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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • All roads lead to League 2!

    Won't be a fun return to Shrewsbury for him next season!


    This interview with RC just popped up on my YouTube feed. Not watched it properly yet.

  • Just watched it and would like to hear what you Chairboys think of it. I found it informative, although I think I can take his aim to refurbish the Stadium etc. with a pinch of salt(?)

    In case anyone wonders why the Cherries are mentioned at the top is, I believe, that the interviewer lived in Reading and moved to Bournemouth a few years ago and he now does a podcast for them. I do wonder what they think of their podcast having so much about the Royals these days., but I suspect that having gone through something similar they may not mind too much.

  • Yep, many Wycombe fans would argue that much of what RC says needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    However, I do think he's eminently likeable to the many and is a very shrewd businessman who might, at least, sort out some of the issues regarding the day to day running and finances of Reading FC.

    Almost anyone is going to be better than DY.

  • Your last line should read:- Anyone (even my neighbour's dog) is going to be better than DY.😀

  • Objection m’lud.

    As a lifelong dog lover……

  • edited March 28

    Regarding: taking what he says with a pinch of salt (and without listening to the podcast)

    For me, Rob is and always will be what a (good?) CEO is and does, and that is be a visionary for where a club/business wants to be to and looking/planning for the future. If CEO’s are too stuck in the weeds of what is happening today, they are failing in what their role needs to be. Day to day business falls on other C level members of a board while they also work to implement the CEO’s vision going forward.

    That’s why he was always ridiculously over optimistic in us getting promotion and all the plans and amazing things he wanted to put in place.

    Some people will say he broke promises when he talked about what he wanted to do here. I don’t see it that way. For me everything is more:

    “This is where I want to go. This is what I would like to do. This is our yard stick. It’s always moving forward because that’s how you drive a business forward”.

    Will EVERYTHING he wants to do get done (like refurb a stadium)? Absolutely not.

    Will he find quick wins? Yep.

    Will he come up with ideas that seem outrageous/fanciful/wishful thinking? Absolutely. But that’s his job.

    It’s better to aim for the stars and fall alittle bit short (learn from that and then re-aim) than aim for the top of a tree and hit it every time.

  • Spot on. I think history will look kindly on Rob and Pete (for us).

  • Ground improvements have never been what was asked for, maintenance and upkeep in exchange for the Trust charging the club a peppercorn rent - that was the deal all along and is still the deal.

    The question of ownership is an entirely separate matter and in that respect the Trust having a stake in the club with no demand on its purse has greatly strengthened its position.

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