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James McClean of WBA turns his back on the national anthem.



  • @LX1 Just because you don't regard it as paying homage, doesn't mean everyone thinks like you. Nationality and rituals associated with it are subjective, and you should respect other people's opinions and wishes on them.

    People are suggesting that this lad shouldn't be allowed to play football in this country, or even live here, because he won't respect GSTQ. Should the same apply to an English person?

  • "@bill_stickers People are suggesting that this lad shouldn't be allowed to play football in this country, or even live here, because he won't respect GSTQ. Should the same apply to an English person?"


  • @Tory Goon : can you remind me what happened to John Redwood after his attempt to bluff his way through the Welsh anthem? Was he sacked as Secretary of State?

  • Tory Goon. Can you please explain to me why, as a born and bred Englishman who chooses to ignore the ridiculous posturing (as I personally see it) associated with outdated notions of royalty and nationalism should be outcast from my own country? (And also depriving WWFC of ST income - and probably more in bar takings?)

  • @bookertease Simple. "Treason"

  • Not a good day for Thatcher today, Mr Goon.

  • @Tory_Goon For my benefit, could you explain how ignoring the Queen (or ignoring the ridiculous posturing if you prefer) is a treasonable offence? To the best of my knowledge, I am pretty sure that I am not at the command of anyone, even one who has assumed such an exalted rank as the Queen and would presumably as a consequence be under no obligation to observe rather than ignore whatsoever or whomsoever I chose.

    (Obviously I know I am at the command of the law in so far as I am compelled to observe it or be bound by its officers - I'm not talking about ignoring a summons or a police officer going about his legitimate business etc)

  • @Tory_Goon You are an absolute fool.

    The soldiers of WWII sacrificed themselves for freedom of speech and thought.

    They did not fight to force people to sing a shit song.

    Sort yourself out.

  • The definition of a goon is a hired hoodlum or thug.

  • Actually I think you'll find that the first definition in this link applies more in this instance...

  • I think Tory Goon is testing the waters before Kirk Broadfoot shares his thoughts :)

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