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Focus group



  • @Malone Absolutely right, I do feel for him, his intentions are admirable, unfortunately things have gone wrong for him as a fan over the last few years. He's probably taken the wrong course of action a few times, but you'd like to think, in this supposedly kinder age, people would bear in mind his issues, and show a touch more tolerance towards him, both in person and online.

  • @Ed_ There has been an announcement about using the screen for a bit more this season.

  • Didn't they do this for a speeding up drum beat when we had a corner under Lawrie Sanchez era?

  • edited July 2023

    It was half an alibi when it was a drum doing it, but if a few people can't outsing one bloke standing 100metres away it is pretty damn pitiful.

  • That was horrible wasn't it. Like thunder.

    Second only to the Adam's Apple band.

  • No problem all this... just ask your friends to come like Pete said... problem solved, thanks Pete.

  • A huge bucket of disinfectant full of chewed recorders at the turnstiles would be more efficient.

  • So what is your suggestion for improving attendances and atmosphere?

  • Back in September 1994, I was involved with coaching Mini Rugby at High Wycombe RUFC, and we were invited to stage a rugby game between HW and London Welsh Under 10s, as part of the pre-match entertainment before WWFC v Brentford in L2.

    Cones were set out in the half of the pitch nearest the terrace, and the lads played across the width, accompanied by a chorus of Swing Low, Sweet Chariot from the Wycombe fans. Our lads won by 4 tries to 2, and Wycombe then went on to beat Brentford 4-3 in the main match.

    Just before the start, I was handed the stadium microphone, and invited to do a running commentary on the rugby, with no preparation. But it all went well, and is perhaps the kind of thing the club should consider doing again.

  • I think the live Q & A radio shows are great for the engagement of fans and the covid party looked to be a great success. MB has, in my opinion, also come over really well during pre season. Seemed to me he was just churning out cliche after cliche last season but has really appeared relaxed and more confident lately. @bluntphil and Matt Cecil are doing brilliantly on the media side, I’m sure there are others.

    Whilst I’m sure the action group is a good idea I really hope it’s not just just a planted group on the terrace trying to force singing for the sake of singing

    All the above are great but the things that consistently get the fans going are big games and winning performances

    playing an exciting style of football with play offs looking likely and maybe an epic cup run thrown in is what it’s all about!!!


  • I'd add we need to be mindful that everything nowadays needs to be amazing or it is rubbish, with anything in between seeming to no longer apply. Generation X, Z etc, seem to have been conditioned by social media that this is the way forward and I think it is reflective of the apathy at times across the stadium. I believe that is also now creeping across other generations.

    It's ok to be average, it's ok to have an adequate game.

    Of course, we want to win but there needs to be some realism. When I first started watching, you would sing and cheer regardless. It's as though over the last 10-15 years the crowd expects to be entertained and if they are not, they will just sit on their hands. I see this behaviour across a lot of stadiums, not just at ours.

    Atmosphere is one area of importance but I'd really like to have some focus on finances (are we in the shit if the Couhigs leave abrubtly for any reason), the charter - why are we not playing in the quarters more, why is a burger so expensive compared to other grounds and Linda's.

  • edited July 2023

    Sitting on hands might be the problem but I think it's more likely that having smartphones in hands could be the mood killer.

    Money might be another factor. As the country slowly turns into the Weimar Republic....sorry.....goes through a 'cost of living crisis' you need a fair bit of spare cash to follow a team and this generally means an older crowd at a game. Older people tend to be less shouty.

    Having said that, a run of wins will cure all our problems.

  • I will add to what I said above by saying - I’m quite happy with league 1 sustainability with the odd play off year.

  • Playing entertaining football goes a long way...

  • Always worth saying, for every fan calling for more money to be spent there's 10 that value the long term existence of the club and understand how difficult it is to make the numbers add up at this level.

  • Genuinely not fussed about us being a Championship level club.

    For the most part, I want to see us win more than we lose, play as entertaining football as possible, and not go bust.

  • Testify brother.

  • Despite a few disagreements on Twitter (good to see we are above that sort of thing here 😀) one of the groups of people looking at what they can do to improve the atmosphere have had some meetings with the club and raised just short of £1000 in 2 days for banners and the like. Not bad.

  • Hadn't seen that, thanks @StrongestTeam. Donated in the hope they turn into Wycombe Ultras and spend the money on tifos and pyro.

  • Just seen that Pete Couhig put in £100 of his own money. Fair play to him however I know that when he watches games, he is normally in the terrace too.

  • Wycombe should carve out a niche and have middle class ultras.

    Get a load of kids from local grammar schools wearing evening dress and playing clarinets, violins, trombones etc

    Rest of the ground politely applauds when they finish

  • My son has always said we have a golf crowd, politely clapping the performance at appropriate times.

  • I saw someone suggested using the money raised to hire a community gospel choir - think this would work well at a poorly attended midweek away game

  • Oh, hope the £1000 isn't going on one Stone Island jacket for the organiser.

  • Wouldn't it be lovely to hear them belting out "Who's the wanker in the black" across the autumnal Chiltern hills.

  • Buy a drum and a course of lessons!

  • Having been to the golf a few times, it's anything but particularly in the "tented village" but I get your point! Perhaps Day 1 at Lord's...

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