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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • JJ’s not even officially retired from playing has he?

    player CEO?

  • Nice to have a feeder club with decent training facilities though.

  • Its from a reliable source so seems like there’s something in it.

  • Ran it past my Reading supporting pal.

    Heard nothing. So it's either an incredible ITK, or one of the many mad rumours some gubber has pieced together.

  • Having to deal with this problem could be the reason their club was unsaleable. There can't be many new Chairmen who would fancy there first action at club being to shut down an Academy.

  • if they poach Bodger for their club secretary, it’ll be king sized sheets at dawn

  • Imagine getting dumped, then she runs off with the neighbour and starts inviting all your mates round for a party while we stay at home and have to listen to the noise.

    At least we have our billions.

  • My wife ran away with the nextdoor neighbour. I miss him.

  • Would Rob risk upsetting everyone if he was to sack their manager and hire Ainsworth?

  • The largest bed ever made was created in the Netherlands for the St Gregorius Summer Festival in May 2011. Measuring 26.5 m (86 ft 11 in) long and 16.44 m (53 ft 11 in) wide,

    We'll be needing those sheets if they sign Kone.

  • I suppose the only note of concern is any of our players that we consider valuable and their contracts. As we saw with Mehmeti and the coincidental signing of him following our former CEO getting a new job.

  • It’s odd that there’s no gardening leave in football. An owner or CEO can move from one club to another while the private information about contracts etc is still current.

    Given some Reading fans think of us the way we do Flackwell Heath I can’t imagine they’d be happy if they started signing our players.

  • I think there is.

    Dan Ashworth, for example, was placed on gardening leave by Newcastle recently when he resigned in order to move to Man Utd

  • If Club A wants to know contract details of a player playing for club B who quite fancies playing for Club A, they just need to ask the player for a copy. Doesn't really matter whether or not the Chief Exec of club A used to work at Club B and may already know.

  • What about the guy who went to Bristol City? It felt like he went straight from one job to another. Maybe i'm mis-remembering.

  • would depend upon length of contract and compensation paid I suppose, and/or whether the club he is leaving is prepared to step aside and let him leave

  • I agree with @eric_plant. I think it all depends on the compensation thats being offered and the stance from the outgoing member of staff. If the staff member had been performing poorly or had been taking the piss while negotiations had been going on or had already stated that they weren't going to renew their contract, the club could drag their feet and keep active the clause where it'll have they can't work for an competitor for 'X' months

    However, for a club like our's, I bet an extra £10-20K on the compensation and they might get make some of the clauses inactive

  • There is, if it's in the contract.

    JJ is a very unusual scenario of being an out of contract player moving to a totally different job.

    Not sure what the terms of the fella who left for Bristol City was, maybe we got a fee, or maybe he was coming to the end of his deal too.

  • Aye, I suppose the JJ situation is fairly rare.

  • It’s more like your dad telling you he’s going to retire to the coast and instead moving in with the “problem” family next door, all you hear are odd bangs and whoops in the middle of the night.

  • Surely you wouldn’t appoint someone with no non-football player employment experience as CEO?

  • I would if it was JJ

  • Does seem strange . But then Rob c must be backing the man himself for his skillset and see him as growing into it.

    And hey, he can't do worse than that Monkman fella we had that time surely.

    With his sheepish "send in your ideas" strategy.

  • The problem is that if JJ was to go to Reading (in any capacity) it would mean that I would have to quite like them for a while

  • edited July 2024

    Sat here overthinking..... I know no-one really knows anything for sure.... but thinking outloud, the more we hear ex wycombe connections being linked to Reading, the more jittery over our own future I'm getting.... especially as ML isn't really engaging with us fans as of yet and giving us a little more insight into his immediate plans and next steps/ ideas.

    My mind keeps jumping to all this Rob Couhig buying Reading talk.....

    In most of our minds(?), Rob doesn't have the funds to front that alone.... I know there is speculation about him maybe heading a consortium bid, or just involved to facilitate a purchase....

    I guess my background panic is that ML might possibly be involved in the background....

    I mean, on paper at least, Reading has a bigger fan base, bigger stadium, potentially easier route to the premiership (or back to the Premier) as is the case with Reading.

    Somethings just not sitting right in my mind that Rob..... our ex owner, with massive but limited funds in the world of football is in the media touted as Reading's new likely owner..... now talk from some sources that JJ is somehow involved....

    ML and RC have apparently become reasonably close and are "friends"....

    How has Rob ended up maybe buying Reading fc.... and we.... little Wycombe with not too much to offer apart from (obviously being the greatest team.... the world had ever seen) being bought by the billionaire with a dream???

    As I say.... prob over thinking.... but on the face of all the information we are currently being fed or privy to....

    I dont know.... something is not adding up 🤔

  • Don't expect Lomtadze to communicate much. I was at a signing on meeting with the stewarding staff last week and got told that he very much likes to operate in the background

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