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Matt Bloomfield to Luton?



  • I don’t think anyone’s disagreeing about the substantial incentives, at least from a financial point of view, which may or may not be tempting Matt to part company with the club he has loved being a part of for more than 20 years. The timing is a little difficult to understand, given that he could be on the verge of taking Wycombe, if permitted, to the Championship when there would quite possibly be more attractive options up for grabs, not least at Ipswich if they are relegated.

    The sadness most of us feel arises from the fact that his departure would represent a severing of one of the last links with the kind of family orientated club which, for example, welcomes informal exchanges between individual players and fans on a regular basis.

  • It's been a horrible day, but at least this can be our last moment of celebration with Matt

  • 'You truthers' seemed to me to be lumping a bunch of people together in a denigrating manner. But I admit that could just be me.

    The theory some people are putting forward could be wrong...there are some people on here I suspect sometimes are...I would like to think its not accurate myself but I don't think it's exactly outlandish.

    But I don't have the stats to prove it either way.

  • No, fine, I probably could have chosen my words better.

  • The grandfather of the Gasroom has summed it up perfectly for me.

  • edited January 14

    I get that today is a day where a lot of people want to attack Dan Rice for supposedly not backing Bloomfield by offering him a new contract. But each of you should just cast your mind back to a year ago when almost every last one of you called for Matt to be sacked (all except @glasshalfempty, who couldn't bring himself to do so but asked for others to say it for him). Maybe Matt has decided that loyalty to a club - any club - is only worth so much. That winners take opportunities offered to them and that sentimentality only ever buys you a certain amount of good will in football. He had an incredibly bruising time of it. You can perhaps understand why he would make a hard-headed decision for himself now as a result.

  • I understand the concern, but what's to say we can't continue being a family club? I would hope the players aren't suddenly told to reduce interaction with fans.

  • I was a Wycombe Wanderers FC supporter yesterday. I am a Wycombe Wanderers FC supporter today. I will be a Wycombe Wanderers FC supporter tomorrow.

    it just doesn’t feel quite as special being one as it did though today.

  • Yeah of course we'll carry on, as if players are going to stop talking to fans because there's a different manager.

  • There is no doubt he is leaving as he felt he had no control , no manager would leave a side second in the league especially when you have been at the club for twenty years if you were happy. He wasn’t the best paid player but then again Wycombe gave him a safe contract for a long time for being a decent player who gave his 100% every game when not injured. I think he should have stayed to the end of the season if he could , I really hope it works out at Luton but they won’t be so patient . Regardless we are now in the position we are in, let’s see where the new adventure takes us.

  • I don't doubt that there is some truth to this, but we can't ignore that Luton also handle their player recruitment at boardroom level, so that can't be the main factor here.

  • You’re mixing up two things here. No-one (as far as I can see) is questioning Matt’s decision-making here. The move to Luton clearly works for him.

    The issue is whether we have done enough to try to keep him. And moving more into the realms of speculation, whether it’s convenient for the owners that he moves on because they wanted someone else in anyway.

  • Oh..... it wasn't a nightmare then 😒

  • Just retelling the story to my wife who as pragmatic as ever says “you’ll learn to love someone new”.

    Morning everyone 😢

  • I don’t do insider facts, but on this occasion I will step in and respectfully say that you’re categorically wrong here.

    Thankfully, Blooms has got a decent job on his own terms and escaped the orbit of Dan, Eduard and their hangers on.

  • Plenty of people were worried but wanted Bloomfield to turn it around and backed him, and got told to F off at Orient and Derby for our troubles

  • Hoping it is announced soon - constantly refreshing this page yesterday and this morning is not doing me any good!

    If this move is happening because of behind the scenes tension, I’m just happy Bloomfield had ended up somewhere ‘better’ on paper. With the job he’s done in the last year, he’s earned it. Hopefully it’s onwards and upwards for the rest of managerial career.

    Over the last 12 years plus I guess we’ve been in little bubble compared to the way football has moved in terms of managers role and average tenure length.

    The players reaction will be very important. Hoping the season doesn’t fall apart like when Gareth and Dobbo left.

    Ironic after all the talk and speculation about the transfer window, this happens and much of that talk becomes redundant!

  • It's the what could have been that makes it so much worse.

    It's not Lampard sacked from Chelsea, it's off the back of an incredible season where it is perfectly realistic Blooms could be managing us in the Championship on 6 months

  • There's nothing more annoying on an anonymous Internet forum then people telling us they have insider information that means something is a fact, without actually telling us any actual details. If you know what's been going on behind the scenes - do share please - but otherwise don't bother saying anything.

  • It's a little bit "I told you so" without ever having actually told us...

  • I think people saying Bloomfield is leaving as he feels he has no control need to be a bit realistic. I would say 90% of clubs in the efl nowadays have sporting directors and people behind the scenes that are in charge of recruitment. Of course the manager will have a say in things, but not the final say. That's how football has evolved now (not that i agree with it). Of course i am devastated Matty is leaving, but don't agree with people trying to state facts like they know something has gone on behind the scenes. Its all conspiracy theories at this stage. However, lets remember what Dan and co have done this this club in such a short space of time. The Academy has reopened, we have a new training facility, we have broken our record transfer fee twice this January window. If i was Matt i would be pretty happy with that backing, unlike the days of Ainsworth having to buy footballs himself and cut the grass at Marlow road. Bit of respect on the ownership groups names please and not just pointing the finger at them.

  • i think it fell apart after ainsworth and dobbo left due to the fact that team/squad was done, ainsworth style of play and having a magic man mehmeti helped get us to where he left. i think we would of dropped off if ainsworth would of stayed after selling mehmeti

  • Totally agree. Even Ainsworth, who controlled everything at our club, had to get a job which had a sporting director sitting above him. It does make me smile that a number of posters , with absolutely no inside knowledge have peddled their thoughts as real facts going on behind the scene. Hence creating in their minds real tension between Rice and Bloomfield. I expect we’ll never know the truth but could it just be , Bloomfield thinks the job at Luton is better than Wycombe. More money, more prospects, better crowds and a new stadium in the planning. Sounds pretty compelling. I just think some posters need to understand where Wycombe are in the food chain now. Who knows in the future?

  • You do realise that a lot of people on here have friends and family who work(ed) for the club right?

  • edited January 14

    I have been reading through all the messages, dumbfounded at what we're potentially witnessing. If he goes this really leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I stood by him last season and backed him all the way, my heart said he would get it right, whilst half time at Fleetwood I understood why he may have been let go by the club. I never thought we should let him go.

    If Rice et al truly wanted to keep him, with the money they are throwing around on transfers, I do not believe Matt would have given it a second thought. The reason being, is they could have increased his salary enough to protect him and his girls for the future, clearing his mortgage and continuing his love affair with us. It may not have been quite what Luton were offering but it would have been more than enough to stay.

    MB is a man of principles, and I believe he would have turned down this job if Couhig was still at the helm and had the type of money now available. Couhig would have had a new contract out ages ago, he would be waxing lyrical and giving it large all over social media about MB and MB would be going nowhere, regardless of the increase in money. I could only of seen MB going to a really big club but only once he'd got his true love back into the Championship or completed this season.

    The Doctor and physio at the begining of the season, the Mitchell affair and the lack of knowledge of some of the incoming transfers have made him worry about how long he's going to be here. If the likes of Matt Cecil and Phil start to walk out the door, that would speak volumes to me and confirm my suspicions that all is not what it seems. It's clearly Dan Rice's ship and he wants all his own people in and to clear out any semblence of the previous regime.

    I'm not sure if I like where we're heading, and I'm not sure how this will make me feel in a few months time. Currently I feel like handing in my season ticket and not returning. I cannot prove anything but I feel like MB has been treated absolutely diabolically by this new regime and I'm not sure I want to support them going forwards.

    We're no longer David, struggling against the odds, all in it together. We're just a PR machine, throwing money we traditionally don't have at Dan Rice's vanity project. I do not like it one iota. Until I've calmed down and the dust has settled, I am not sure whether my love of Wycombe will win me over or my hatred of the new regime. I suppose I may now understand how @Eddie Monsoon felt all those years ago.

    I think I'll only truly find out how I feel as more information gets leaked in the coming months and when it comes to renew my season ticket at the end of the season.

    I've met Matt on several occasions, he is the nicest guy in football, loves Wycombe dearly and if he has chosen to leave it has nothing to do with Luton and everything to do with Dan Rice et al.

  • edited January 14

    some obviously do know whats gone on though, it may never see the light of day. I hope it does from the people who know thing then it can all move forward without the question marks

  • I'm not going to criticise people who thought Bloomfield should have gone for the terrible run of form last year as he would have been sacked at pretty much any other club. I was of the opinion he should have been given a chance to correct missteps with the recruitment over the previous summer, fortunately he was.

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