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Realistic Signing(s) for the Summer



  • edited June 2022

    Some use them for marketing reasons and opportunities. If a player has signed for 4 or 5 yrs, the club and linked businesses will then start trying to use them to model or promote their products. It'll take money, time and effort out of the club if a player's face was all over their marketing for him then to be sold / released within 12 months.

    However with that said, 2 out of the 3 players who modelled the Gold kit have now gone so what do I know!

  • He suggested we would be getting more than one player from a big club. The way he worded it, and reading between the lines, is we may be looking at two players from United? Assuming Bishop was one of the unnamed players being referenced.

  • So I'm interpreting what I'm reading (having not seen the Sky interview) that GA has extended his contract, which was due to end in September, by a year?

    How did we miss that this was likely to be the most significant signing of the summer?

    Still need a keeper and a centre back though - and a new kit.

  • The only time Gaz looked uncomfortable was when Mawson's name was mentioned. You could see the internal cogs click into gear as he was trying to think of ways he could get out of the situation without giving anything away at the same time.

    I reckon the Mawson deal is currently on Alfie's desk, however he will prob be waiting to see if any championship comes forward to offer him a trial / opportunity to prove himself. If none appear, it might leave him with limited options

  • I don’t agree that the news is underwhelming, in fact I think it’s the best news we could have had. While players come and go, the manager is the most important figure at the club and as such Gareth is our greatest asset. Because people were assuming that he would announce new signings the fact that he didn’t doesn’t point to being gazumped or hitting any hitches. As he said, there are signings in the pipeline and for the moment he won’t go any further than that.

  • No way was it up in September. In February 2020 he signed a new "long term" contract, replacing one which was already taking him to 2023.

  • edited June 2022

    The big news is that Gaz has signed a 1 yr extension so that his contract now expires in the summer of 2025. He mentioned that a there is a hole in the GK position but something "impressive" (I think that was the term he used, I might be wrong) was in the pipeline and could be announced soon.

    He played down the Centre Back role and needing to fill it. He big-ed up Chris Forno and that he's going to play a big role this year and also mentioned that Grimmer gives him another option so they aren't too worried at the moment.

    Nothing on Kit or anything else.

    Community - Please correct me if I haven't summed it up accurately.

  • I'll be worried if we start the season with Forino and Grimmer as our only senior RCB options. There will be someone on the way - it's just classic Gaz playing things down.

  • Roll on sunshine, my ST card still working, my seat still there, crisps and Burton Albion.

  • He made it perfectly clear that his contract has been extended till 2025.

  • It's interesting that the length of Gaz's contract is free for everyone to know but the player's contracts aren't.....? 🤔

  • @Otter87 I told you it was a big day today 😎

  • Let me guess @Malone you know more things going on at the club than you're allowed to share?

  • I'm no insider.

    I just told you it'd be a big day and your patience would be rewarded 😙

  • edited June 2022

    Typical greedy fans.

    We've just made the biggest signing of our summer, enjoy that for a bit eh?

  • Excellent . I agree with @glasshalffull this is the best news. In respect of new players , either loans or permanent, until you get them in the door , don’t speculate. Clearly signposted in his interview with Phil, that we are looking at players that will really show our intent. I’m as impatient as the next fan but I’m prepared to wait.

  • edited June 2022

    I’m happy with the news, look what happened when Saint Martin left!

    My guess with Mawson is we’d offer him some kind of pay as you play bonus on top of a very low salary until January.

    This could be ideal for both parties as we could never afford him based on the calibre he reached before, it’s too risky giving him a long deal and wouldn’t stand in his way if a top club came back in after he proved his fitness perhaps?

  • He'd first need to prove some basic level of fitness or a path to recovery for it to be comfortable all round and even under consideration , then how much of a wage drop he'd take would depend on any other offers and how quickly he might be fully fit and available, release clauses on both sides and all sorts of other bits to consider too, they're not totally ruling out by the sounds of it and it could be done pretty easily if everyone is agreed but just as likely for him to just train until proven fit, or to get a better offer.

    Ainsworth doubling down that he is happy here is massive and as important as the extra year but you can probably expect underwhelmed responses to everything else until we sign some of these players who are going to blast us to the championship. Robs great at hype but it's not always helpful or to everyone's taste .

  • Great news that Ainsworth has signed a new contract… but is it too cynical to think that, having invited Sky, they were expecting to be able to announce a signing that has either fallen through or been delayed?

  • Don’t you think that ensuring arguably the best manager we’ve ever had is contracted till 2025 is great news?

  • Interesting that people have taken @Brownie question as a negative comment.

    I saw it as a genuine question of "is there any more to come?" Especially as @Malone seemed to be itk

  • This is exactly how it was meant - next time I'll ask for permission from @glasshalffull before I ask if there is any more news.

  • edited June 2022

    Only the ever so slight difference that nothing Richie ever said came anywhere near to being true, either factually, literally, figuratively or any other way 😘

  • What happened to Richie?

  • Oh, I see!

    Can I just state that I'm sharing what OTHER people have said, which has normally generated some interesting discussions. I have not made any claim that I (personally) know that something will happen or someone will sign.

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