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Josh Parker, conspiracy theorist



  • I just want to chime in with the same sentiment, sorry to hear you are rightly worried about your financial future Dr Congo.

    If you set up some kind of paypal donate button I'm sure myself and many others would contribute to the maintenance of the site.

  • Sorry to hear this @drcongo it's a very bleak time, everyday i hope for some good news but it isn't coming atm.... im currently in isolation myself im an electrician and our work is all within the nhs, im getting no answers from my employers as of when i can go back and currently have a weeks wages left in my bank and rent to pay... if there's anyway i can help please let me know

  • Sorry to hear of your very difficult situation @drcongo. Wishing you all the best and I hope that collectively, we can assist with the forum.

  • @OxfordBlue said:
    I just want to chime in with the same sentiment, sorry to hear you are rightly worried about your financial future Dr Congo.

    If you set up some kind of paypal donate button I'm sure myself and many others would contribute to the maintenance of the site.

    I certainly would.

  • Me too. ??

  • And me.

  • Likewise.

    I just hope the Government gets itself into gear and starts backing people, their businesses and employees quickly. And if we all have to pay a few % extra in tax to pay back for a decade or so once this is over then so be it.

    The number of comfortably-off people obsessed with avoiding every last penny of income tax has been getting worse years after year (Believe me, I have hourly experience on this in my job). I put it down to the lack of action against huge corporations, creating a ‘well if they don’t pay, why should I’ attitude.

    I really hope this changes in the future.

  • Just catching up with a variety of things after being away, all the best @drcongo , sure this place is not your biggest concern at the moment but appreciate your work on it over the years, happy to chip in should it come to it or put up with ads and the like if this helps.
    Btw, I don't disagree with most of your anti-government rants for what it's worth, not quite Trumpian levels but we are always just a bit behind them.

  • Ditto @drcongo. Hope the government does do the right thing by businesses like yours. Strangely I think it will come around to wanting to be seen to make sure no valid businesses fail due to the pandemic (and their own initial failings In attempting to manage it).

    Also happy to chip in with any funds to keep this place going (subject to things not getting so bad that it hits us job wise in the public sector).

    I console myself with the thought that Boris, having got what he wanted, is probably not exactly enjoying the experience.

  • I think you're right @bookertease he got a media dog, his divorce, another baby and expected four years of sacking civil servants, making shouty anti-foreigner jokes for IDS, Moggy, Bridgen and Francois to guffaw at and ended up with plebs moaning about floods, loo paper and people dying in their homes and expecting him to do something about it.

  • @drcongo any of the measures announced today any use to you or mrs congo?

  • hopefully the new steps can help you

  • Josh Parker is posting more conspiracy footage on Instagram.
    Should / could the club request he comes off social media to stop or moderate his views, or is such ‘freedom of expression’ of value in current climate?

  • They’d be entirely within their rights to tell him that, as a relatively high profile figure, he risks bringing the club into disrepute and he should be more careful with what he posts.

  • edited March 2020

    I know at least one person has contacted the club about him following a post in which he appeared to suggest that the coronavirus is karma for people with compromised immune systems. It was all a bit Glenn Hoddle.

  • Blimey.

    I hope there are people around him to give him support.

    Isolation is going to breed paranoia, especially if you frequent the kinds of news sites Josh seems to be getting his information from.

  • I can't even start to imagine the sort of conversations Parker and Wheeler have ordinarily.

    I'm amazed just how widespread those conspiracy theories are, though. Mostly in America, it seems.

  • @chairboyscentral said:
    I know at least one person has contacted the club about him following a post in which he appeared to suggest that the coronavirus is karma for people with compromised immune systems. It was all a bit Glenn Hoddle.

    As my daughter is in her 20s and has chest problems and a compromised immune system which is highly worrying for all of us...I'm not sure what karma he is talking about. This is heading into the arena of dangerous twattishness.

  • This was the post on his Insta story

  • The masses. Anyone who believes a Tory government full of self-serving millionaires would voluntarily close down business, bring transport to a grinding halt, open massive hospitals (and morgues) in various places and pump millions into the health service because of a bit of flu that really is not worth worrying about, really needs an IQ test.

  • @chairboyscentral said:
    This was the post on his Insta story

    This is appalling. He needs to seek professional help.

  • Clearly it doesn't condone it, but is it possible that what happened to him in Serbia has played a part in his fixation with conspiracy theories?

  • @chairboyscentral said:
    Clearly it doesn't condone it, but is it possible that what happened to him in Serbia has played a part in his fixation with conspiracy theories?

    Was he probed by UFOs?

  • edited March 2020

    Doesn't annoy me as much as half the country thinking that going out to clap for the NHS for 5 minutes is great, but funding it so that the Drs and nurses have equipment isn't.

  • So he's basically saying if you've abused your body to weaken your immune system, then the corona virus is your karma?

    Strange one.

  • Some people have weak immune systems, and some people have weak brain systems.

  • The woodwork from the subs bench has travelled to his head.
    I suspect he doesnt understand a whole host of illnesses have an effect on the immune system.

  • He's a footballer. So many are now so generic and mute when it comes to thoughts and views on anything.
    Josh Parker is clearly a different breed and surely that should be welcomed. It's true some of his views are a bit 'off the wall' but in these current times is he really worthy of outrage?

    @Username said:
    Doesn't annoy me as much as half the country thinking that going out to clap for the NHS for 5 minutes is great, but funding it so that the Drs and nurses have equipment isn't.

    Not sure how many people would really be against your point so not sure why it annoys you. Whatis still really evident is that the public sector cogs don't spin as quick as in the private sector. More money doesn't solve inefficiencies in supply chain, procurement and pure red tape.

    Each individual in the NHS cares about doing tge best job. The system just makes it a daily grind against the odds.

  • Providing healthcare to the public is an incredibly difficult and complex thing to manage even in normal times, so it requires a complex structure and system. It is by necessity more complicated than the private sector whose only aim is to make money.

    The main thing to improve healthcare isn’t simplified structures but more funding.

    The clapping thing can only be good, even if by itself it is far from sufficient. And as well as the NHS we should be applauding all the key workers.

  • And back on topic, of course it is worse to say things that are completely wrong than to say generic, bland things.

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