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Matt Bloomfield to Luton?



  • edited January 14

    Didn't you feel the same when Gareth left, because personally I felt that was a bigger loss?

    Rather than all these conspiracy theories, couldn't it just simply be that the Club wanted to run the club one way and Matt wanted more control over signings etc. We need to remember that Dan Rice is not just the Chief Executive (or whatever his title is), but is also one of the three Directors of the Club and has to be the one who makes the final decisions on spending Mikhails money and will stand or fall by those decisions.

    Some of us would no doubt still like to go back to supporters trust ownership which would likely have led to non league status, some (probably the majority) would like to bumble along with a Couhig type owner and a few (like me) are prepared to move along with a new very wealthy owner. All options have their own drawbacks but the most important out come is we all have a club to support.

    Now the decision has been made, as others have said it would be nice to have @glasshalffull's take on all this..

  • Today is a new day in the history of our football club, with an upward trajectory. And I’m going to enjoy the ride. I wish MB all the very best, a spectacular servant to the old Wycombe and I look forward to the era of the new Wycombe and us beating his football club next season.

  • He's obviously wanted out for a while, as it seems he had talks with Coventry and Millwall. Though he also has form for leaving a manager job for a better offer.

    There must be a clash somewhere behind the scenes, but he is getting noticed because the budget has been pumped up, and in a position to actually challenge.

    Good luck to him, and it will be interesting to see the next guy in charge.

  • Wycombe existed before Matt Bloomfield, and it will continue to exist and thrive after him. A superb man, and a superb servant to the club, but this is just the beginning of another chapter.

  • I think this is the attitude we all should probably try to adopt.

    It's a tough reality, but managers, players and other staff will always come and go for whatever reasons.

    Onwards and upwards now.


  • BBC Three Counties reporting Blooms "Looks set to Join Luton as their new manager" this morning, and like most people I have seen and heard enough to accept what's about to happen. Those of us who follow the Kremlinology at Wycombe had come to the conclusion that not everything was rosy in the garden between MB and the new ownership, and that therefore when the opportunity presented itself to manage at a higher level, he has chosen to do so. He will have sought advice from others he trusts, notably GA and Rob Couhig - both of whom will (I suspect) have told him not to pass up this opportunity.

    For me it will be interesting to see if Blooms has any leaving message for WWFC supporters, although I am certain the new ownership wont permit any leaving video of MB saying goodbye to the players and a final interview, a la GA/Dobbo.

    But also, how Dan Rice handles the announcement. I am not expecting oodles of sentimentality, or any effort to persuade us that he and the rest of the club "did all we could to keep MB".

    This will be watershed moment as others have suggested. But hopefully, not one that we look back on as a wholly negative development. I consider myself a rationalist and am therefore resisting at least for the moment the (admittedly strong) temptation to veer off down the conspiracy route, that this was all totally preventable if only Dan Rice and co. had backed MB and put a much higher bounty on MB in the form of hus release clause. Let's see and I may well change my mind depending on what's said and done in the coming hours...

  • I got nothing left

  • Luton have confirmed they will be unveiling their new manager at 3.30pm

  • They've just tweeted to announce that their co-Assistant Managers are leaving the club. Why wait 6.5 hours to make the official announcement?

  • Definitely a ‘watershed moment’. The true beginning of a different type of WWFC.

  • edited January 14

    And here we go

    (was trying to post the GIF of the joker from the Dark knight)

  • Do we get the "transfer record broken" sweetener before or after Blooms' departure is announced?

  • edited January 14

    After a crap night to sleep on it!!!

    With a new morning and the sun in the sky, I’ve decided that his role now at Wycombe is probably not the role he took on. Despite his love for our club, he strikes me as very ambitious and his stock is currently incredibly high. Luton are ultimately local and despite being a s#1th0le they have lots going for them and do have similarities to us in terms of punching above their weight in recent times. They have a new ground on the horizon and a nucleus of a good championship team, just struggling with the adjustment back after relegation and losing their focal point in Ross Barkley and probably a couple of others.

    If he genuinely feels he can move them forward over the next 12-18 months then sadly for us this is a great opportunity for him, and avoids him having any real fall out within the club and towards the fan base if he doesn’t feel he has such full control over the things he may previously have had as manager here.

    If he continues his upward trajectory which I believe he will, then I accept sooner or later he will be employed somewhere as a head coach with a far reaching scouting network with all the data involved etc. But this is normal in the upper echelons of the English game - it’s not so normal in a third tier club with average gates of 5,000. When this happens it’s different as he will no doubt know and embrace what he is signing up for.

    I’ve accepted he is leaving unless he finds the strength of Saint Martin O’Neill to turn down Nottingham Forest in the 90’s to see the job through.

    We will move on and it will be different, I agree with many that this is the crossroad now where it will probably never be the same again. However, overall we have some very good things happening at our beloved club and we are still an incredibly fortunate fanbase.

    Finally I expect that both Luton and Wycombe will publish an announcement on the websites and social media at exactly the same time at some point this morning.

    Good luck Matt, you absolute legend. You will always be Mr Wycombe to me. Go and smash it Luton lad, and I hope we can meet again in a Championship fixture next season.

    Over and out.


  • It’s a big ask, but can we now have less messages on here until 3.30.

    We know what is coming our way and what peoples thoughts are, but the stream of messages keep coming.

    True, I don’t need to look and I now won’t but it’s just to stop people feeling they need to say something or reply.

  • POTD

    Brought this silly old fool to tears again.

  • copy and paste from the dreaded Facebook page:

    Different take on the Bloomfield situation 

    So far everything the ownership have done since arriving has improved Wycombe Wanderers.

    New training ground

    Squad investment (largest budget any manager has ever had)

    New Gym at training ground

    Millions invested on the pitches at the training ground

    Reopening the Academy for future benefit 

    Overseeing the club to 2nd in the league.

    Excited to see us get an upgrade on Matt Bloomfield 👍

    very well said I must say. Popular or unpopular at the end of the day there will be life for Wycombe Wanderers after Bloomfield. Would I have liked him to still be part of us growing as a club, yes, do I trust this ownership group to keep making strides and taking us further than we have ever gone before, yes. Time to come together as a fan base and embrace what’s to come for our club.

  • Really. Are these the dames guys who said Sonny was not a Bloomfield signing. Only for Bloomfield to come a couple of days later to say he phoned Paul Warne at Derby.

  • You all know at least 3 or 4 posters on here who are deeply tied into the club and haven't posted at all in this thread. Or at all in the last few days for that matter.

  • Why is it so hard for you to doubt that people will know what has gone on? Some people will post rubbish, but there will be some genuine information out there. People aren’t going to give up their sources ( why would they?).

  • Couldn't that just be because they knew that this was coming, and didn't want to break confidence? It doesn't need to mean that the rumours of unrest are true.

    I think the annoyance is at those anonymous posters who are happy to say that "something is wrong at the club" but not actually support their claims with any evidence other than "trust me" or "believe what you want to believe".

  • I don't doubt that the board wanted their own guy; it's also clear that Luton is a huge step up. If they were really intent on 'forcing him out', Blooms would have gone months ago.

  • Well, believe what you want to believe, even if some other people know for a fact.

  • Cream. Get on top.

    Cream. You will cop.

    Cream, Don't you ever stop.

    Cream, Shaboogie Rock.

    Sorry, just back in from a night out with LX.

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