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Josh Parker, conspiracy theorist



  • @Wendoverman said:
    It's like people having their picture taken with jeffrey epstein or travelling on his private jet it does not mean you knew what he was up to or supported it.

    I once shook hands with Jimmy Savile just hours after shaking hands with Donny Osmond. Does that make me a top pop picker or a certified nonce? Let the public decide!

  • I agree with your dislike of Robinson as an individual and of his politics. I don’t agree with your tactics. I fear they are counter- productive.
    Anyway there’s a football match tomorrow....

  • Every time Robinson appears on TV he gets more supporters.

  • edited July 2020

    It might be me, but I totally don't get this "let any loon say what they want on any platform, as people will discredit them".

    As @chris says, the more platform these people get the more support they get.

    The thing that hurts them the most is when twitter/youtube etc shut them down.
    It silences them. Simple as.

    We saw the menace some of David Icke's wackiness created recently.

  • So should we get the pitchforks out for Josh then @Malone ?

  • @Onlooker said:
    So should we get the pitchforks out for Josh then @Malone ?

    Not necessarily, as like you (i think?) said, he's not actually saying he agrees with these views.
    I'd stay away from such characters if I were him, but such is life.

  • @Onlooker said:
    Like him or loathe him, he has a legal right (like all of us) to free speech.

    No he doesn't, and neither do we. Presumably this is something you've seen MAGA idiots shouting about, but while it's sort of true in the US, it's not here. Either that or you're actually believing what Yaxley Lennon tells you.

    "Free speech" in UK law is part of the Human Rights Act, which says “everyone has the right to freedom of expression” but then qualifies that with a whole load of get-out clauses "may be subject to formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society". And those get-out clauses have get-out clause: "in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary".

    You can't shout fire in a crowded theatre, you can't accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit, you can't libel or slander people without repercussions, and in the case of Britain First and various other overtly nazi hate groups, there's quite a lot you can't say. Yaxley Lennon is nothing but a grifter prizing open the wallets of the credulous to fund his mansion.

  • And on the deplatforming thing, Milo Yianopoulos is now bankrupt and barely anyone can remember who he was. It works.

  • OK - law clearly isn’t my strongest suit. Re deplatforming, at the risk of starting another wave of responses I’ll just reiterate my earlier view. It may work as far as removing them from Twitter etc but it isn’t solving the problem.

  • If it isn't solving the problem, why don't we see Milo in the news every week any more?

  • I meant solving the problem of racism in society.

  • @aloysius said:

    I think @chairboyscentral's point about the lack of social distancing is quite apposite. I don't know when this event was held, maybe Friday, but I hate to think Josh heading to that, than into training the next day, just in time to potentially infect all the squad before Monday, given the virus is believed to take two days before symptoms start to show. The last thing Gareth needs is a bunch of players developing a cough and a fever on the coach to Wembley.

    I fear, at least to the extent that your suggested timeline is correct, that the risk (albeit vanishingly small) that Josh may have contracted the virus and subsequently passed it on to teammates is increased by the fact that symptoms can (apparently) take up to a week to appear and, as we know, in some people the disease can be totally asymptomatic.

  • edited July 2020

    @arnos_grove said:

    I once shook hands with Jimmy Savile just hours after shaking hands with Donny Osmond. Does that make me a top pop picker or a certified nonce? Let the public decide!

    Would you have shaken his hand if you knew he had some 'uncomfortable views' about having sex with young children had a picture taken and posted it on social media?

  • Having been a teen in the 1970s and having recently seen the Rock Against Racism docco reading people twisting and turning to justify giving a known and proven racist agitator (not just some right leaning intellectual) a platform as some sort of high faluting human rights issue is just depressing so I'm out. Having been accidentally caught in one of their 'peaceful demonstrations' when I was staying in London with Mrs W...and seeing the disruption they revelled in causing, the vile abuse the collection of 'patriots' spat at the police and anyone who 'looked at them funny' (I seem to recall police and a fire crew were assaulted) they deserve to be sidelined, their views are not of any value, use, support or help to anyone or this country and I regret one of our players will possibly be used by them to justify their position and influence others.

  • Sorry to hear @Wendoverman - I can assure you I was only defending Josh and not looking to justify racism.

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