe town center after dark lately?) But have friends and family down near there in Devon and Cornwall and I like nothing better than being down there.

    But I hope we frustrate the shit out of them tonight, last season down there was probably our best away performance, also Cambridge. Same again tonight would be awesome

  • Their fans seem to be very pessimistic given their league position. Not surprising given our recent record against them, especially at Home Park. The referee has never reffed a Wycombe game before, which might be advantageous given our approach to ‘game management’. Big game for us tonight.

  • Not condoning the happened and I know why it happened but I think it is true to say that whilst the injury was bad he recovered to play elsewhere and eventually quit the game for other reasons.

    I would hope both sides have moved on from the injury booing...your team were suitably concerned when Galloway did his knee at HP.

    I still chat with JJ's dad....we worked together moons ago.....I'll get a text or two from him is he scores for sure

    I think you will make the play offs .....and I think you need to get up to keep Mehmeti....very good player whenever I have seen him

    We have rumours circling over possible player sales and recalls so time will tell,,,,it is only half time League wise...

  • Whenever i see their badge i think of my favorite show in my childhood Captain Pugwash,obviously i'm an old bugger.

  • edited December 2022

    There is actually a certain amount to admire about them. A bigger club than us, but still punching above their weight to be out ahead of the pack in the division. I get the impression they are well-run too - you don't tend to hear about them having financial issues, unless I have missed it (I am sure someone will correct me now!).

    Also, they almost always have absolutely fantastic kits, which I have thought ever since my childhood, when the fact they play in green intrigued me.

    That all being said, let's beat them lads!

  • Zero expectations for tonight. I see the game as a free hit really. Interesting squad selections in terms of who is out more than in.

    We can certainly win as even in the recent good form some players have not been at it consistently.

  • A classic! But isn't there already a different seaside club who use the Pugwash music? Fleetwood, maybe?

  • So...Hanlan or Vokes tonight? I am thinking Hanlan, so that when the Plymouth defenders are looking in the air waiting for the ball to come down "with snow on it" he has already jinked past five of them.

  • Booing a player being stretchered off (in the first half) was pretty shameful behaviour @pafcprogs .

    it’s in the past now and to be fair Schumacher seems a much nicer guy than Mr Adams.

    they have a US based (home born) owner who has invested significant funds but I think they are well run now however.

  • Describing yourself as an "old bugger", when referring to Captain Pugwash might be misunderstood!

  • Good shout.

  • it was full of inuendos like Seaman Stains and Roger The Cabin Boy but i didn't understand them in the early 1970s.

  • Schoolboy myth. The book didn't contain anything of the sort.

  • Many clubs do badly with big resources but maybe a little over generous @Shev , someone posted an article highlighting how well they have done off the field but that highlighted both huge owner funding and massive gates so they have a lot more to play with and aren't really punching above their weight for such a supposedly massive club to still be in this league. Good chance they will go up though unless they choke like last season.

    We're hit and miss at the moment so I'm not overly confident but the fans and management hyperventilating at the mention of our name has been funny over the last few years. Lot of water under the bridge since the extremely enjoyable L2 playoff semis.

  • In Gaz we trust etc, but was slightly concerned seeing Al Hamadi's pic on the team news.

    Then seeing no Obita, Scowen, Mawson or McCleary at all, and Mehmeti and Vokes benched?!

    I know we have a great record there, but this looks risky stuff.

  • Erm, wasn't Mawson supposedly absent the other day rested for this?

  • I know we need some rotation, but wow - I just hope GA is willing to do that thing where you send various players on for each other...what's it called again. Oh yes - substitutions!

    Mawson being out for one game = rested.

    Mawson out for two = ???

    Queue the much maligned Horgs going off for a brace and an assist.

  • Beat me to the punch, @StrongestTeam - this looks scarily like Alfie is on the move in January.

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