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  • I think Real have been studying Gaz’s tactics.

  • Insane readjustment from Courtois there

  • Situation outside the ground before the game looks to have been pretty bad.

    Part of the issue seems to be faked paper tickets. I’m not sure why they have these at all. Euros (another Uefa fixture) were done entirely on smartphone to prevent that (albeit there were still problems at the final).

  • @drcongo nailed it - Real ‘Wycombed’’ their way to victory - but I still didn’t hear anyone say they couldn’t watch that every week...

    And as for Wrexham’s expensively constructed League One Set-piece Machine... tighten up at the back, boys...! Hilarious punditry with the ref criticised for giving a lot to Wrexham, only for Parkinson to practically explode with rage over refereeing incompetence. Top quality entertainment from BT Sport today!

  • edited May 2022

    Bit of a dramatic change of story. It might be true, but this needs a thorough and independent investigation. Hopefully the UEFA-organised event on Wednesday at notorious soft touch Wembley is less of a shitshow (I'm not counting on it...).

  • edited May 2022

    Going a bit further back on this thread the infamous Bristol Rovers fans get a mention or two,

    That always reminds me of a day that we went to watch Brighton at the Goldstone Ground because our mate had links with Brighton on his dad's side and was a big fan. Anyway the Brighton supporter and another of our group went in the Brighton end but me and a friend thought it would be "fun" Ito go in the Bristol, Rovers end just to jokingly piss off our Brighton loving mate. This match was very important for Brighton IIRC either the last at the Goldstone ground our Brighton gettintg promoted or maybe both but a pretty meaningless last match of the season for Rovers.

    Anyway a big mistake on our part (we had been drinking heavily in Hove first and on the way down so that's our excuse! ) we found ourselves on an open terrace with some of the hardest looking top lads this side of Millwall. and of course unlike Millwall where a Wycombe accent is not that different from a suburban London accent we were surrounded by full on wurzel level West Country accent which if we tried to imitate we'd look like we were taking the piss too!. I remember it was a hot end of season game and they all had their tops off and many seemed to have a Rovers tattoo on the back of their shoulders this was well before tattoos become a trendy thing for pop and rock stars, footballers and females. Anyone it was like watching he match with a bunch of pirates keeping our voices down to almost a whisper and thinking one of their fans might get suspicious and do the "what's the time mate?" thing on us and then think we were Brighton or something and give is a kicking we'd never forget. Anyway we survived with no injury but the Rovers fans on that terrace seemed to be rough to a man hooligan geezers (or in their case pirates!) with no shirters or ordinary fans amongst them in a meaningless for them end of season match. We did learn that every Brighton fan was being constantly asked "if their boyfriend knew they were there?" or that they were "all "a bunch of homosexuals" we had about 90 minutes of this, So pretty menacing all round and an experience we wouldn't want to repeat, Do all the hooligans in Bristol gravitate to Rovers and City get the more,ordinary fans and if so is that the only town where the hooligans all choose the club that's known for its iffy support?

    The strange thing is that the Wurzels have even made a song about City ("One For The Bristol City" and appear at City fan do's in nightclubs in Bristol but the Rovers still seem to have no hostility towards them and even occasionally sing that '"Drink Up Thee Cider" song' from the original Wurzels which City use when they've just won. It's like The Wurzels are objects of veneration from anyone in the Bristol and Somersetand Gloucestershire area and exist on a plain above football rivalry..

  • Probably some degree of truth to it. But I imagine bad organisation and stadium design also big factors. Andy Robertson (Liverpool player) has said one of his friends/family were denied entry and told their ticket was fake, which clearly isn’t going to be accurate.

  • edited May 2022

    They were trying to funnel 20,000 people onto the perimeter concourse through one gap of what can't have been more than a few metres wide - then it looked like they had two gates (not even proper turnstiles) for entry into the stadium itself. Carnage. And apparently it's a regular thing for UEFA finals - almost as if profit is the only thing that matters to them and supporter safety is an afterthought 🤔

  • edited May 2022

    I think its absolutely unbelievable that Liverpool of all supporters (after Hillsborough) were trying to force entry and climb over walls etc. They've been doing awful things in Europe for years (robbing sprees going back to the 70s the fans boast about) but for some reason the BBC likes to brush it all under the carpet.After the booing of the national anthem and 'Abide with Me' the complete lack of English flags (unique in the league I think and always the case at Lverpool and the knowledge that they hate the national team anyway) I think they''ve now surpassed Man 'BBC' Utd as the most loathed team in England - only Milton Keynes 'Dons' existing in a football netherworld all their own below them because as we know those bottom-feeders have no right to even exist.

    As an aside I live in the north-west (which ironically includes Liverpool)) but the north west as whole region is the area which is after the West Midlands according to a survey the most patriotically Engliish identifying region in England - already houses, shops and pubs all over Lancashire and Manchester (and the village green in my village on the edge of Bury) and I presume Cheshire and Cumbria are festooned with flags for the Queen's jubilee. But you go to Liverpool and you' be hard pressed to find one flag - it's not a myth they really don't think they're English. And ethnically I suppose they're right mostly being of Irish and Wesh descent. But this anti-Englishness has really taken off in the last couple of years with the antics at Wembley and all the talk of the "Socialist Republic of Merseyside" - many of them are actually serious about that. And could cause another problem for football as a whole if they persist in this. booing of intrinsic parts of the English football tradition. And the scenes in Paris were almost expected unfortunately. I just hope it doesn't affect our other clubs in Europe next year if UEFA mete out the punishments to English clubs en bloc which would be totally unfair,.

  • Good grief

  • The Wurzels are Bristol Rovers fans and in answer to your other question, no, Bristol City have just as big a hooligan element as Rovers do

  • Actually no, I've just checked and they're City fans. Could've sworn it was the other way round

  • This is an interesting take I don’t agree with all of it but there are good points made here and I would definitely agree with them being increasingly disliked as a team. Everyone I know who wasn’t a LFC fan supported RM yesterday.

    Those on here who are mature enough to view yesterday’s events objectively rather than through an emotive lens will be able to see that ticketless fans turning up at the ground was part of the safety issue yesterday. In the interests of safety we can’t overlook this simply because it’s Liverpool FC and any criticism of Liverpool fans is a taboo subject. Obviously there is a conversation to be had on barriers, organisation etc. No point on worrying about the French police that’s just what they do and they don’t care.

  • Clearly it would take an exceptionally brave media person to make a thing of the ticketless fans / put blame on their fans.

    Much easier to concentrate on the other clear organisational issues.

    Part of the modern day Liverpool hate is fuelled by the media gagging to declare them the "best ever" team before they'd done anything another team hadn't done, i.e. the quadruple.

  • Absolutely and it won’t happen the British Media will blame UEFA and the French Police. They won’t care and will just blame the fans and nothing good will come of it and the same problem will occur a few years down the line.

    It shouldn’t come down to blaming this person or that group. It is about honestly acknowledging all the different factors of which there are many so you can find the best safety measures moving forward.

  • I had no idea I was supposed to feel animosity towards Liverpool. In fact I had to ask mrs micra to cool it when she reacted in (admittedly low-key) positive fashion to the Real goal. But how true about Real’s performance being pure Wycombe. Their goalkeeper was outstanding of course but spoilt it in his post-match interview with a rather sour reference to having been unjustifiably criticised and told by some that he wasn’t up to it during his 7 years at Chelsea.

  • There are countless respected journalists, pundits, even politicians telling exactly the same story of organisation and policing to be so inept as to be life-threatening that it's very clear to me where the fault lies for yesterday's events.

    The authorities were so quick to deflect responsibility they made an announcement even as the chaos was unfolding - "fans turned up late" (this attempt to get their story out first and establish a false narrative has been seen before of course)

    When it became clear that this could so obviously be disproven, (fans had video footage of huge crowds being dangerously funnelled through a bottle neck about 3 hours prior to kick off) they quickly shifted the blame onto fans with forged tickets.

    The footage which emerged later of peaceful and innocent fans being indiscriminately tear gassed, including children, should sicken us all as football fans.

    Do not fall into their trap. They want us to be divided and blame each other. I for one stand in solidarity with the Liverpool fans there last night and I hope a full, fair enquiry establishes the truth and it isn't all swept under the carpet.

    It seems to me that it's down more to luck than judgement that we aren't talking about another tragedy this morning

  • Excellent post @eric_plant .

  • Courtois was brilliant yesterday. It was one of the best goalkeeping performances I have seen in a long time.

  • Was this not an inevitability, with a forecast of 100,000 Liverpool fans going to Paris, but nowhere near that number of available tickets? I'm not taking sides on any debate as i have no factual knowledge either way, but given the history of football fans behaviour in Europe, surely it was a powder keg just waiting for a spark?

  • VAR in fails to give very obvious penalty shock

  • That’s what you deserve if you don’t hang up some bunting to mark the jubilee according to @ExileInRochdale

  • I've barely seen any around Wycombe - should I wear safety goggles when I leave the house?

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